Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 417 Chapter 424: 2 To Misty Valley

Chapter 417 Chapter 420: Two to the Misty Valley
"Brother Qin, you are welcome, you and I know each other, why do you need to keep this little thing in your heart..." Teng Yi smiled and looked at Qin Ling, suddenly Teng Yi's face became unnatural, as if he wanted to say something, but it was difficult to speak.Ever since Qin Ling woke up, Teng Yi had no chance to ask that question that had been haunting his heart for a long time, now Teng Yi wanted to ask, but it was difficult for him to ask.

Seeing Tengyi's embarrassed look, Qin Ling asked, "Brother Teng, is there anything you want to ask, why don't you tell me?"

"Then Teng opened his mouth. I hope Brother Qin won't be offended. It's just that Teng didn't think about it, so he wanted to get an answer from Brother Qin. It doesn't matter if Brother Qin can't tell you..."

Seeing Brother Teng speak so seriously, Qin Ling also wanted to know what question Teng Yi wanted to ask himself, "Brother Teng, please tell me..."

"When Brother Qin was in a coma, I saw a kind of flame on Brother Qin's body. The flame was golden yellow and as bright as the sun, just like the sun's flame. It was very special. Teng wanted to know what kind of flame that flame was. I wonder if it is convenient for Brother Qin to tell me?"

After hearing Tengyi's words, Qin Ling frowned, and already had the answer in his heart, but what surprised Qin Ling was that the real fire of the sun was not in the dantian?How could it escape outside the body?
When Teng saw Qin Ling frowning, he thought that Qin Ling would not answer. After all, it was someone else's secret. Teng Yi had violated a taboo by asking now, "It doesn't matter if Brother Qin doesn't answer. I'm just asking casually." Just asking..."

It is really inconvenient for Qin Ling to answer the question about the real sun fire. If people know that he has the real sun fire, he is afraid that there will be no place for him in the cultivation world in the future. Therefore, Qin Ling will not disclose this question, even if Teng Yi saved himself, the less people know about this matter, the better, "Maybe I disappointed Brother Teng, this question is inconvenient for Qin to answer, I hope Brother Teng will forgive me!"

Teng waved his hands again and again, "Brother Qin doesn't have to be like this, I'm just asking casually!"

On the second day, Ao Li found Qin Ling and Teng Yi, saying that they rarely came to North Erhai Lake, so he took Qin Ling and Teng Yi to play in North Er Lake for three days.

During these three days, Qin Ling asked Ao Li about some recent events in the cultivation world, and the biggest thing that happened in the cultivation world was that there were evil spirits in the cultivation world, and many monks had already been eaten by ghosts.But Qin Ling didn't care much about these things, and then Qin Ling asked about Ziyang City. After learning that Shan Jishu hadn't ascended yet, Qin Ling felt relieved.And now is the time to leave Bei Erhai.

Three days later, Qin Ling bid farewell to Ao Zhan and the others, but what surprised Qin Ling was that Ao Zhan and the others went to retreat immediately after obtaining the exercises, and only Ao Fang was still there. If Qin Ling was not still there, I'm afraid Ao Fang had already gone to retreat to practice, and saw Qin Ling bid farewell.Ao Fang didn't hold back either, "Master Zhenlong, don't blame me! The ancestors went to retreat after receiving the exercises from Master Zhenlong. The ancestor asked me to tell Master Zhenlong that if Master Zhenlong encounters any difficulties in the future , you can come directly to my North Erhai Lake, my North Erhai Lake will definitely be the only real dragon to do the work of a dog and a horse!"

"Senior, you're welcome. If that's the case, then I'll leave now!" On the North Erhai Lake, the Qinling Mountains stood in the void. Ao Fang and other people from the North Erhai Lake came to see Qinling off.

Ao Fang said to Ao Li: "Master Zhenlong must be protected! If Master Zhenlong suffers any damage, you are the only one to ask!"

Ao Li stood beside Qin Ling, "Don't worry, Patriarch, Ao Li will definitely not let Master Zhenlong suffer any harm!"

After saying goodbye, the three of Qin Ling left North Erhai Lake and headed towards Misty Valley.Apart from going to the Misty Valley to thank Qin Ling, he also wanted to find the bull in the Sunset Mountains, but he didn't know where he was now.

A day later, the three of them arrived at the Misty Valley, which was filled with poisonous gas and miasma soaring to the sky. Ordinary people could not avoid it, but now the three of them were walking towards the valley.

Just when the three of them stepped into the valley, a figure appeared and stood in front of them. The figure exuded a golden light, and the surrounding poisonous and miasma gas could not get close at all.

Tengyi stepped forward and said to the human being, "Quickly go and inform the elders that Brother Qin and Brother Ao are here to visit!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and after seeing clearly that it was Teng Yi, he immediately said respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate will notify the elder!" As he spoke, the man disappeared in the thick fog.

Teng Yi led Qin Ling and Ao Li to move forward, passing through the mist and miasma, a land like a paradise appeared in front of the two of them, Qin Ling sighed, "This place is really a blessed place for cultivation..."

"Haha...Brother Qin has won the prize! It's just a few shabby rooms, just don't dislike Qin Ling..." Teng laughed and brought Qin Ling to his thatched hut.

After several people sat down, two figures came from a distance at a very high speed. Looking closely, they were Tengqing and Tengju. After they heard that Tengyi was back, they rushed over immediately, but they didn't know Teng Yi went out this time to save Qin Ling.

"Brother, you're back, why did it take you so long to go out this time?" Teng Qing asked before reaching them. "Huh? Who are these two? Brother, why did you bring outsiders in again? If you let the elder know..."

Teng Yi interrupted Teng Qing, "The elder already knew about this matter, you two come here, let me introduce you, this brother Qin, you should know each other, this one is Brother Ao from Bei Erhai..." Teng The pair introduced Tengqing and Tengju.

"It's you! Why aren't you dead yet?" Teng Qing looked at Qin Ling in surprise. At that time, Qin Ling was already a dead person in his eyes, but now the other party was standing in front of him.

Qin Ling smiled awkwardly, and didn't care about Teng Qing's words, "Hehe, maybe it's because my life is relatively hard, and it's hard for the King of Hades to take it away..."

"Teng Qing, don't be rude! Brother Qin is an honored guest invited by the elders, so don't be presumptuous!" Teng Yi's face turned ugly for a moment, not only because Teng Qing had made his own claims before, but also because Teng Qing hadn't clearly realized that The situation at hand.

"Elder! Invite him? Brother, are you confused? The elder asked me to throw him out of the valley last time. Why would the elder invite him now?" Teng Qing glared at Qin Ling with an angry face.

Teng Yi was completely defeated by Teng Qing, and glared at Teng Qing, "Okay! Don't talk about it, anyway, brother Qin is my honored guest in Misty Valley, don't be rude to him anymore!"

Teng Qing was shocked by Teng Yi's anger, he had never seen Teng Yi get so angry before, "Yes, brother, I don't dare anymore..." Teng Qing lowered his head and said.

Teng turned around, and said to Qin Ling again: "Brother Qin, don't take offense, my younger brother has never been out of the Misty Valley, so I have offended you, please forgive me!"

Qin Ling smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, brother Ling didn't mean anything malicious, it's just that he cared too much about you as a big brother, how could Qin blame him!"

Teng Ju stepped forward and greeted Qin Ling and Ao Li. Since they were both young people, they quickly became familiar with each other. Only Teng Qing sat aside without saying a word.

When Fujiju knew that Ao Li was a master in the tribulation period, Fujiju was stunned and couldn't calm down. Even Tengqing looked sideways frequently, looking at Ao Li for a while, and Qin Ling for a while. The relationship between the two is as long as A little observation reveals that Ao Li seems to be headed by Qin Ling.

Fujiju couldn't believe it, what happened to the Jiaolong clan?How could he send a master of the tribulation period to be beside a small human monk? What is the virtue and ability of Qinling?Even if Tengju had heard of Qinling's prestige before, it was hard to believe that Qinling could allow a master of the tribulation period to condescend to follow him, and the other party was a noble dragon clan. Everyone knew that the dragon clan had the blood of the dragon clan. Full of arrogance, what method did Qin Ling use to get a dragon following the catastrophe period to follow him?
While several people were chatting freely, someone came from the Elder Hall and asked Teng Yi to take Qin Ling there.

In the Elder's Hall, there was a gathering at this time, and nine out of ten elders from the Sun God Vine clan rushed over, especially when they heard Qin Ling was followed by people from the North Erhai Lake, all the elders knew that this time the bet was right, Qin Ling really It is a dragon that will ascend to the fairy world in the future. For the Sun God Vine Clan, it will be a powerful ally. Maybe it can be used to build a line with the Dragon Clan. It will definitely be of great benefit to the Sun God Vine Clan. .

Entering the main hall, Qin Ling was neither humble nor overbearing, and said to the crowd: "Qin Ling has met all the seniors!"

The elders nodded secretly, apparently surprised by Qin Ling's humble attitude. After all, Qin Ling was thrown out of the Misty Valley before. If it wasn't for the people from Beierhai to rescue him, he might have died already!Even if he brought the Sun God Vine Liquid with him in the end, it would be difficult to cover up that fact.But now the young man in front of him is able to ignore the past, there is no trace of resentment on his face, and his eyes are even brighter. From this, it can be seen that the future achievements of this young man in front of him will definitely not be low.

After listening to Tengyi's words before, it was impossible for Qin Ling to have no resentment in his heart, but who did Qin Ling blame for all this?This itself is a world where strength is the most important thing. Only by making yourself stronger can you impress others!
The old man on crutches stroked his beard and smiled, "Haha... Xiaoyou Qin, don't be polite, you are my honored guest in Misty Valley, please take a seat!"

In the past few months when Qin Ling was recovering from injuries in the North Erhai Lake, Miwugu had already sent people to the cultivation world to find out everything about Qinling. What surprised the elders in Miwugu was that Qinling would soon be the next city lord of Ziyang City, and what surprised them even more was that The relationship between Qin Ling and the Three Nights faction is very good, and this is what they really value. Maybe others don't know what the Three Nights faction means, but they know what it means if they know some secrets of the Misty Valley.

Although there are still many enemies in Qinling in the realm of comprehension, even the super-big faction like Shushan, after a while of discussion among the elders, they decided to make friends with Qinling.

Everyone sat down, and the old man on crutches, as the spokesperson of Misty Valley, talked slowly with Qin Ling, while everyone listened quietly from the sidelines. This was an opportunity to get to know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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