Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 422 Chapter 429: Qinglian destroys Yin

Chapter 422 Chapter 420: Qinglian destroys Yin

Wanku Old Ghost soared into the sky. Qin Ling's strength had already made him very afraid. In addition, he was seriously injured by Yiyi Zhenhuo just now. Leave quickly, don't want to fight Qin Ling again.

The Wanku old ghost wanted to leave, but Qin Ling didn't take it seriously, and just said softly, "It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin, I said that I will spare your life only if you answer my question, but since If you are so dishonest, then I don’t have to be polite to you! You can die!”

The cold words were full of murderous intent.When it was heard by Old Ghost Wanku, Old Ghost Wanku flew back again as if struck by lightning, not wanting to stay here for a moment, "Son, just wait, this Old Ancestor Qiu will definitely repay him!"

Qin Ling still stood in the same place, motionless, watching the back of Wanku Old Ghost who was about to disappear, with a sneer on his lips, "You don't have that chance anymore, you should go on the road with peace of mind!"

A hundred meters away, with a shrill scream, the Wanku old ghost fell from mid-air, and a fire ignited in the void. The light blue flames covered the broken body in an instant. Before landing, the Wanku old ghost disappeared. There was no trace, leaving only a blue flame.

Qin Ling came across the sky, put the blue flame in his palm, and looked back at the remaining ghosts, which were less than a hundred. Now that the old ghost is dead, even though these ghosts have no wisdom, they are still a sea of ​​flames , or solve the subtlety together.

Blindly Real Fire soared up and fell from the void like a rain of fire, falling on the ghosts. In an instant, nearly a hundred ghosts were all reduced to ashes by Blindly True Fire.

All the ghosts were beheaded, and at this moment Ao Li and Hu Jing also rushed over. It turned out that after Ao Li rescued Hu Jing just now, Hu Jing recognized Qin Ling, regardless of whether Qin Ling was the opponent of Wan Ku old ghost, turned his head and left, Hu Jing Don't dare to delay, Sima Yan'er's situation is very critical, she must go to rescue Sima Yan'er.

Ao Li also followed Hu Jing under Qin Ling's signal. Now that the two have returned, they may have found Sima Yan'er.

"How about Brother Qin? Has the old ghost been solved?" Ao Li is very clear about Qin Ling's strength. In Ao Li's view, a mere old ghost is definitely not Qin Ling's opponent. This is why Ao Li can rest assured that Qin Ling can deal with it alone. The reason of Wanku Laogui.

Qin Ling couldn't deny it with a smile, "It's been resolved..."

At this time, Hu Jing walked in front of Qin Ling, with an unbelievable look in her eyes, is Old Ghost Wanku dead?Qin Ling actually killed Wan Ku old ghost?Although I have some doubts, but no matter what, I was saved by Qin Ling, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Qin, for your rescue, the little girl is very grateful!"

"You know me?" Qin Ling was taken aback for a moment.

Hu Jing showed a slight smile, but there was anxiety between her brows, "Fellow Daoist Qin came to my Sanxiao Sect before, and the little girl was fortunate to meet Daoist Qin... The little girl has one more thing to ask, I want to ask Fellow Daoist Qin to save my two Junior sister, they were injured by the ghosts, evil spirits entered their bodies, and they are in danger now!"

The night was still dark, and there were three figures in midair moving at top speed. They were the three of Qin Ling. Just before, after Hu Jing and Ao Li found Sima Yan'er and Ru Yun, they found that Sima Yan'er's condition was getting worse and worse. Ru Yun was also delirious now because he jumped off the cloud-piercing boat with Sima Yan'er in his arms, and got yin energy into his body.

Since the two of them could no longer move, otherwise the Yin Qi in their bodies would flow faster, and finally the two found a cave a hundred meters away. After placing Sima Yan'er and Ru Yun in the cave, Ao Li and Hu Jing returned.But what shocked Hu Jing was that when she rushed back, the old ghost had disappeared, only Qin Ling was alone.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the three of them came to the cave. The cave was pitch black, but Qin Ling saw two figures lying in the cave at a glance, and one of them was so familiar, "Yan'er!" Qin Ling exclaimed, flying Then, it landed beside Sima Yan'er.

Qin Ling pointed casually, and a few meters away, a flame lit up, illuminating the entire cave. Qin Ling carefully picked up Sima Yan'er from the ground, with murderous intent surging deep in his eyes, "What's going on? How did you get hurt?"

As soon as Qin Ling entered the cave, he hugged Sima Yan'er. Hu Jing thought that Qin Ling was taking advantage of Yan'er's junior sister, and was about to scold her, but seeing the endless murderous intent in Qin Ling's eyes, Qin Ling had already called Sima Yan'er. Hu Jing knew that she had misunderstood, because Qin Ling knew Yan'er Junior Sister.

At this time, Hu Jing suddenly remembered that when she was in the Sanxiao School, someone once said that Junior Sister Yan'er had been to the Qin family in Ziyang City, and her relationship with Qin Ling seemed unusual. Now it seems that the rumors are true. The previous relationship was really unusual. After thinking about everything, Hu Jing hurriedly asked; "Daoyou Qin, how is Junior Sister Yan'er, is there any danger?"

Qin Ling's brows were tightly knit together. Sima Yaner's body was abnormally cold, which was obviously the result of Yin Qi entering her body, but this Yin Qi seemed unusual, as if it had condensed thousands of years of ice, and it was not Wanku Lao at all. What a thousand-year-old ghost like a ghost can emit, "Who hurt Yan'er?"

"Junior Sister Yan'er was injured by a ghost in order to save Junior Sister Ruyun. That ghost is so powerful that even Senior Uncle Haoyue couldn't catch him, and finally let him escape..."

Qin Ling knew that the one who hurt Sima Yan'er should be the ghost behind Wanku Old Ghost, so he put Sima Yan'er down slowly, and Qin Ling came to Ru Yun's side again. The woman was not seriously injured and should recover soon.

Qin Ling asked Hu Jing to help Ru Yun up, and then Qin Ling walked behind Ru Yun, with one palm pressed against Ru Yunxiu's back, streams of thick mana flowed out from his palm, and at this moment, balls of fire shot up all over Qin Ling, and within a moment, Engulf Qinling and Ruyun.

Since Ru Yun's Yin Qi had entered her body not long ago, and there was not much Yin Qi in her body, Qin Ling planned to expel it with magic power and at the same time transpiration with flames, the Yin Qi in Ru Yun's body should be able to be forced out in the shortest time.And the situation was just as Qin Ling expected, Yin Qi like black smoke rose slowly from the top of Ru Yun's head, and disappeared under the baking of the flames.

Half an hour later, Ru Yun slowly opened her eyes, the Yin Qi in her body was basically forced out, the fire light dissipated, Qin Ling got up, and said to Hu Jing: "Okay, the Yin Qi in this fellow Taoist body has already disappeared. Completely forced out, as long as you rest for a while, you will recover..."

Hu Jing stepped forward and grabbed Ru Yun's hand tightly, "Junior Sister Ru Yun, how do you feel?"

"Senior Sister, did you save me? Where is Senior Sister Yan'er, how is Senior Sister Yan'er?" Ru Yun struggled to get up from the ground.

Hu Jing looked at Qin Ling and said, "You were rescued by Fellow Daoist Qin, you don't have to worry about Junior Sister Yan'er, with Fellow Daoist Qin here, Junior Sister Yan'er will be fine! Junior sister should take care of her injuries first!"

Ru Yun looked up at Qin Ling, his eyes were full of begging, "Fellow Daoist Qin, please save Senior Sister Yan'er, Senior Sister Yan'er was injured just to save me..."

"Don't worry! With me here, Yan'er will be fine!" Qin Ling came to Sima Yan'er again, helped Sima Yan'er up from the ground, and said to Ao Li; "Brother Ao, please go outside the cave , protect me, and don't let anyone disturb you!"

Ao Li strode away, "Brother Qin, don't worry! With me here, no one will disturb you!"

For Ao Li, Qin Ling was quite at ease, even if the ghost came in person, Ao Li could stop him.On the side, Hu Jing and Ru Yun watched quietly, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Qin Ling.

The situation in Sima Yan'er's body is very critical. Due to the abnormal Yin Qi and the delay for a long time, it is definitely not easy to force out the Yin Qi in Sima Yan'er's body. At least use the treatment just now Ru Yun's method is absolutely unfeasible, and another path must be found.

Qin Ling thought about using a blinding real fire just now, but with Sima Yan'er's cultivation, it would be difficult to resist the power of a blinding real fire, if he was not careful, it would cause damage to Sima Yan'er, after thinking about it, Qin Ling decided to use it Trying Qinglian, Qinglian is invulnerable to all evil, and has a magical effect. Up to now, Qin Ling has not said that he fully understands Qinglian's use.

After lifting Sima Yan'er up, a bright blue light flashed in front of Qin Ling, and when the blue light disappeared, a green lotus appeared in the cave. At this time, Qin Ling had already sat on the green lotus with Sima Yan'er in his arms. superior.

The green lotus is holy and elegant, with mottled blue light falling down, dotted with stars, falling on Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er, Hu Jing and Ru Yun who were standing beside her were dumbfounded, the green lotus in front of them is so beautiful, it is so beautiful that it is so clean and unrestrained. demon!This is what Hu Jing wanted to say most at this moment.

Qin Ling pressed his palms on Sima Yan'er's pink back, and his hands felt soft for a while, but Qin Ling obviously didn't care about it, the mana in his body was like a flood that had been unloaded, gushing out from his palms, pouring towards Sima Yan At the same time that the mana was being conveyed in the child's body, Qinglian was spinning rapidly under Qin Ling's control, strands of hazy blue light, like starlight or raindrops, fell at high speed and merged into Sima Yan'er's body.

Qinglian turned faster and faster, and in less than half a moment, it was already difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Hu Jing and Ru Yun couldn't even see the figures of Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er. What appeared in front of them was a haze, only a haze blue light.

Ru Yun was stunned, it took a long time to realize, and whispered to Hu Jing beside him: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister Yan'er will be fine, right?"

Hu Jing was awakened, and Qin Ling had given him too much shock. At this moment, Hu Jing finally knew why the master wanted to befriend Qin Ling.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, Junior Sister Yan'er will be fine..."

Above Qinglian, after the magic power in Qin Ling's body entered Sima Yan'er's body, it began to chase and intercept the Yin Qi in Sima Yan'er's body. Every time a wave of Yin Qi was blocked, clusters of blue light would appear, and the blue light was misty. After seeing the blue light, the cold Yin Qi was like a mouse seeing a cat, not daring to move a bit, and was finally swallowed by the blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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