Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 428 Chapter 436: The past is like clouds

Chapter 428 Chapter 430 Six: The past is like a cloud

Seeing Qin Ling's doubts, the figure continued: "Maybe you don't know the identity of the old man, as long as you know the identity of the old man, you should not have doubts. The old man said just now that the old man was in the fairy mansion. Noticed you!"

Qin Ling was stunned, "Xian Mansion!" Just now he didn't pay attention, and now he heard what he said, Qin Ling suddenly thought of something, the Immortal Mansion is that man's mansion, this person in front of him is actually in the Immortal mansion, does that one know?Or the one who already knew?Qin Ling was not sure.Or he was lying, deceiving himself.

"Why don't you believe what the old man said? Under the endless starry sky, the old man watched you leave, and my old friend's collection of books should be in your hands! Your friend named Kong Rong , he got the inheritance from my old friend, isn't the old man right?"

Hearing everything that happened in the past from the other party's mouth, Qin Ling was startled into a sweat. He didn't expect that there would be someone following him all the time in the Immortal Mansion, and he didn't notice it at all. With malicious intentions, I am afraid that the consequences will be unpredictable.

With a chuckle, "Why do you believe what the old man said now?"

Qin Ling slowly recovered from the shock. From what the other party said just now, Qin Ling heard that the other party called Zhen Yuanzi an old friend. Could it be that this person was a good friend of Zhen Yuanzi in his previous life, and after his death, Zhen Yuanzi Just put his soul in the fairy mansion and put it in the lower realm?Qin Ling thought to himself, "I don't know what is the relationship between Senior and Immortal Zhenyuanzi?"

"Haha...Zhen Yuanzi is the best friend of this old man. At the beginning of the creation of the world, this old man became friends with him. The hateful thing is that this old man was plotted against him not long after. I am afraid that the old man will disappear in the six realms of reincarnation long ago, since you are a witch, you must know something about the prehistoric era, right?"

The reason why this half-human, half-ghost thing came to Qinling was because of Zhen Yuanzi. When he was in the Immortal Mansion, Zhen Yuanzi saw Qinling by chance. At that time, he felt that Qinling was not simple. When Zi pinched his fingers to do the calculations, he found that he couldn't figure out the origin of Qinling and everything else. This can only show that someone disrupted the secret with great power.

Yuanzi didn't know who interfered with Tianji Town, but he knew it must not be those people, because Qin Ling is a witch, and those people would definitely not interfere with Tianji for the sake of witches, and maybe they would kill Qin Ling after they discovered it. Yes, because they will never watch Wu reappear in the world. Since it is not those saints, Zhen Yuanzi is not worried. As long as his friends are with Qin Ling, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless. Getting in touch with the person behind Qin Ling, it seemed that Zhen Yuanzi had already confirmed that there was an expert behind Qin Ling.

Knowing that the other party and Zhen Yuanzi are good friends, Qin Ling became respectful, "Yes, senior, this junior has a certain understanding..."

If we talk about the origin of the person in front of us, we have to start after Pan Gu opened up the world. At that time, the world was first opened, and all things had spirits. The first cloud was born between the heavens and the earth. Practice, and finally turned into a human body, is a red-robed Taoist, calling himself 'Hongyun Patriarch! '

Speaking of the ancestor Hongyun, I am afraid that no one knew about it in the prehistoric era, probably because the ancestor Hongyun liked to travel in the prehistoric times, make friends, dislike fighting, and had a compassionate heart. Everyone likes to care, in that era full of killing and blood, this is undoubtedly unwise, so in the end, the ancestor of Hongyun offended many people, including Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, who were the strong monsters at that time. There are Kunpeng and other big monsters.

The ancestor of Hou Hongyun traveled to Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, Hezhou, Xiniu, and met Zhen Yuanzi. One of them got the Tao for the first cloud in the world, and the other got the Tao for the ginseng fruit tree with ten spiritual roots in the world. They talked very happily, and became close friends. Later, the ancestor of Hongyun lived in Wuzhuangguan, until one day, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the prehistoric world, "I am Hongjun, and I have now attained the Tao. Three days later, the Grand Dao will be held at the Zixiao Palace in the 33rd Heaven, and anyone who is destined can come!"

This sound of majesty alarmed all the powerhouses in the prehistoric world. At this moment, all the powerhouses rushed towards the 33rd heaven, including Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Patriarch. They walked together and passed through the sky. After overcoming many obstacles, he finally reached the 33rd heaven and entered the Zixiao Palace.

When the two entered Zixiao Palace, they found that there were only five people in Zixiao Palace at this time, three Taoists, a beautiful woman, and a handsome young man.

These five people are no strangers to Hongyun Patriarch. The three Taoist friends are the later Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master. As for the beautiful woman, it is Nuwa, and the handsome man is It is Kunpeng.

At this time, the five of them were sitting cross-legged on a futon. Looking carefully, there were six futons in Zixiao Palace, and now there is another futon beside it. Palace, so Zhen Yuanzi asked Patriarch Hongyun to sit on the futon.

In this way, everyone began to wait for the arrival of Daozu Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace. In the following time, strong people from all over the world arrived at the Zixiao Palace, and gradually the huge Zixiao Palace gathered three thousand strong people. Or, the Dao Sanqian is exactly the same reason.

While everyone was quietly waiting for the arrival of Taoist Ancestor, a voice of distress suddenly sounded in Zixiao Palace, "Senior brother, I think I am poor in the west, and it is too far away from this place. There is not even a place to sit..." I saw two yellow-robed Taoist friends coming to the door, the withered and yellow Taoist face was sad, and almost wanted the pillar on the door.

All the strong men frowned, wondering who this is, don't they know where this is?Dare to make a noise in the Zixiao Palace, and was waiting for the powerful to reprimand, suddenly the ancestor Hongyun who was sitting on the futon suddenly stood up, "It turns out that you are the quasi-speaking fellow daoist, since there is no seat for the daoist fellow, let's sit here!" Zu gave up his seat.

Without further ado, Zhunti sat down on the futon in an instant, and then said to Hongyun Patriarch: "Daoist Hongyun is righteous..."

Zhen Yuanzi has been behind Patriarch Hongyun all the time. He didn't expect Patriarch Hongyun to give up his seat to Zhunti. Although he still doesn't know the meaning of the seat, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this seat is not simple, and Daozu will not miss out. Putting six futons here for no reason, when Zhen Yuanzi wanted to stop it, it was too late, Zhunti had already sat on the futons.For this, Zhen Yuanzi can only lament that his good friend is too kind.

The matter was far from over, after Zhunti sat down, he turned his gaze to the person beside him, beside him was Kunpeng, because Kunpeng had the fastest speed in the world, so he dared to come to Zixiao Palace before all the strong ones , grab a seat.

Kunpeng just sneered and ignored the fact that Patriarch Hongyun gave up his seat to Zhunti, but suddenly a yell sounded in his ears, "How can you sit on the same level as me, you old man in scales and armor? Leave!" Zhunti glared angrily, and pulled Jieyin to his side, the meaning was already obvious.

Kunpeng is not a good person either, and was about to argue with Zhunti, but suddenly another person said, "Leave quickly, don't humiliate us!" The transformed him naturally has his arrogance and dignity. He has long disliked Kunpeng, and now that someone drives him away, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's scolding, Kunpeng's handsome face immediately darkened like a cloud. At this time, Zixiao Palace was boiling. Not only the two accused Kunpeng, but also the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi and demon emperor Di Jun behind Kunpeng. The main reason was that the two had asked Kunpeng to give up his seat, but Kunpeng ignored them at all, which made them hold a grudge. Although Kunpeng was a demon master at this time, they still couldn't swallow this breath in the end.

In this way, before Kunpeng could react, Kunpeng was kicked out of his seat by the strong men, and finally the seat was snatched away.There was a commotion in Zixiao Palace, just at this moment a figure appeared silently, none of the strong men noticed it, everyone knew that the person in front of them should be the Taoist ancestor.

Hongjun appeared, glanced at everyone, and then slowly said: "From now on, it will be like this!"

Zhunti and Jieyin were overjoyed for a while, but at this time Kunpeng looked at everyone angrily, and finally rested his eyes on Patriarch Hongyun. If it wasn't for Patriarch Hongyun, how could he lose his seat!At this moment, Kunpeng had already hated Patriarch Hongyun.

Hongjun preached for the first time for 3000 years. Some of the strong men were mesmerized, and some were in a fog. Anyway, everyone had their own gains. After 3000 years, the Zixiao Palace was closed, and the strong men left.The ancestor Hongyun returned to Wanshou Mountain together with Zhen Yuanzi.

After another 3000 years, Daozu Hongjun preached again, this time only for 300 years, and all the powerful came again, but this time Daozu Hongjun not only preached the truth, but also accepted Sanqing as Disciple, Nuwa was also accepted as a disciple, even though Zhunti and Jieyin were not accepted as disciples by Daozu, they were also registered disciples.Now all the powerhouses in Zixiao Palace were boiling. They didn't expect that these six futons actually represented such a meaning. If they knew that they would snatch it no matter what, it would be useless not to regret it now.

However, before all the powerhouses recovered from the shock, another piece of news from Patriarch Hongjun almost made some people want to die. They only heard Patriarch Hongjun say: "I am about to join the Dao, the way of heaven can't tell, I will not show it, the heaven and the earth are saints who teach and transform all living beings..." During the speech, I saw seven majestic purple auras in Hongjun's fingers, "nine is the extreme number, there should be six saints under my sect." As he spoke, Hongjun Jun pointed to Sanqing, "Sanqing was transformed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit, and has the great merit of opening heaven, so he can become a saint!" The three primordial purple qi belong to Sanqing.

"Nuwa, you will have a great merit in the future, and you can become a saint!" Another burst of majestic purple air flew out and fell into Nuwa's body.

There were seven primordial purple qi, and in the blink of an eye, there were only three remaining, and I was in a hurry to pick them up, so I hurriedly prayed to the ground, Hongjun looked at the two of them, "In the future, you will also have a great merit, and you can become a saint!"

There was only one ray of primordial purple energy left, and the rest of the powerhouses couldn't calm down, so they begged the Taoist ancestor to give them the primordial purple qi. In the previous sermon, all the strong men already knew that if they are not holy, they will eventually become ants.

The world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog. The sage is not benevolent, and treats the people as a straw dog.

Hongjun frowned slightly, and saw the last ray of Primordial Purple Qi flying towards Patriarch Hongyun at a high speed, and submerged in Patriarch Hongyun's body, while Patriarch Hongyun was stunned. He didn't expect Daozu to give him the Primordial Purple Qi. Motoko wakes it up.

Dao Patriarch Hongjun gave the last burst of Primordial Purple Qi to Patriarch Hongyun, which was unexpected by everyone, but Patriarch Hongjun didn't say anything, which made all the powerful people think. (Recently, the draft is being saved, and it will be updated soon...)
(End of this chapter)

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