Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 430 Chapter 438: Sima Yan'er's past life

Chapter 430 Chapter 430 Eight: Sima Yaner's Past Life
"Why are you still happy, boy? It stands to reason that you should be happy, but have you ever thought about it, even though you like her now, and she likes you too, but have you ever thought that when this girl awakens her past life memories, she It's not her anymore, all her memories will be dominated by her past life, don't say she likes you boy, she might even kill you, because she was a fairy in her previous life, how could a powerful fairy tolerate herself being desecrated, So if you really wait for this girl to wake up, I'm afraid you won't even know how she died..."

Qin Ling stood aside in a daze, the news was so sudden, how could Yan'er be the reincarnation of a fairy?Qin Ling couldn't accept it, because Qin Ling knew that Hongyun Patriarch was right, if Yan'er awakened the memory of her previous life, then Yan'er would not be Yan'er, she would become another person.

Ancestor Hongyun chuckled, "What about you boy, I won't lie to you! And according to my observation, the identity of this girl is definitely not simple. Do you know what method this girl is practicing?"

Qin Ling is not very clear about the techniques of the Sanxiao School, but only knows that the sword formulas of the Sanxiao School are not weaker than those of the Shushan School, and the movements of the Sanxiao School are also very strange, which seem to be related to clouds. I believed what the ancestor Hongyun said, after all, he didn't need to lie to himself.

Ancestor Hongyun continued: "You are a witch, so you should know the Supreme Immortal Technique! That is the Pangu orthodox, Taoist Sanqing's technique, and what this girl is practicing is the Supreme Purity Immortal Technique..."

The Taoist Sanqing, that is, Taiqing Taishang Laojun, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, are the masters of Tongtian.

"In other words, this girl's previous life should be that disciple's disciple and grandson. You should know it? Thinking about it, her status should not be too bad. The old man heard that in the Conferred God War, many of his apprentices were killed or injured. Maybe this girl The baby is one of them..." The ancestor Hongyun dare not directly call the name of the leader of Tongtian. A saint can listen to 33 Chongtian and look down at Jiuyou. If someone says the name of a saint, he will definitely feel it. I don't want to be exposed so soon!Even if Master Tongtian is not his enemy, he doesn't want anyone to know that he is still alive.

His apprentice?Qin Ling was shocked again, and Qin Ling also knew about the Conferred God War. In that battle, the leader of Tongtian Cult fought against the four saints alone, and set up a sword formation to kill immortals.But it was also in that battle that the Jiejiao completely lost its foundation, so that there were only three or two big and small cats left in the Jiejiao that Zeng Jin Wanxian came to court. No more than one.

Qin Ling looked towards Sima Yan'er, his eyes were full of complexity, but there was still a sense of determination in the depths of his eyes, no matter what, at least Yan'er is still Yan'er now, who can say what will happen in the future, So Qin Ling would not let Patriarch Hongyun hurt a single hair of Sima Yan'er.

Patriarch Hongyun stopped talking, but looked at Qin Ling quietly. In fact, he didn't care about Qin Ling's decision in his heart. He had no intention of devouring Sima Yan'er at all, because he was worried that Sima Yan'er might really be Disciple of the saint, if he really devoured the girl in front of him, let alone that Qin Ling would fight for him, he would not be able to bear the anger of the saint alone, it would definitely be the rhythm of courting death.The reason why he said that was just to remind Qin Ling, and he saw it as a joke.

Qin Ling was deep in thought at the moment. During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Qin Ling still knew a little about those disciples who fell from the Jiejiao. Now that Hongyun Patriarch said that Yan'er might be a disciple of a sage, Qin Ling immediately became curious about Sima Yan'er's identity. Qin Ling really wanted to know who Sima Yan'er was in her previous life?

Gradually, Qin Ling seemed to think of something, "Three Nights School?" Qin Ling murmured to himself, and suddenly thought that the name Three Nights School should not be named casually. If I remember correctly, Qin Ling remembered that there were three female disciples under Tongtian Saint's sect, who were called "Sanxiao School". For 'Sanxiao Niangniang' is it possible that the Sanxiao faction is related to this Sanxiao Niangniang.

Mistress Sanxiao is for Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao, and she gained Taoism for Baiyun. It is said that the three of them opened up the world and established the Taoism. They practiced on Sanxian Island and taught the hidden immortals. They were accepted as disciples by the leader of Tongtian Sect .

After King Wu defeated Zhou, the Great War of Conferred Gods began. Sanxiao's elder brother Zhao Gongming was killed and died in the downhill. Sanxiao was furious, so he took the magic weapon Hunyuan Jindou down the mountain, and set up a "Nine-curved Yellow River Array", defeating the land and the Taoists. The Taoist who burns the lamp, and will explain and teach the twelve golden immortals under the original Tianzun sect of Yuxu Palace-Chijingzi, Guangchengzi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Taoist, Taiyi Zhenren, Qingxu Daozhenjun, Daoxing Tianzun, Master Yuding, Great Master Lingbao, Fear Liusun, and Master Huanglong all captured each other.All closed in the formation of the Yellow River in Jiuqu, lose the spirit of the immortal, eliminate the spirit of the immortal, lose the spirit of the immortal, lose the original essence of the immortal, donate the limbs of the immortal, cut off the three flowers on the top, and eliminate the five qi in the chest.Thousands of years of Taoism, once turned into cakes.

After cutting off the cultivation bases of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Jiang Ziya invited Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. In the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, in the large formation, Yun Xiao was wrapped up by the Tai Chi diagram of the Taishang Laojun and suppressed under the Qilin Cliff, while Qiong Xiao was beaten to death by Sanbao Yuruyi, and Bi Xiao was turned into blood.

Thinking of these, Qin Ling vaguely guessed that Yan'er is one of the three nights, but it's not right?Didn't it mean that after their death, the true spirits entered the list of gods and were conferred gods?How can you still be reincarnated?

Qin Ling looked at Sima Yan'er again, the doubt in his heart was about to be revealed, but it was like a cloud of dark clouds, covering Qin Ling's heart.

Ancestor Hongyun spoke, seeming to understand the doubts in Qin Ling's heart, "Boy, are you thinking about the girl's previous life?"

Qin Ling didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Senior, this junior is a little unclear, and I want to ask senior, if Yan'er is really a disciple of the Tongtian sage, then according to senior's meaning, Yan'er fell in the Conferred God War in the previous life, then why? Yan'er can still be reincarnated, didn't all the true spirits have to enter the list of gods at that time?"

Patriarch Hongyun showed a hint of surprise. He thought that even if Qin Ling knew something, he knew very little, but he didn't expect Qin Ling to know so much, even to know the absorption of true spirits in the list of gods, "You know a lot, your boy. It is reasonable to suspect that most of the strong and true spirits who died at that time would enter the list of gods, but Dao 49, Tianyan [-], escape one of them, and that one is a glimmer of life, there is no absolute in everything, maybe that girl's previous life What accident happened to the true spirit of the gods, so he entered the list of gods, but entered the six reincarnations. You Wu Clan should be more aware of this! After all, the six reincarnations are controlled by your Wu Clan."

Qin Ling nodded slowly, and didn't say anything about the explanation given by Hongyun Patriarch, just listening to Hongyun Patriarch continue: "Boy, you'd better not tell this girl about this, otherwise it will be bad for her, everything depends on her." To awaken yourself, outsiders must not intervene, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable..."

Listening to the words of Hongyun Patriarch, it seems that he didn't intend to devour Yan'er, "Senior, don't swallow anymore..."

Before Qin Ling finished speaking, he was interrupted by the ancestor Hongyun, who already knew what Qin Ling was going to say, "As I said before, this girl is probably his disciple, so I don't dare to move, I don't want to Being missed by the saint, what I said before was just a joke, this girl is about to wake up, so the old man will go invisible first..."

There is an extra piece of jade in the hand of the ancestor Hongyun. It is round and translucent, exuding green light. Keep it on your body!" As he spoke, Patriarch Hongyun's figure gradually disappeared, and the piece of Lingyu also fell into Qin Ling's hands.

Qin Ling originally wanted Patriarch Hongyun to enter the Chaos Book, but it seems that there is no time now, let's talk about it later!Seeing Sima Yan'er who hadn't woken up, Qin Ling felt a lot of emotions. Everything today made it difficult for Qin Ling to turn around. Yan'er turned out to be the reincarnation of a fairy, and her background seemed to be quite serious.

Picking up Sima Yan'er from the ground, Qin Ling put her on the stone bed. At this moment, Qin Ling began to look at the cave carefully. After looking around, Qin Ling found that this cave should be someone's cultivation cave, but look It seemed that the other party had long since passed away, perhaps there had been no one for more than ten years.

After putting Sima Yan'er on the stone bed, Qin Ling walked outside the cave and found himself in the endless forest. Where is this?Qin Ling suddenly realized that he didn't know where he was now?There is no reference at all around.

Qin Ling soared into the sky and flew above the void, wanting to see further, but just as he flew into the void, a sharp, violent golden light hit Qin Ling, the speed was like a golden lightning, from If Qin Ling hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been hit by the golden light.

A hundred meters away, Qinling Mountains stands in the sky, staring at it, the golden light reveals its true face, and looking closely, it is a golden bird, the bird is covered with a layer of gold, shining brilliantly under the scorching sun. Like the sun.Big Sun Lieyang Bird!Qin Ling exclaimed.

After being astonished, Qin Lingtou descended from the sky without any hassle, that speed was extremely fast!Fortunately, the big sun blazing bird didn't chase after it, but hovered in the air, with a pair of golden eyes fixed on Qin Ling, it seemed that it had already set its sights on Qin Ling, how could there be a big sun blazing bird here?Qin Ling frowned tightly.

Just as he was thinking, there was a slight noise in the cave. It should be that Sima Yan'er woke up. Qin Ling walked into the cave and saw Sima Yan'er getting up slowly, with a slightly tired expression on his face.
Qin Ling walked over and helped Sima Yan'er up. Sima Yan'er began to look at the cave, "What is this place? Why are we here? Where is the ghost king?"

(End of this chapter)

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