Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 478 Chapter 489: Giant Ape

Chapter 478 Chapter 480: Giant Ape

"Since the members of the Medicine Sect are not here, let's hurry up and get out of here, it's not safe here." Qin Ling frowned, the forest was so quiet at the moment, not even a bird chirping.There was a tense and oppressive atmosphere in the forest, as if a beast was lurking beside them.

Huo Qilin nodded in agreement, "That's right, it's too quiet here, there won't be any monsters, right?"

Qin Ling glared at Huo Qilin, "You boy, you are such a crow's mouth, hurry up! The monster is coming." Qin Ling felt a powerful and tyrannical aura rushing towards him quickly.

"Boy, can't it be true?" Huo Qilin covered his mouth, unable to believe it, thinking that Qin Ling was joking.

Qin Ling turned around, "Don't hurry up, don't leave, if you want to leave for a while, you won't be able to leave..." Qin Ling pulled Luo Xin into a leap and disappeared into the dense forest.

"Boy, wait for me!" Seeing that Qin Ling had really left, and at an unusually fast speed, Huo Qilin finally believed it was true.

"It can't be true! Are there really monsters?" Seeing that the Huo Qilin had also disappeared, Yuchi Gong immediately sped up, the blue light flashed under his feet, turned into a blue light, and shot straight away.


A loud roar sounded from behind Yuchi Gong, so frightened that Yuchi Gong didn't even dare to turn his head, "Damn! There really are monsters!"

Not long after Yuchi Palace left, a gigantic figure stepped towards the original location, with a step of several tens of feet. The towering trees were at its feet, like grasses, which would break if touched.

The monster raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, beating its chest hard with fists like hills.Looking at the direction where Qin Ling and others left.There was a blood-devouring light in his eyes.

boom! boom! boom!
The monster strode after it, and the birds and beasts in the forest hid in their nests without a trace.It can be said that insects and birds are extinct, and all beasts are changed.

Qin Ling slowed down, and Yuchi Gong and Huo Qilin soon caught up. Huo Qilin said contemptuously, "Boy, why are you running so fast? I've never seen you like this before. Are you also afraid?"

"I'm not a god. If I encounter a monster that I can't deal with, of course I have to run." Qin Ling turned around and looked behind him, frowning almost into a straight line.

Seeing Qin Ling's solemn expression, Luo Xin asked, "What's wrong? Did the monster catch up?"

"The monster has already set its sights on us, you stay here, I will lure it away..."

Luo Xin looked worried, "But, you are alone..."

"Don't worry! These monsters can't do anything to me!"

A thousand meters away, a towering ancient tree crashed to the ground. Qin Ling looked up, and saw a huge figure approaching with strides. Qin Ling released all his breath, jumped up, and stood on the top of the tree.

A giant ape with a height of nearly twenty feet appeared in Qin Ling's eyes. The giant ape seemed to have seen Qin Ling as well. It roared and slapped its chest demonstratively, as if it was inviting Qin Ling to fight.

Qin Ling turned a blind eye to this, the cultivation level of the giant ape was obviously much higher than his, and fighting the giant ape was purely looking for abuse.So Qin Ling didn't stop there, and quickly went away, trying to lead the giant ape to another place.


Seeing Qin Ling running away without looking back, the giant ape was completely enraged. A small human monk dared to defy him. Just now, many monks defied him, and they all died under his fist.

In this mountain forest, no monsters have dared to defy him. The giant ape has decided to tear this human monk to pieces and let him know how powerful he is.

Qin Ling quickly shuttled through the forest, changing direction from time to time, but the giant ape behind him, like a tarsus worm, still followed behind him unhurriedly.

Qin Ling knew that the giant ape was playing tricks on him and wanted him to despair.This shows that the great ape is intelligent.

Running wildly all the way, since the giant ape wants to play, Qin Ling plans to play with him, who will play whom?Not sure yet?Slowly Qin Ling slowed down, and soon the giant ape caught up, one man and one beast facing each other from a distance.

Looking at the giant ape, just the huge body made Qin Ling feel great pressure, the whole body of the giant ape exuded a wild, violent and ferocious aura
The giant ape was also staring at Qin Ling closely, with puffs of white mist coming out of its nostrils. The little human in front of him had allowed himself to chase him for so long.


A huge palm descended from the sky, and a black shadow appeared above Qin Ling's head, like a thick dark cloud.

A piece of ancient wood that was ten feet thick was broken in an instant.

The giant ape raised his giant palm in satisfaction, because he saw that the monk in front of him did not escape from his palm and died under his palm.At the same time, there was a hint of disappointment in my heart, I didn't expect this human monk to be so vulnerable, weaker than those I met a few days ago.

Boom!Suddenly the giant ape felt a pain in his back, this kind of pain he hadn't felt for many years, he almost forgot what pain was like

The giant ape turned around slowly, his fist-big black eyes were full of anger, ever since he became the king of this ancient forest, no monster dared to challenge his majesty, he never expected to be teased by a small human today .The monk just now didn't die!

Although he knew how powerful the giant ape was, after this palm, Qin Ling knew that he was wrong. How powerful is this giant ape!It is powerful at all, and only the giant ape can feel the slightest pain with a blow of the sky-shaking palm.

The violent breath was completely diffused, the swift and fierce palm wind, and the rustling of ancient trees, Qin Ling quickly retreated and fled far away.

The giant ape was furious, and the little human monk not only played tricks on him, but also shamelessly attacked him, and even ran away shamelessly. Looking at the back of Qin Ling, the giant ape roared again, and ran wildly in the forest.
The other monsters in the forest crouched in the cave in fear, not daring to make any changes, and cursed one after another, which bastard angered that big guy.

Qin Ling didn't know, at this moment he was hated by all the monsters in this forest.

Sensing the madness of the giant ape behind him, Qin Ling knew that he had completely angered the giant ape. He was afraid that if he caught up with him, Qin Ling would be greeted by a violent storm.


There was another roar, this one was obviously different from the previous one, as if it was a call or an order.As soon as the roar of the giant ape fell, the entire forest immediately continued to roar. Qin Ling faintly heard various monsters, and all the beasts roared together, and the monsters in the forest rioted.

Qin Ling couldn't care less, because the giant ape behind him was getting closer and closer. Although the giant ape was huge, his speed was not slow at all, and he was extremely flexible.

"Human monk, you can't escape anymore? As long as you stop and beat me, I can let you go."

A clear voice rang in Qin Ling's ears. Qin Ling turned his head and looked at the giant ape, "You catch up with me first."

The voice of the great ape was like thunder, echoing in the void, "Have the human monks angered me?
Qin Ling said angrily: "So what?
"Hey... I didn't expect that you, a small human being, would dare to challenge me. Then I will do what you wish. I will let you know what there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth..."

Qin Ling suddenly felt ominous, "What do you mean?"

"You'll soon understand..."

When Qin Ling looked back, he found that the giant ape had disappeared. Qin Ling originally wanted to lure the giant ape to another monster's territory so that he could escape, but now it seems impossible.

Now that the giant ape had left, Qin Ling immediately turned around and flew towards the location agreed with Yuchi Palace and Luo Xin.


A big blue bird in the sky swooped down and headed towards Qinling.

A foul wind rushed towards his face, "Not good!" Qin Ling was shocked, and quickly jumped from the top of the tree into the forest.

The big bird returned in vain, hovering in the air, making strange calls.

Qin Ling didn't see the big bird clearly just now, but just felt a huge black shadow above his head, covering the sky and covering the earth, like a thick cloud.

Qin Ling stood on the tree, carefully observing the big blue bird.The whole body of the big bird is blue, except for the tail which is red. The beak is long and thin, and the claws are like hooks, glowing with a faint blue light.The most special thing is that there are a pair of sharp claws on the chest, just like arms.

Qin Ling blurted out "Destroying Mongolian Birds".Miemeng bird is also called Meng bird, this kind of bird is extremely ferocious, and it is really the king of the sky.However, this kind of bird has been extinct for tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect it to exist here.

The Miemeng bird kept chirping, as if calling for something, Qin Ling suddenly realized that countless monsters were coming not far away, and Qin Ling was already surrounded by monsters.

Qin Ling already understood the meaning of the giant ape's words at this moment, "There is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to go to earth." These monsters were all summoned by that giant ape. up.

Qin Ling couldn't help but secretly scolded the giant ape as shameful, with so many monsters, if he could deal with one or two of them, he could barely do it, but now it's not a matter of one or two.This is a wave of beasts, almost every monster has the strength above the Nascent Soul stage, there are countless out of body and distracted, and the fusion stage monsters can be seen everywhere.How can you fight this!Only escape.

Without further ado, Qin Ling immediately hid the aura of his whole body and jumped rapidly in the forest.But before he had gone far, he was stopped by a beautiful tiger.The tiger is nearly three meters long, and if you add the whip-like tail, it will be no less than seven meters long.

Hundreds of miles away, a hasty, anxious cry broke the silence in the forest, "Junior brother, hurry up, that monster is about to catch up..."

A young man was unkempt, his clothes were in tatters, covered with blood, and his face was even more blood-stained. He held a flying sword in his hand and looked around vigilantly. A hundred meters away, a young monk showed panic, Looking back from time to time.

The young man kept urging, "Junior brother, hurry up, hurry up, it's about to catch up..."

"Brother, where should we go..." The young man chased after him, still in shock.Looking at the dense forest behind him in fear.

The young man looked around, "Quick, this way..." The two chose a direction, and immediately ran wildly, not daring to delay.

(End of this chapter)

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