Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 481 Chapter 493: Killing the Demons

Chapter 481 Chapter 490 Three: Killing the Demons
Qingniu thought back for a moment, "No, the other party shot too quickly." Qingniu only saw a blue flame, and saw nothing else.

The demons were horrified, everyone present was very clear about the strength of Qingniu.Although the opponent is sneak attacking, it is not impossible for Qingniu to fail to see clearly, unless the opponent is very strong.

There is also a possibility that the other party has a set of spells that can hide his figure, and the strange disappearance of the other party at this moment will make everything clear.

All the monsters were on guard, only to realize that there were a few familiar figures missing beside them. They were still here just now, but now they disappeared without a trace.At this moment, the monsters no longer care about the two people in front of them, and the danger is already approaching them.

"Brother Cao, who is that man, find him quickly." The remaining monsters looked at the unknown grass monster, hoping that he could find the whereabouts of the attacker.

The nameless grass demon has already started to move, the green grass above the head is swaying unsteadily, and the consciousness is attached to the thousands of green grasses under the feet in an instant, as long as there is a trace Even the wind and grass could not escape the perception of the nameless grass demon.

At this moment, besides the monster that was beheaded by Qinling, there are still seven remaining monsters, the nameless grass demon, the grizzly bear spirit, the iron-backed centipede, the green bull demon, the cloud sparrow, the emperor blood cuckoo, and the ground hook scorpion.

The words of the demons were heard by Qin Ling. Qin Ling looked at the man with grass on his head for a while, wondering if he could really perceive his own position.Although there were only seven monsters left, Qin Ling still didn't dare to be careless.

The Cyan Bull Demon was quietly healing his wounds, and the tall Grizzly was guarding the side, looking around vigilantly, "Shameless guy, if you have the ability to come out..." Grizzly cursed.

"How, did you find that person?" All the demons looked at the unknown grass demon, who was extremely confused. After a lot of searching, they didn't find anything unusual.Could it be that he had already left? The Wuming Grass Demon didn't have the slightest doubt about his investigation.The nameless grass demon shook his head at all the demons.

At this moment, Qin Ling made a resolute move, with a palm that turned over the sky, his palm was as strong as a tide, and as brave as a force, he slapped the nearest iron-backed demon centipede with his strongest palm.

The nameless grass demon's face changed drastically, looking at the iron-backed centipede, he shouted violently, "Brother centipede, be careful!"

Iron-backed centipede's complexion changed drastically when he heard that, the blood-red shell instantly glowed with blood, and the blood-red demon light was brighter than the morning glow, and better than the evening glow.A layer of blood mist drifted out from all over the body.

The strong stench made people dizzy, and the surrounding flowers and trees quickly withered and decayed.

The nameless grass demon was startled, and saw everything around it quickly wither, turning yellow. She quickly withdrew her consciousness, but still felt the boundless pain, her eyes opened angrily, "What do you mean, iron-backed centipede?"

The iron-backed centipede has no time to care about other people's feelings.Right now he is in extreme danger.The poisonous blood mist drifted away, but it failed to stop Qin Ling's footsteps.The blue flame was very eye-catching, like a huge palm, and the monsters finally saw clearly who was attacking and killing them
"Damn! It's a human! Kill him! Kill him..."

All the monsters clamored, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and their hearts already hated the young man in front of them.

The huge body of the iron-backed centipede flew upside down, and then all the demons heard a painful cry from the iron-backed centipede. Ten feet away, the iron-backed centipede was struggling and wriggling on the ground.

The several-foot-long body was cut into two sections, and was broken by Qinling. The transparent juice flowed all over the ground, and a pungent stench followed. All the plants within a hundred meters withered and died instantly.

Qin Ling appeared, staring at the six monsters in front of him, all the monsters were frightened, and there was a trace of panic in their hearts.

Qin Ling knew that the effect of attacking and killing was already ineffective, and all the monsters were already on guard, no matter how difficult it was to succeed, the next step would be a real fight.

The fighting spirit is soaring, the blood is boiling, the blood of the witch clan in the body is about to move, fighting, fighting, only fighting can make oneself stronger!

"It was you who killed the golden pheasant, the flying luan, and the lone wolf?" Grizzly asked angrily, his murderous intent went straight to Qinling, so straightforward and strong.

Although all the monsters usually work together, they don't have any feelings for each other, but at this moment, they are united in hatred.

Qin Ling raised his eyebrows, "What do you think?"

"What an arrogant monk, it seems that you are that human being. You are the one the king asked us to capture, right?" The eyes of the Wuming Grass Demon released a dazzling light, as if they wanted to see through Qin Ling.

Grizzly was furious. How long ago had someone dared to talk to him like this, the anger in his heart can be imagined, "A little human, don't think that you can defeat us by sneaking up on us. Today, the old bear will let you know the old man The bear is amazing!"

Grizzly strode forward with vigorous strides, and his tall body was extremely flexible. Within a few steps, he had already approached Qinling, with a ferocious aura, thick and incomparable giant palms, roaring towards Qinling.

Qin Ling instantly struck out a sky-shattering palm, the palm prints condensed, and crushed towards the grizzly bear. The power in it made all the monsters stare dumbfounded, and their hearts were shocked. How could this human being be so powerful? It's not that this person's opponent is in front of him.

Although the Cyan Bull Demon was seriously injured, he did not go to heal his wounds. Instead, he watched the battle between the two all the time. After the first encounter between the two, the Cyan Bull Demon was full of worries, "Earth Hook Scorpion, you Go help Grizzly, he is no match for that human."

Although Qin Ling's true strength could not be found out, after fighting Qin Ling once, the Green Bull Demon had a rough guess about Qin Ling's strength. He guessed that Qin Ling's strength should be on par with himself, almost the same.

The ground hook scorpion seemed a little reluctant, but he didn't dare to openly disobey the green bull demon's words, and soon the ground hook scorpion had an idea in his mind.

The ground hook scorpion waved its blood-red pair of pincers, and the inverted spurs on its tail shone faintly. An afterimage disappeared from the spot. When it reappeared, the ground hook scorpion had already appeared beside Qin Ling, and the huge double pincers Like a pair of sharp scissors, aimed at Qin Ling's waist.If he were to be bumped into, Qin Ling might not be able to escape the consequences of being transformed into two pieces.

"Stinky Scorpion, who sent you here? Old Bear, I don't need your help. A small human being can't stop me, Old Bear." Grizzly saw the Hooked Scorpion appearing in the battle circle, and burst into anger, Doesn't this clearly show that he is not this person's opponent?The grizzly glared at the hooked scorpion.

The ground hook scorpion was even more indignant, "Do you think I am willing to come? If Qingniu didn't ask me to help you, I wouldn't bother to care about your life or death?"

"Then get back quickly, old bear, I don't need help, especially your help." Grizzly looked at the hooked scorpion in disgust, fearing that if there was no enemy like Qin Ling in front of him, the two might be able to fight.

Qin Ling sneered, he really didn't know how to live and die, and now he still has the heart to intrigue, do you think I'm transparent?

Qin Ling was furious and broke out in full force, his aura suddenly increased by a few minutes, his huge palms condensed in the air instantly, the wind howled, countless ancient trees were uprooted, a desolate and ancient atmosphere permeated, and the face of the green cow demon changed greatly, "No Good! Grizzly bears and ground hook scorpions are in danger!"

The ancient giant palm descended from the sky, like a mountain of ten thousand feet, pressing down on the two of them, with the power of Mount Tai.

The two monsters turned pale with fright, and they shot one after another. They knew that if they didn't attack with all their strength, the only thing waiting for them was death.

Grizzly held up those huge fleshy palms, his muscles tensed up, and streams of mana were almost visible to the naked eye continuously converging towards his arms.

An earth-colored spear appeared in the hands of the grizzly bear. The spear was earth-colored without a trace of luster, as if it was made of mud, but it was full of majestic power.

The ground hook scorpion glanced at the grizzly bear intentionally or unintentionally, and the inverted spurs on its tail pointed high at the giant palm above its head.

The giant palm fell, the rocks splashed, the dust billowed, and the overflowing air waves crushed everything around.

There was a bad premonition in the hearts of the demons. Before that, the demons seemed to hear a wailing, which was a howling deep in the soul, and the sound seemed to be that of a grizzly bear.

Now that the giant palm has fallen, it means that the grizzly bear and the ground hook scorpion have not resisted, so now their death or survival has become the most concerned thing of all the monsters.

Qin Ling silently looked at the other big monsters. Qin Ling could clearly see the movements of the grizzly bear and the ground hook scorpion. What Qin Ling didn't expect was that at the critical moment, the ground hook scorpion would attack the grizzly bear spirit.

The grizzly's wailing was the result of being stabbed by the ground hook scorpion's inverted spurs.The grizzly bear died under the giant palm, and the ground hook scorpion escaped underground to escape.

The Grizzly Bear Spirit is dead. Although the demons had a premonition, they still couldn't believe it in front of their eyes.

Half a moment later, the ground hook scorpion crawled out from the ground, looking very embarrassed, a giant pincer was shattered, and a thick blue liquid flowed out.

Di Hook Xie stared blankly at Qin Ling, his eyes were filled with fear, the strength of the person in front of him almost made him lose his will to resist.Even if he escaped into the ground just now, the power of that palm still caused him serious injuries.

Qin Ling smiled faintly at Di Hook Scorpion, Di Hook Scorpion was terrified, as if the person in front of him saw something,
The Ground Hook Scorpion clearly remembered that when he attacked the Grizzly, no one saw him, and the attack was very secretive, so it was impossible for anyone to see him.However, when he saw Qin Ling's weird smile, Digouxie was sure that he really saw the person in front of him when he shot the Grizzly Bear Spirit.

The Ground Hook Scorpion walked up to the Cyan Bull Demon, "I failed to save the Grizzly Bear, I killed him..."

Qingniu looked ugly, "You have tried your best, you should heal your wounds first! Leave the rest to us."

The green bull demon stared at Qin Ling closely, without saying a word. At this moment, no one among the demons would make a move, "Brother Xuancao, don't you want to make a move? This person is too powerful, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for one person to subdue him. Let's work together to capture this person, hand it over to the king, and we will have an explanation. Brother Xuancao, what do you think? (Ask for a monthly ticket...)
(End of this chapter)

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