Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 487 Chapter 499: Meeting an Old Man on the Road

Chapter 487 Chapter 490: Meeting an Old Man on the Road

"Earth Splitter, you are looking for death! Today, the king must kill you!" After being obstructed by the Earth Splitter again and again, and now seeing the Earth Splitter blocking him, causing the person who snatched the elixir to escape, King Jingpeng's anger Only it was all sprinkled on the Earth Splitter.

The ground splitter's tail swung from side to side, and a pair of wide-eyed tiger eyes stared intently at King Jingpeng.


With a flick of its tail, the ground-splitter tiger's huge body rushed forward instantly, and the tiger's claws grabbed the elixir.At the moment when the Earth Splitter made a move, all the monsters rushed over.

In the crowd, someone yelled: "King Jingpeng put down the elixir, and I will let you go, otherwise no matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult to resist me!"

"You damn monks! If you destroy this king's good deeds, this king will definitely kill you all one by one to vent the hatred in my heart!" At this moment, King Jingpeng's murderous intent is overwhelming. In such a situation, he was besieged by thousands of monsters.

"Everyone, the fairy medicine is in King Jingpeng's hands. As long as we kill him, the fairy medicine will be ours..." The old man appeared in the crowd again.

King Jingpeng turned into a golden light, used extreme speed, and avoided the ground cracker, but he still hadn't broken out of the encirclement. At this moment, he was surrounded heavily, with three floors inside and three floors outside. don't hide.

King Jingpeng glanced at the group of demons, and then glanced at the monks beside him. He was already thinking about how to get out. Even if he turned into a golden-winged roc with unparalleled speed, it would be very difficult to rush out at this moment. A serious injury.If he didn't hand over the elixir, I'm afraid he would have to hate him even if he was so powerful.

King Jingpeng held up the fairy medicine, "Here is the fairy medicine, if anyone wants it, just come up and get it, this king wants to see who has the ability?" His cold eyes swept across the group of monsters.

"I'm coming!" A powerful figure slowly stepped out from the crowd, with an astonishing aura like a sharp sword out of its sheath, the monsters were shocked. They didn't expect such a powerful existence among human monks, why didn't they notice it just now.

"King Jingpeng, that's what you said!" The Earth Splitter also stepped forward, its majesty and majesty frightening.

"I come……"

"I'm coming too..."

Powerful monsters came out one after another, and in less than a moment, dozens of powerful bodies gathered in front of King Jingpeng, including monks and monsters.All exude a powerful breath.

"Haha... It's really good, you didn't disappoint me." King Jingpeng waved the elixir away with a murderous intent, "I'll give you the elixir..."

A ray of colorful light flew out from King Jingpeng, and everyone saw that the fairy medicine really flew away, and King Jingpeng really threw the fairy medicine!
The Earth Splitter roared, shaking the mountain stream, and rushed towards the immortal medicine...

The monks present also moved instantly, turning into long rainbows and following closely behind.

"Haha... I got the elixir..." A monk looked up to the sky and laughed.

"How can you have the immortal medicine?" The Earth Splitter roared towards it, and its huge tiger claws descended from the sky, and with one claw, it grabbed the monk into a fleshy pulp, and the flesh and blood splashed in the void.

"Little Tiger, the fairy medicine is not something you, a little monster, can enjoy alone." An old man's voice sounded behind Earth Splitter.

Earth Splitter was shocked, and saw an old man smiling and harmless behind him, "Damn monks, you dare to come and snatch my elixir?"

"Why don't you dare! Hand over the elixir, or die!" Another powerful breath appeared, it was a man, and it was the powerful monk just now.

"You are wrong, little tiger. The fairy medicine is not yours. Since ancient times, treasures have been home to the virtuous. I have nothing, the old man, but the virtue is better, so you should give it to the old man! Otherwise you You're going to be unlucky." The old man said earnestly, like an elder.

"Hmph! Stop talking here! If you don't get out of the way, I'll kill you!" Seeing that more and more people gathered around, Earth Splitter was secretly worried that if he didn't leave, he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

"To be honest, old man, I didn't want to do anything at first. Since you refused to cooperate, then old man, I have no choice but to do it myself." The old man looked at the ground splitter regretfully, as if he was extremely reluctant to make a move.

The old man's cloudy eyes were full of light, and the ground splitter was on guard. The moment the old man made a move, the ground splitter moved, and the tiger's tail, like an iron bar, swept towards the old man.

At the same time, the powerful man also moved in an instant, attacking the Earth Splitter.

"Little Tiger, you are not my opponent, the little old man. You should hand over the elixir obediently. The old man promises not to hurt your life."

The Earth Splitter suddenly found that that terrible old man had come to him at some point, looking at him with a smile.

"You..." The Earth Splitter turned pale with shock.

After Qin Ling tore the elixir from King Jingpeng's hands, he immediately withdrew and flew back, the lightning flashed under his feet, and within a few breaths, he got away from the crowd of monsters, and at this time the eyes of all the monsters were attracted by the golden-winged roc In the past, few people noticed the existence of Qinling Mountains.

"Let's go!" Qin Ling appeared next to Yuchi Palace. Although Qin Ling's movements were extremely fast and his moves were very secretive, Qin Ling couldn't guarantee that no one would discover his existence.The four of them left quickly, not daring to stay for a while.

"Boy, did you grab it?" Huo Qilin was very excited. From Qin Ling's expression, it could be seen that he must have succeeded, otherwise he would not have let himself leave so urgently.

"Well, I got some." Qin Ling nodded, showing a hint of a smile.

"I got some? What do you mean? Are there many immortal medicines?" Yuchi Gong was confused, not knowing what Qin Ling meant by some.

Qin Ling explained: "It's just a part of the fairy medicine, not a lot."

Qin Ling made a sudden move. Although he snatched some from King Jingpeng, it was not a lot. Qin Ling only had a quick glance, and it seemed that there were only three petals, and the colors were blue, blue and purple.And the petals of the remaining five colors were firmly held by King Jingpeng.

The four of them moved forward quickly in the forest. An hour later, the four of them appeared in a valley. The valley was quiet. Qin Ling searched and found no powerful monsters.

"We are safe..." Yuchi Gong let out a long sigh of relief.

Qin Ling took out the elixir, and three petals of different colors swayed in the wind, exuding bursts of fragrance. Yuchi Gong moved closer and took a deep breath, "It smells so good! It is indeed an elixir. It makes me feel the mana in my body ready to move."

"Boy, take it quickly! Otherwise, the medicinal effect will dissipate." Huo Qilin looked fiery.

Three figures suddenly appeared outside the valley, and three cultivators in white appeared in front of them, "Boy, hand over the elixir! I will spare you!"

"How did you find out?" Qin Ling didn't expect someone to come to him so soon.

"You are quite a character, and you were able to snatch the elixir from that big roc, but no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape from my grasp. How about it? Have you thought about it? Do you choose the elixir or life? "One of them said disdainfully.

In his eyes, Qin Ling was able to snatch the elixir entirely by virtue of his speed and agility, and he didn't pay much attention to Qin Ling's strength at all.

Yuchi Gong stepped forward, "Three jumping clowns, dare to follow here, I think you are looking for your own death! If this is the case, then I will send the three of you on the road." Shicai's blood was boiling with Yuchi Gong, but he couldn't Make a move, now these three people came just in time.

Qin Ling turned back to Luo Xin and Huo Qilin and said, "You all step aside first..."

The three flew towards them, Yuchi Gong confronted one of them, while the other two attacked Qinling together.

The cultivation of the three of them is very strong, and they are on the same level as Qin Ling, otherwise they would not have followed Qin Ling all the way to this point.Now that the two of them are fighting towards Qinling together, they are confident that they will kill the young man in front of them and win the elixir.

The sharp sword light brushed across Qin Ling's forehead, bringing up a few black hairs.Qin Ling's murderous intent boiled over, and the three people in front of him had to be said to be very powerful.Qin Ling didn't know where the three of them came from, it seemed that there was no such person in the cultivation world.

Qin Ling glanced at Yuchi Palace and found that he was fighting with that person. Although Yuchi Palace's cultivation level was not as good as that person's, he fought with that person with the dragon scale seal, the huge dragon scale seal turned into the size of a hill , crashing down.

The two were furious. The person in front of them was fighting with them, and he dared to be distracted. He didn't pay attention to them at all, "Looking for death!"

Qin Ling didn't know if there were still people following him, so he had to deal with the three of them as soon as possible and leave here.Having made up his mind, Qin Ling's aura suddenly reappeared, and the moves in his hands became sharper, full of killing intent.

At a certain moment, Qin Ling's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the two of them. When he appeared, endless sword energy surged out, directly smashing the chest of one of them, and that person fell to the ground unwillingly, his eyes full of horror and unwillingness.

A red light shot out from the corpse at a high speed.The green light is dotted, a green lotus is projected in the void, and the red light appears, a phantom looks at Qin Ling in horror, "You can't kill me, my father is the elder of Jianmen, if you kill me, my father is I won't let you go!"

Qin Ling had never heard of Jianmen, even if he had heard of Qin Ling, he would not show mercy.

"Damn you! You actually killed him?" The face of the remaining one changed drastically.

"If you want to kill me, you must have the awareness to be killed!" Qin Ling walked towards him slowly with the intent to kill undiminished.

He was scared, Qin Ling seemed to be stronger than he imagined, "Damn it! Just wait, our Jianmen will not let you go!"

"I want to go!" There was an extra bead in Qin Ling's hand, the Dinghai God Bead, Qin Ling hadn't used it yet, and it happened to be able to see its power today.

On the side, Huo Qilin saw that Qin Ling had taken out the Dinghaishenzhu, and his face was a little unnatural. He remembered that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen when he was hit by the Dinghaishenzhu. This bead is absolutely terrifying.

Luo Xin stared at Qin Ling quietly. The strength that Qin Ling has shown in the past few days has given Luo Xin a deeper understanding of Qin Ling. Now that Qin Ling took out a milky white bead, she felt curious because she had never seen it before. Qin Ling used a magic weapon, "Xiao Huo, what kind of magic weapon is that bead?"

(End of this chapter)

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