Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 492 Chapter 504: Entering the Immortal Palace

Chapter 492 Five hundred and four: Entering the Immortal Palace

Someone snorted coldly, and suddenly, all the monks woke up like a dream, and the secret path was dangerous, feeling that they had an urge to convert to Buddhism just now.

"Ananda, this is not your Leiyin Temple, don't pass it!" the black-clothed man from the monster tribe sternly shouted, as if he didn't like the Buddha shadow.

The Buddha's light disappeared, and a Buddha appeared in front of everyone, "Amitabha, I didn't expect you fellow Taoists to be so fast, but the little monk was a step slower!"

"Ananda, this is something I cut off. I advise you not to think about it, or don't blame me for being rude!" The woman from Sanxiao sent her eyebrows to sternly.

"Fellow Daoist, what you said is wrong. Spiritual objects in the heavens should be determined by chance. It doesn't mean who it is, it's whose. What do you think? Fellow Daoist Wu Ye?"

This is a man full of blood, from the blood sea in the fairy world, with red hair fluttering in the wind, "Yes, this thing depends on chance..."

"Hmph!" The woman snorted coldly, ignoring the two of them.

Qin Ling watched with horror, this is a Buddha!

Yuchi Gong, Luo Xin and the others came behind Qin Ling, and Yu Chi Gong stared blankly at those figures, "Who are these people? Why do they feel so powerful? I've never seen it before, so it can't be Sanxian, right?"

Qin Ling shook his head slowly, "It's not loose immortals, you'll know who they are when you go to the immortal world..."

With the addition of the Buddhist Buddha, the speed of breaking the formation is obviously a little faster.It was mainly a dozen Da Luo Jinxians who broke the formation, and the rest of the people were on the sidelines to assist.

As one corner of the formation was broken one after another, someone soon shattered the other end of the formation with great strength. It was the young man from the Yaozu, showing great strength.

Qin Ling observed from a distance, and found that the large formation outside the fairy palace was actually a large defensive formation, the attack power was not very strong, and the main defensive formation was composed of countless small formations. Great array.

And each small formation does not affect each other. Although everyone has broken a few small formations, it will not have much impact on the entire large formation, unless everyone can destroy a certain number of small formations. Cause a qualitative change, the big formation can finally be broken.

"Bang!" One person seemed to want to break through the formation with brute force, but in the end he flew backwards for a few feet, his breathing was uncertain, his throat was vaguely surging, and a bright red flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Da Luo Jinxian happened to see this scene, and scolded: "You better not move around, if there is a big backlash, you don't know how you will die..."

The Yaozu powerhouse snickered, "If you can blast away with magic power, it won't be your turn!"

The Sanxian who was blown away by the big formation didn't know what went wrong, because he had just seen with his own eyes that the monster young man smashed a corner with his powerful magic power, why he couldn't do it when he arrived?
"Fellow Daoist, it's better not to be reckless, or you will be hurt by the backlash of the big formation, and the loss will not be worth the loss. People like me who don't understand the formation method are better off." Patriarch Xueming walked to this person, with a bit of a smile on his face. A strange smile.

"Thank you for reminding me, fellow daoist, I don't know who you are?"

"Poverty Dao Xue Mingzi, don't fellow Taoists seem to be from my cultivation world?" Patriarch Xue Ming knew almost all the loose immortals in the cultivation world.

But this person in front of him has never been seen before, and just now Patriarch Xueming overheard someone mentioning that besides the immortals from the cultivation world, many of them were in the immortal burial.They came from other realms, and after entering the fairy burial, they never left.

"That's right, Pindao is a monk of the Greedy Wolf Star. He entered this place 2000 years ago and never left again."

"Are the four fellow daoists also with fellow daoists?"

More than ten meters away, a group of people held a pagoda in their hands. The pagoda was dazzling with celestial light, and it slammed into the formation. In addition, there were three people holding a treasure in their hands, and smashed towards the formation.

After half a sound, there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy, and the small formation was broken. The four of them were overjoyed, and immediately pushed forward, and the treasure in their hands flew out again.

"Yes, they are the same as Pindao. They have been here for thousands of years."

Ancestor Xueming's eyes were first surprised, then pleasantly surprised, and then eager for the treasure. He had already seen that what the four of them were holding was an immortal artifact.Immediately, a possibility came to mind, the fairy artifacts of the four must have been obtained in the fairy burial.

At this moment, all the powerhouses of the monster clan were not idle, and they all worked together to smash the treasure in their hands towards the formation. Although the effect was slow, after the joint efforts of everyone, a corner was finally smashed.In this way, the big formation was eroded bit by bit by the powerful.

Everyone was excited, dozens of immortals made a strong move, even Jinxian had to avoid it, the formation was about to be broken.Someone couldn't wait, and unconsciously leaned towards the fairy palace.

snort!A chilling sound woke everyone up. They were horrified and wiped off their sweat secretly. It was dangerous!
The imminent opening of the Asgard Palace caused many people to lose their calmness. If someone hadn't warned them, these people would rush forward immediately.

Qin Ling hid in the crowd and did not go forward. Thinking of the hazy sword aura just now, Qin Ling was still afraid for a while, thinking that the fairy palace was not that simple.

At the same time, the disciples of the Shushan School were also found, but it was strange that there was no trace of Huafeng.

All the strong men had already approached the Immortal Palace, and they were only tens of meters away from the Immortal Palace at this moment, and then everyone seemed to have discussed it, and they shot at the same time.

The thick mana gathered together to form a bright beam of light, like a river of mana, roaring towards the formation.

At this moment, Qin Ling felt a crisis in his heart, feeling as if a great danger was about to come, he hurriedly pulled Luo Xin and told everyone to back off.

Yuchi Gong and others don't know what happened at all, the fairy palace is about to break open, isn't it going to charge at you?How to return it?Seeing Qin Ling's dignified expression, Yuchi Gong knew that Qin Ling must have discovered something.

At the same time, Yuchi Gong, the Green Bull Demon, and the Liuyun Cangque retreated rapidly.

In front of the Immortal Palace, a strong celestial light radiated out, directly hitting the sky, and the fierce light made it difficult to open your eyes.

The light disappeared quickly, and everything returned to calm. Everyone was talking about it, and they didn't know whether the formation was broken or not.

The dozens of powerful figures in front of the Immortal Palace did not move, and neither the crowd nor the demons dared to move rashly.

Qin Ling knew that the big formation had been broken. Although this big formation might be a quasi-sacred place, it couldn't withstand the attacks of so many people, especially if there were more than a dozen Da Luo Jinxians in it, it was unbelievable to think about it.

Immortal Palace is right in front of you, and the road in front of you is smooth, without obstacles. The excitement in the eyes of all the powerful people standing in front of Immortal Palace is hard to hide, even if they are immortals.

"I don't know if what you said still counts?" The old man was a little calmer, looking at the strong monster clan quietly.

The elegant man smiled spring breeze, "Forget it, of course it does, my monster race says nothing."

The old man remained calm, without any fluctuations, "That's good..."

All the immortals walked towards the Immortal Palace one after another, and the monks around were excited, ready to enter the Immortal Palace. Immediately, everyone rushed towards them, fearing that they would fall behind and the treasures would be obtained by others.

As the dozen or so figures entered the fairy palace, the powerful monster clan also moved instantly, turning into a stream of light, and heading towards the fairy palace.

Yuchi Palace was in a hurry, and everyone entered the Immortal Palace one after another without any danger, "Brother Qin, can we go in now? There shouldn't be any danger, right?"

Qin Ling frowned, and seemed to be surprised, he clearly sensed an inexplicable danger, why is there nothing wrong now, could it be that he was worrying too much.

But just to be on the safe side, Qin Ling asked Yuchi Palace to wait outside the Immortal Palace first, and went into the Immortal Palace to investigate first.

In the Immortal Palace, everyone was dumbfounded. Looking up, they saw a piece of precious light agitating on the roof of the palace and on the surrounding walls, and each piece of treasure, emitting precious light, was suspended above everyone's heads.

The most eye-catching thing is not the treasure on the top of the palace, but the fairy sword hanging on the wall in the center of the fairy palace.

The fairy sword was hazy, with streams of chaotic energy overflowing, exuding a murderous intent. Everyone felt a chill in their hearts just by looking at it, as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake, and they might die at any time.

More than a dozen powerful figures stood in the fairy palace, none of them moved at this moment, they all stared at the fairy sword intently, and it was difficult to hide the excited look in their eyes, especially the few big Luo Jinxians in the lower realm this time. All the lights flashed.

Qin Ling walked into the Immortal Palace, the first time he saw the Immortal Sword, the shock in his heart was indescribable, it really was that sword.

Looking away, Qin Ling would not have the idea of ​​using this sword, not to mention that there are so many Da Luo Jinxians in front of him, even if Ping Yi makes a move, it may not be possible to snatch them.

This is just one of the reasons, the most important reason is that this sword already has an owner, if I want to play with this sword, I will definitely seek death!Don't look at these big Luo Jinxians daring to do this, it's because there are people behind them, who are on the same level as the master of this fairy sword, so they are not afraid.

Qin Ling saw countless treasures on the roof of the palace, which were exactly what Qin Ling needed now. Looking closely, almost every one of them was a fairy artifact, which made people feel very unreal.


There was a sudden riot in the quiet fairy palace, and everyone finally couldn't bear it and started to attack.

Some people went towards the fairy sword, and some people went towards the countless treasures on the roof of the palace.

Qin Ling also exploded instantly, heading towards the roof of the palace.

The great battle unfolded, and a dozen figures all moved towards the fairy sword at the same time.

The Qinling Mountains soared up, and precious lights galloped past in front of them. Many people chased after them, and soon some people got the treasures.

A smile rose from the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, Qin Ling raised his cuff and pointed it at the front of his body. It is most suitable to use the universe in his sleeve at this moment.In an instant, within a dozen feet of Qinling's body, a hurricane blew up.

The extremely fast treasures started to gather towards Qinling one after another. In less than five breaths, seven or eight rays of light had already fallen into Qinling's sleeve.

Such a big movement alarmed some immortals around him. Someone was jealous and came towards Qinling. It’s useless, why don’t you give it to me, I can consider accepting you as my apprentice!”

(End of this chapter)

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