Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 494 Chapter 506: The Tiger's Mouth

Chapter 494 Five hundred and six: The tiger's mouth grabs food
On the side, after some consideration, the seven people made a choice. One chose Buddhism, two chose Jiejiao, three chose Yuxu Palace, and the last one chose Human Education.As for the Da Luo Jinxian in the blood sea, he didn't say anything. He went down to the realm not for the Zhuxian sword, but to prevent Buddhists from winning the Zhuxian sword.

The immortals made a choice, some were secretly delighted, some were frowning, and the situation suddenly changed. There were three people from the Yaozu, two people from the Renjiao, three people from the Jiejiao, four people from the Interpretation and Education, two people from the Buddhist sect, and the blood sea. one person.

It is clear at a glance that the teaching is the most dominant now, and the jiaojiao fairy frowned slightly. She did not expect this kind of result. This time, she has already promised that besides taking Sima Yan'er to the fairy world, the most important thing is that no matter what Also bring back the Zhu Xian Sword.

The atmosphere gradually became tense, but what everyone didn't know was that at this moment, a flying insect was flapping its wings and flying towards Zhu Xianjian.

Fairy Jujiao glanced at everyone, especially those who explained the teaching, with a kind of disgust in her eyes, "The Zhuxian Sword is the thing I have taught, and no one is allowed to touch it, or it will be the enemy of my teaching!"

"Junior Sister's tone is not small, I should be in charge of this Zhu Xian sword!" The person who explained the teaching did not show any weakness.

"Amitabha, such a killing tool should be handed over to my Buddha, so as to wash away its hostility..."

The immortal in Blood Sea smiled and looked at the immortals, "If fellow Taoists don't do anything again, then I will not be polite..." Said the immortal in Blood Sea eager to try.

"Amitabha, you evildoer dare to come here to snatch the treasure?" Ananda glared angrily.

The Blood Sea Immortal smiled instead of anger, "Ananda, I didn't expect the Tathagata to send you here, but it's a pity that you don't want to fight this fairy sword idea. With me here, you bald donkeys can never get the Zhuxian Sword!" , so you should save your energy and hurry back to Lingshan..."

"Don't be arrogant, you monster. When this Buddha returns to the fairy world, and I will enlighten my Buddha, I will surely crush your sea of ​​blood!"

"Haha... leveling the sea of ​​blood, even the Tathagata child would not dare to say such a thing in person, today I will first come to experience the capabilities of you, a disciple of the Tathagata..."

clap la la...

The endless blood energy dispersed and turned into a river of blood, rushing towards Ananda Buddha.

The war broke out again, and everyone moved at this moment, and rushed towards Zhu Xianjian at the same time.

At this moment, Qin Ling had already sneaked to the side of the Zhuxian Sword, the distance between the two was only a few feet away, staring at the Zhuxian Sword, the hazy chaotic sword energy was still radiating, and Qin Ling could already feel the cold killing aura.

Qin Ling would never dare to touch it lightly, with his current strength it would be absolutely difficult to resist this chaotic sword energy.

But since he had already decided to snatch it, he was fully prepared, and at the moment the Blood Sea Immortal made his move, Qin Ling also moved.

A figure emerged, vicissitudes and tall and straight, this is a strong man, the moment he appeared, the entire fairy palace was filled with his aura, thick and powerful...

Qin Ling retreated quickly, and he retreated outside the Immortal Palace in an instant. With Ping Yi making a move, and the distance was so close, Qin Ling was still very relieved.

Now that Ping Yi's cultivation has already recovered, he is definitely a powerful witch, and the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian will not be his opponent. Qin Ling believes that after Ping Yi wins the Zhu Xian Sword, he will definitely be able to withdraw calmly.

The moment Ping Yi appeared, all the immortals were stunned!There is actually a strong man hidden in this fairy palace, but everyone has not noticed it at all.

Different from the astonishment of the immortals in the fairy burial, the complexions of the Da Luo Jinxian who came down from the fairy world changed suddenly after seeing this figure and feeling the breath, especially the man in black from the demon clan. Killing intent suddenly boiled in his eyes.

"Witch! How could there be a witch in this fairy burial, and it's still a great witch!" Someone exclaimed, and it was the blood sea fairy. At this time, he had already abandoned Ananda, stepped aside, and looked at that figure.

In everyone's astonishment, Ping Yi had already arrived in front of Zhu Xian's sword, he ignored all the immortals, and directly grabbed Zhu Xian's sword.

The hazy sword energy suddenly erupted again, and the Immortal Execution Sword vibrated violently, but Ping Yi held the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand without fear, and the Immortal Execution Sword, which was still vibrating violently just now, immediately became quiet.

From Ping Yi's appearance to taking the Zhu Xian Sword in his hand, it took only three breaths, it was really too sudden.

Seeing that Pingyi was about to leave the Immortal Palace, all the immortals reacted, "The remnants of the witch clan, leave the Zhuxian sword behind!"

The first to strike was the man in black from the Yaozu and the fairy Jiejiao. The two turned into a beam of light and rushed towards Pingyi at the same time.

Sensing the two people rushing towards him, Ping Yi turned his head and slapped...

At this moment, the entire fairy palace shook violently, as if it had collapsed.

Qin Ling could see clearly from outside the Immortal Palace, just now Ping Yi used the Sky-Shattering Palm, at this moment, Qin Ling finally saw the true power of the Sky-Shattering Palm, with a light palm, two big Luo Jinxians were injured, this is What power!
The black-clothed man from the monster tribe and the sect woman spat out a mouthful of blood, their eyes were filled with horror, and that sharp look, like a knife, ruthlessly pierced into the hearts of the two of them.

At this moment, a thought came to both of them, this is the ancient great witch!how is this possible?

The immortals finally reacted. Looking at the two injured people, they felt unspeakable horror. One palm, just one palm, injured two Da Luo Jinxians. This person's strength is too strong!
"Chasing!" The fairy was unwilling to give up at this point, she moved in an instant, and chased outside the fairy palace, but there was no such figure in front of her eyes, only some monks caught her eyes, and even the other party's breath disappeared completely.

The immortals also chased after them, soaring into the void, scanning the surroundings of the Immortal Palace with their divine senses one after another, but they didn't find anything.

"What's going on? How could there be a great witch here, and it's still an ancient great witch?" The black-clothed man from the monster tribe frowned. Although he was injured just now, it was not serious. The other party obviously didn't do much.

When it comes to the ancient times, no one can be calm. Anyone or anything related to the ancient times is definitely a very terrifying existence.

Outside the Immortal Palace, the moment Ping Yi walked out of the Immortal Palace, Qin Ling had already made preparations, and immediately let Ping Yi enter the Chaos Book, while he himself retreated into the crowd.

Outside the Immortal Palace, more than a dozen Da Luo Jinxians stood like this, no one said anything, they all thought about the key to this, the ancient great witch appeared in the world, what does this mean, is the witch clan about to be born?
Among the crowd, Qin Ling appeared and stared at the immortals.A series of spiritual senses swept across his body, Qin Ling knew that they were searching for Ping Yi's whereabouts.

Half a moment later, all the immortals frowned, "Amitabha, since the sword of killing immortals has been taken away by the remnants of the witch clan, the poor monk should go back and report to my Buddha..."

A flash of Buddha's light flashed, and Ananda Buddha disappeared, along with the Daluo Jinxian.

"Damn it! Why is there still an ancient great witch alive? Who is he?" Chanjiao's Da Luo Jinxian cursed angrily.

If nothing else happened, he should have obtained the Executioner Sword, but he didn't expect that an ancient great witch would be killed halfway, and there were still many methods that he hadn't used, so let the other party escape, it is really unwilling!
You must know that several people descended to the realm this time, but brought a lot of means, including the jade talisman made by the sage himself, and the spiritual treasure bestowed by the sage, which have not been used yet.

There are not many great witches in ancient times, and there are not many of them in the fairy world now. Those few will definitely not be able to descend to the world, but who was that person just now?Which ancient great witch?

Streams of light fled away, Zhu Xian sword was snatched away, all the immortals left one after another, there was nothing in the fairy palace that could attract them.

All the immortals fled, and some monks began to walk slowly towards the fairy palace.

"Why are they all gone? Could it be that the treasures inside have been distributed?" Yuchi Gong asked in doubt.

Qin Ling turned his head and said to several people: "Come on, let's go in and have a look..." Zhu Xianjian is no longer there, so there is nothing to worry about.

Qin Ling always felt that this Immortal Palace was far from that simple, and planned to go in and find out.

Zhuxian Sword has been brought into Chaos Book by Pingyi and suppressed.As for Zhuxian Sword, Qin Ling didn't intend to keep it for himself, it was something that belonged to the owner, keeping it might be of great use in the future.

All the monks around were hesitating outside the Immortal Palace, and some still dared not enter, but with the entry of Qin Ling and others, all the monks finally had the courage to rush into the Immortal Palace.

"Ah! Where are the treasures? Immortal artifacts?" Someone yelled. Before that, I saw many treasures in the Immortal Palace, and the fairy light was shining, but now there are nothing.

Inside the Immortal Palace, it was empty, Qin Ling scanned the surroundings, but found nothing, did he guess wrong?

Qin Ling originally thought that there should be a similar portal in the Immortal Palace, because Qin Ling felt that there should be other areas in the Immortal Burial.

Where did Fu Baishan and other Medicine Sect disciples who took the first step go?And where is Huafeng? Sima Yaner and Qin Ling didn't see it, and where are Niu Mang and Kong Rong?
"Huh? What is this?" A monk in the Immortal Palace touched a wall with his hand. What surprised him was that the wall in front of him turned out to be illusory and could be passed through.

His heart skipped a beat, thinking he had encountered a treasure, the monk quickly passed through the wall and disappeared into the fairy palace.

Such a strange disappearance made some monks beside him notice the clue, and slowly all the monks gathered towards this wall and disappeared in the fairy palace.

Qin Ling and the others walked up to him, and Yuchi Gong stretched out his hand to touch it. Although there was a wall in front of him, he could feel that the wall was illusory when he stretched out his hand, "Where does it lead from behind? There won't be a fairy burial, right? "

"Probably not, there should be another world behind..."

"Then can we go in?"

Qin Ling didn't hesitate at all, "Come in, since you're here, it's okay to go in and have a look!"

Qinglian swayed and came into being, and the hazy blue light enveloped several people, Qin Ling was worried that everyone would get separated again. ,
The brilliance flashed, and the few people only felt the scene in front of them change. When they looked around again, they saw a swamp in front of them, stretching for an unknown number of miles, with no end in sight.

"What kind of place is this?" Yuchi Palace stood in the sky, and found that it was possible to take off from here, but it can only fly up to ten meters, if it goes up, there will be a strong pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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