Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 497 Chapter 509: Death Tumbling

Chapter 497 Five hundred and nine: death churning
Qin Ling stared at the giant crocodile, such a hard leather armor.Fighting the giant crocodile up close, I realized that the giant crocodile was not wearing clothes, but a layer of leather armor covered with layers of scales. Nine out of ten of my attacks were offset by the leather armor, and it could not harm it. How much damage.

The fists and palms were shaking, and the two retreated quickly. Qin Ling had changed his strategy just now. Since he couldn't do any damage to the giant crocodile, he added something to his fists, and a layer of faint blue flames jumped on the fists. .

The giant crocodile backed away, and the severe pain in his heart almost made him faint, as if he had been burned by a ball of fire. Looking down, he saw a small hole in the leather armor on his chest, and a small crater appeared on his chest. , as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out by a human being, wisps of green smoke could be faintly seen.


The monstrous rage sprang up at a very high speed, the giant crocodile was angry, really angry, completely lost his composure, his eyes were blood red, staring at Qing Ling, a violent breath began to spread.

He has never been like this before, even that powerful loach has never hurt him, he did not expect to be hurt by a little monk today.

Under the swamp a mile away, a pair of small eyes kept blinking, "Interesting, the old man was injured, good! Good! I want to see who is taking the blame for me."

Longxu eel turned his gaze to Qinling, only to realize that it was a human monk, "Human monk, how could it be a human monk? When did they become so powerful?"

In Longbeard Eel's memory, all human monks were vulnerable, how could the giant crocodile be injured, but the fact in front of him was that the old thing was not only injured, but also furious.Longxu eel didn't show up, and he won't show up until the end.

Qin Ling looked at the almost crazy giant crocodile, and suddenly felt as if something was peeping, followed his gaze, but found nothing, but just now he did sense that there must be something dormant beside him.

"Sure enough, it's not easy. It was almost discovered." Longxu eel was very surprised. It was so secretive that even the old crocodile didn't find it, but it was almost noticed by the monk.

Qin Ling has no time to care about who is hiding in the dark and spying, because the breath of the giant crocodile is rapidly becoming stronger, and he has to pay attention to it, and it has reached the most critical moment.

The giant crocodile has already used the strongest method. Although the giant crocodile is still in a rage, he is very clear in his heart. This time, the human being in front of him will undoubtedly die. Under this move, no matter how strong he is, he cannot escape. One dies.

"Human monks, prepare to die!" The giant crocodile turned into its own body, a huge crocodile stood in the air, opened its huge mouth, and glared at Qin Ling.

A gust of evil wind suddenly blew up, surrounding the giant crocodile, but the strange thing was that there was no wind at all in the rest of the place.

The longbeard eel saw everything about the giant crocodile clearly at the bottom of the water, "It's interesting, the old crocodile has started to work hard, and he even used his ability to press the box. It seems that this human being is really strong."

The evil wind is getting stronger and stronger, surrounding the giant crocodile at a high speed, forming a tornado.The giant crocodile was in the center, and its huge body began to shake slowly, and then faster and faster. The huge body was spinning extremely fast in the wind, and the figure of the giant crocodile could no longer be seen clearly, and some were just a phantom of extreme speed.

Soon, the tornado changed, and a sharp wind cone appeared in front of Qin Ling, heading towards Qin Ling with an undeniable match, at super fast speed.

As Longbeard eel said, this is the giant crocodile's crate-pressing ability, death tossing.Its most powerful and powerful, Longxu eel has seen it before, and even experienced it once, and the result was that Longxu eel was seriously injured.

That time he almost killed him. Although he finally caught the death tumbling, he was seriously injured. However, the giant crocodile was also uncomfortable. Like the dragon beard eel, he almost died.That's why the dragon beard eel didn't dare to push the giant crocodile too hard, even though his cultivation level was higher than that of the giant crocodile, this move was really too powerful.

Recalling that time, Longbeard Eel is still afraid, "Hey! It's over, this human monk is dead." Longbeard Eel has already announced Qin Ling's death.

The strong wind swept over, and the giant crocodile was already approaching Qin Ling. Although Qin Ling didn't know what the trick was, Qin Ling still felt its power.

Qin Ling had a premonition that if he was hit by this evil wind, he might be smashed to pieces. Although Qin Ling's physical body was very strong, he might not be able to resist it.

Slapping out a palm, the palm prints quickly condensed, and in a moment, the sky-shattering palm fell, heading towards the wind cone.

However, in less than three breaths, the palm print dissipated, "Haha...human monk, you are sure to die, you can die under the ancestor's move, you deserve to die, haha..." The giant crocodile smiled triumphantly in the wind cone Voice.

Qin Ling dodged quickly, but the wind cone behind him followed closely, as fast as lightning, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Under the swamp, Longxu eel once again sighed, "It's so fast, but no matter how fast it is, it's useless. There's no way to avoid it. If you want to break the death tumbling of the old thing, there is no other way but to connect it hard." It's fine, if you fail, you can only die.

Qin Ling dodged very quickly in the air, like a bolt of lightning.Quickly thinking about how to deal with it, a long sword appeared in Qin Ling's hand, its brilliance was bright, and sharp swords shot out one after another.

It hit the wind cone like a torrential rain, the wind cone was like a saw, and the sword energy dissipated, it was difficult to work at all, and there was no reaction at all.

In the next half an hour, Qin Ling tried various methods, but they all ended in failure. Qin Ling found that the extremely fast spinning wind seemed to be able to quickly disintegrate the attack, and all attacks were ineffective against it, like a hard turtle. shell.

"Don't resist, close your eyes and wait for death! The ancestor can make your death easier." The giant crocodile was very proud. Seeing Qin Ling fleeing at a high speed, and being chased by him, there was no way to escape. proud of.

Under the swamp, the small eyes of the dragon beard eel flickered, because he discovered that Qin Ling was not only extremely fast, but also had endless means. If he could get his cultivation skills and his body skills, he would no longer have to be afraid of this eel. Old crocodile.

Longbeard eel has made up his mind to get these two things no matter what, even giant crocodiles can't stop them.

Qin Ling was helpless, and found that there was no way to restrain the giant crocodile, so he couldn't be chased like this all the time!It would be great if it was on the ground, at least you can use the monument of the earth to resist it for a while, but the endless swamp under your feet is difficult to use.

snort!I don't believe I can't do anything to you, Qin Ling strikes again, mana surges in his body.

"It seems that you haven't given up yet, so let the ancestor make you give up completely!" Seeing that Qin Ling was still resisting, the giant crocodile could only sneer in his heart.

The giant crocodile decided to kill the human monk even if he was desperately injured.Fighting and killing is not like this, it will change over time.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the power of the wind cone became stronger in an instant, almost faster than lightning.

At this time, Qin Ling was also ready, his eyes were cold, "The space is broken!" He shouted softly.

At that moment, cracks suddenly appeared in the space where the giant crocodile was, just like cracks in a mirror, and spider web-like cracks filled the void.

The giant crocodile was enjoying himself. He wanted to see what Qin Ling could do, but after Qin Ling yelled softly, the giant crocodile suddenly felt uneasy, and his back felt cold, as if there was a ferocious beast behind him.

The speed of the giant crocodile suddenly became faster, and he didn't dare to wait any longer. The endless tricks of this human being in front of him shocked him at first, but now he became afraid for some reason.

Just the second after the giant crocodile left, the void suddenly collapsed, like a shattered lens, and a dark hole appeared. It was lonely and silent, filled with darkness and coldness.

Suddenly, a piercing pain almost caused the giant crocodile to howl, and a piece of blood was sprinkled in the air. The giant crocodile stopped spinning, the evil wind stopped, and the giant crocodile slowly appeared.

Looking back, my heart ached so much that my tail was cut off instantly, as if cut by a sharp knife in an instant. The wound was as smooth as a mirror, without a trace of unevenness.

The giant crocodile raised its head to the sky and roared, no longer thinking about what was going on, he wanted to take revenge, to avenge the severed tail, and the anger in his eyes was three thousand feet, rolling endlessly, "Ah... the ancestor wants you to die! Die!"

Qin Ling secretly thought it was a pity, if the speed of the giant crocodile was a little slower, then the giant crocodile would definitely die.

The giant crocodile flipped over again at a high speed, and a powerful wind cone swept towards Qinling, like a long spear, piercing straight.

The speed of the giant crocodile is extremely fast. With the first lesson learned, the giant crocodile will not stand there stupidly.Space Fragmentation may no longer be effective.

The thunder flashed, and Qin Ling retreated violently. He tried all the tricks that could be used, but it didn't work at all.Who would have thought that they would meet such an invulnerable guy!
Staring closely at the blowing wind cone, Qin Ling thought very quickly. At a certain moment, Qin Ling seemed to have discovered the key to the problem.

In his mind, he thought of magical powers related to wind, which were the magical powers of the ancestor Wu Tianwu, Qin Ling hadn't mastered them, and it was too late to learn them now.

Then Qin Ling thought of everything about the wind again, he thought of the monkey, that monkey had been blown dizzy by the samadhi wind of the yellow wind monster, and finally surrendered the yellow wind monster by borrowing Lingji Bodhisattva's fixed wind beads .

Is it necessary to have a fixed wind bead?Qin Ling smiled wryly, there was no need to think about Dingfengzhu, Qin Ling suddenly thought that he didn't have Dingfengzhu, but he had Dinghaishenzhu.

I don't know if it will work or not, but Dinghai Shenzhu is also an innate spiritual treasure, it should be stronger than Dingfengzhu!Qin Ling didn't know what Dingfengzhu was, but it must not be an innate spiritual treasure, otherwise Lingji Bodhisattva would not have lent it to that monkey so easily.

With a countermeasure in mind, Qin Ling immediately mobilized his mind, the four Dinghai God Beads had already been refined by Qin Ling, although only a few of the restrictions were broken, it should be more than enough to fix a mere wind.

(End of this chapter)

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