Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 499 Chapter 511: Submission

Chapter 499 Chapter 510: Return
Qin Ling looked at the dragon beard eel with great interest, although he didn't know why he told everything, but Qin Ling would not think that he was afraid of him, the dragon beard eel was still very powerful, at least Qin Ling couldn't detect the dragon beard The cultivation base of the eel.

Qin Ling didn't know that his cultivation was blurred in the eyes of Longxu Eel, and coupled with the weird method just now, this was the fundamental reason why Longxu Eel didn't dare to attack Qin Ling and made friends with Qin Ling.

If you can collect it for your own use?The strength of the eel made Qin Ling suddenly have this idea, but Qin Ling knew that powerful monsters usually have their own arrogance, and they are not willing to be subordinated to others.

Especially the dragon beard eel has the blood of the dragon clan, which makes the dragon beard eel full of a kind of pride in its bones, which is the unique pride of being a dragon clan.It is enough to explain everything that the longbeard eel did not join Mangshan.

But Qin Ling still wants to try, even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter, "I wonder if you want to leave this place?" Qin Ling asked seriously.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Longxu Eel didn't understand the true meaning of Qin Ling's words for a while.

Qin Ling smiled, "Don't you want to leave this world and go see the outside world?"

"Leave this world? Could it be...could you..." The reaction of the dragon beard eel was the same as that of the blue cow demon and other monsters back then, and the shock in his heart was stronger than theirs.

"That's right, I can take you out of this invisible prison, and you can live freely in the world from now on."

Qin Ling's words were like a nine-day thunder, which struck deeply in the heart of the eel. Today, the untouched string finally vibrated and buzzed, echoing in the eel's heart. all over the body.

Longxu eel tried hard to keep himself awake, knowing that the person in front of him would never tell himself these things for no reason, "What do you want?"

The eel's reaction was expected by Qin Ling. Qin Ling believed that no monster in the fairy burial could resist this temptation, "My request is very simple, as long as you stay by my side for a hundred years, you will go It’s up to you to decide, I will never force you.”

Longbeard eel was silent and did not answer Qin Ling immediately. Leaving this cage of heaven and earth meant losing freedom. Although it was only a short hundred years, Longbeard eel still hesitated for a while.

The hesitation of the dragon eel was seen by Qin Ling. Qin Ling knew that the dragon eel could not let go of the pride and glory of the dragon clan in his heart.But Qin Ling is not worried, because Qin Ling already has a countermeasure, and I believe that Longxu Eel will change his mind after seeing him.

" finally remembered this unicorn, kid. Is there any treasure? Where's the fairy palace?" A black shadow was alive and kicking beside Qin Ling, circling around Qin Ling.The appearance of Huo Qilin broke the silence just now.

"Boy, where is the treasure? Where are we?" Huo Qilin yelled. He had been practicing in seclusion in the Honghuang Mountains before, but he woke up a long time ago, but he found that Qinling never appeared, and the anxious Huo Qilin was jumping in the Honghuang Mountains. .

"There are no treasures, this is Thousand Desolation Lake..." Qin Ling simply said what happened before.

After Huo Qilin heard this, he had a bitter face, "This Qilin missed so many treasures, it's all your fault, boy, do you think you did it on purpose?"

Qin Ling smiled, "If you want a treasure, you can look at him first." Qin Ling pointed at the eel.

Huo Qilin turned around and saw the dragon beard eel, "Dragon beard eel?" Huo Qilin told the origin of the dragon beard eel at a glance.

"Uh! How do you know my real body?" At this moment, the dragon beard eel is in a human body. Although there are two dragon horns on the top of his head, it is very difficult to see through his real body, unless the opponent's strength is stronger than the dragon's beard eel. eel.

But the strength of the fire unicorn can be seen at a glance by the dragon beard eel, and it can only be cultivated in the late stage of leaving the body.How can you see your own body?
Because the fire unicorn did not show its body, Longxu eel looked at Huo Qilin for a long time, but did not realize that the puppy-like creature in front of him was any monster, but his intuition told Longxu eel that he was not simple.

"Hehe... Can't I see your thin blood?"

In ancient times, the battle between the three clans was fought in the dark. It can be said that the three clans know each other very well. As long as there is a little breath of each other, the other party can sense it. Although the fire unicorn has never experienced the battle between the three clans. There was a great battle, but it suddenly appeared in his mind that the monster in front of him was a dragon bearded eel with dragon blood.


The fire unicorn suddenly showed its true face, a handsome and mighty huge monster appeared in front of the dragon beard eel, the monster was full of flames, and the fire radiated everywhere, there was an indescribable magic.

"Fire Qilin!" Longxu Eel blurted out, shocked again, Longxu Eel did not expect that the little monster just now would be the divine beast Fire Qilin, which is the same level as the real dragon.

"You have good eyesight, you actually recognized this Qilin. You are very good. I never thought that you could cultivate to such a level with your thin blood. It seems that you are just around the corner to transform into a dragon..."

Looking at the two dragon horns on the top of the eel's head, Huo Qilin was pointing at the eel like an expert, a senior.

Although the fire unicorn is only in the late stage of leaving the body, the dragon beard eel does not dare to underestimate it at all, because the opponent is a real fire unicorn.Moreover, Longbeard Eel still has many questions that he wants to ask Huo Qilin, so he is very respectful to Huo Qilin.

Seeing the reaction of Longxu Eel, Qin Ling knew that it was almost the same, and there was another powerful assistant beside him.

"How is it? Have you figured it out?" Qin Ling wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and didn't want to give him too much time to think. As long as the eel didn't agree, everything would be hard to say.

Longbeard Eel glanced at Fire Qilin, "I promise you..."

Qin Ling knew that the reason why the eel agreed was largely because of the fire unicorn, but he didn't care at all. In the near future, Qin Ling believed that the eel would stay by his side willingly.

Thousands of years ago, the longbeard eel was an ordinary eel, but ever since he accidentally ate an unknown spiritual fruit, he has undergone earth-shaking changes. Inexplicably more things.

With the gradual improvement of his cultivation, Longxu eel finally knew what it was, and also understood why he had such a change.In this way, for thousands of years, he practiced hard and groped alone, and only then did he achieve what he is today.

But he knew that even so, he would not be able to go far in the end, because there was no one to guide him, and the dragon-bearded eel didn't know how to transform into a dragon, and he didn't know how to cultivate. Although he had a little memory in his mind, it was not complete. missing.

After seeing the fire unicorn today, Longxu eel saw hope. Although the fire unicorn was not a dragon, Longxu eel believed that this fire unicorn would be able to point him in the right direction.

Although the fire unicorn is not a dragon, it is a divine beast of the same level as the dragon, and the fire unicorn also has a complete inheritance memory, which the dragon beard eel does not have, and it is exactly what he needs.

Longxu eel didn't know that there was a dragon beside Qin Ling, if he knew, he didn't know what expression he would have.

Huo Qilin clapped his hands in satisfaction, showing a mysterious smile, "Stay by this kid's side, you will benefit endlessly..."

After subduing another powerful monster, Qin Ling was very happy, "Let's go! Let's go to Mang Mountain, and meet that big monster you mentioned, King Bihan!"

Thousands of meters away, the man in Tsing Yi and others were struggling to support. Countless small crocodiles came in continuously. Several people were already numb. I don’t know how many crocodiles were killed, but they still didn’t decrease. Their mana was almost exhausted. They were exhausted, and their bodies were seriously injured. If there were no accidents, they might be buried in the mouth of crocodiles.

"I can't take it anymore..." I saw a person with a pale face, who was bitten by crocodiles in many places, and blood dripped continuously.

"Fellow daoists, hurry up, I'll resist for a while..." The man in Tsing Yi kept waving the sharp sword in his hand, and the little crocodiles that rushed in front of him were instantly dismembered.

"No, there are too many of them, we are already surrounded, friends Mu, hurry up, come down to resist, anyway, it's too late..."

"Fellow Daoist, what do you want to do, don't do anything stupid, we will escape." The man in Tsing Yi suddenly felt a sense of death.

"No, we will all die here if this continues." The man showed a trace of determination on his face, put away the long sword in his hand, and stopped making any moves. His mana had been exhausted. He smiled faintly and looked at the crowd. Falling silently into the swamp.

The man in Tsing Yi yelled, but it was too late, "Don't..."

The expressions of the rest of the people changed drastically, and a wordless sadness flowed in their blood, "Fellow Daoist..."

"Everyone, hurry up, don't let fellow daoists sacrifice in vain..." the man in Tsing Yi shouted, he couldn't be sad at this moment, he had to cheer up, so as to have a chance of survival.

Just a few breaths after they left, a loud bang echoed in the vast swamp.

The explosion caused violent waves, and all the crocodiles within a hundred meters died, but the few people had no time to take care of it at this moment, because the crocodiles swarmed towards them again.

"Let's go, let's go..." The man in Tsing Yi was shocked, and immediately led a few people at a fast speed, not daring to stop for a while.

As soon as Qin Ling and Longxu Eel left, they heard a loud noise, "Longshan, how many monks did you see when you came?" Just now, for the convenience of addressing, Qin Ling thought of a name for Longxu Eel.

"Are you talking about those few weak human monks?" If Qin Ling hadn't mentioned it, Longbeard Eel really wouldn't have remembered it, because he didn't pay attention to them at all. "I see, it is surrounded by the sons and grandsons of the old crocodile, maybe it has already been dismembered."

"The loud noise just now may have been made by them. Let's go over and have a look." Although he didn't know those people before, Qin Ling felt that if he could help, he should help, not to mention Luo Xin and the others were still ahead. .

(End of this chapter)

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