Chapter 4

? 4
At noon on Sunday, on the square in the city center.

"What's on your head?" The weird tone, accompanied by questions, finally sounded after a long silence.

"Hair." That was the answer.What else is on the head but not hair?
"I know it's your hair. What I mean is that you called me out early in the morning just to show me that you have a bird's nest on your head?" Frowning tightly, Han Haifei looked at Jiang An'an displeased.

"Bird's nest head?!" Did you make a mistake?An expectant face immediately turned into a nightshade, and Jiang Anan looked at her "dear boyfriend" with fire, "This is the most fashionable perm! Where are your eyes?"

"My eyes are on my face!" He looked at her angrily, "Is this what you call the most fashionable perm?" The curly hair is circled, not a bird's nest, I really wonder why she has it Courage to run into the street.

"You..." Jiang Anan took a deep breath and made sure of one thing, that is, the other party definitely does not have a fashionable aesthetic vision, "Of course my hairstyle is the most popular now, and the barber shop accepts it." I will only be willing to iron it for 380 yuan." When she thought that the pocket money she had worked so hard to save was gone, she felt a burst of heartache.

Han Haifei stretched out his fingers unbearably, stepped forward, and slammed Jiang Anan's forehead, "You idiot, it's worth 380 yuan for such a broken head?" What the hell is this woman doing!


Covering her forehead with her hands, she took a step back, "This hairstyle is very popular in!" If he keeps playing like this, she will become an idiot sooner or later.

"Fashion may not be suitable for you, why do you have to perm your hair if you have nothing to do?" He was still unsatisfied, and he was still going to continue his "snap fingers".

rub rub!
Jiang An'an immediately took a few steps back, "You think I have nothing to do, and it's not because of you!" He was the culprit who caused her to waste 380 yuan.

"Me?" He was taken aback.

"Yes, if you didn't always call me 'mushroom head', would I need to go to the barber shop to get my hair done for two hours?" She almost fell asleep without dozing off.

"What's wrong with the mushroom head? It's refreshing and refreshing. It's much better than your current bird's nest head." He said, pointing to the huge transparent floor-to-ceiling glass in the shopping mall next to the two of them, "Look, is it really good?" ?”

The light brown glass reflected the figures of the two.Jiang An'an raised his eyes, looked at his own figure, got used to seeing his usual hairstyle, but suddenly changed it to a different one, somewhat uncomfortable, and...

"Your forehead is too wide, and your cheekbones are protruding, which is not suitable for this kind of curly hair at all." The "vicious" voice commented from the side.

Her eyes couldn't help looking at him who was standing beside her - the well-organized hair, even if it was a little messy, was still beautiful, and his face... had a full forehead, a straight bridge of nose, and a Clear and delicate facial features... With such a man, I am afraid that no matter what kind of hairstyle he will look good.

"And your own temperament is not at all the temperament of people who pursue fashion. Blindly pursuing fashion will do you no good at all. It's just a joke for others."

joke?Was it just a joke that she tried so hard to change her image?Bei Chi bit her lip unconsciously, Jiang An'an turned her head and stared at Han Haifei.

"What are you staring at? Am I wrong?" He also stared back at her and said.

Sadness came from his heart, and for no reason, Jiang Anan suddenly had an urge to cry.The mist accumulated in the eye sockets, and the nose was a little sore. That feeling was called... uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" He obviously also noticed something wrong with her.

"Wow!" With a loud cry, she squatted down and buried her face in her knees, "I... I just changed my image, do you have to say it so badly?"

"You..." He was taken aback.The situation before him was something he hadn't she cryingprobably.Although her face could not be seen, her crying could be clearly heard from that thick nasal voice.

"Can't people who are not beautiful change themselves? Is fashion only for those who are fashionable?" She has never paid much attention to her appearance, because she knows that no matter how much she cares, it will not change.Moreover, she is the crystallization of her parents' love, so she feels that everything about herself is fine as long as she can get by.

But now—she cares so much, really cares about her appearance.If she was beautiful, then she could yell back what he said just now, and then raised her head in a proud manner, saying something cool——"I just love getting ironed like this, how about it!" Unfortunately, Facing the light brown glass, she didn't even have the strength to shout back.Because she knew what he said was true.

"I... I didn't mean that." There was a hint of bewilderment in his clear voice.

Because he never thought she would cry in front of him.

"You are, you are!" Looking up, she shouted at him while shedding tears.So sad, she must be uglier now.

The eyes of the people around were looking at the two of them.One stood stiffly while the other crouched and cried.

"You clearly know I'm not." His body became more and more stiff.It's not that he has never seen a woman's tears.His mother's tears, and those girls who cried in front of him after being rejected by him... He had seen too many tears, but her tears made him feel strangely impatient.

So impatient... I don't want to see her tears at all.

"Do you know, you look ugly when you cry." He frowned and said.

Is it ugly?Maybe it's true. "I know I'm ugly, so you don't need to say it again." Tears and snot flowed together, anyway, she was ugly this time.

"You—" He stared at her, "Why do you care so much about your appearance? This can be eaten!"

She blinked and tried to wipe away the tears in her eyes, "Of course you can say that, do you think that everyone is like you, blessed by God, who gave you a perfect family background, a beautiful appearance and a smart head? ?”

Favor? !Is he really a favored person?His thin lips pursed, and his fingers tightened slowly.If he really was a man of God, then he wouldn't...

"Do you know that people who judge everything based on appearance are the most superficial!" Han Haifei approached Jiang An'an and said seriously.

Superficial? "But who doesn't want to be pretty." How could he understand her mood!

"You're not pretty, but this is Jiang Anan, the unique Jiang Anan!" He said, pulling her arm vigorously, pulling her up.

"Ah..." His words made her stunned.The one and only...Jiang An'an?
"And you are my girlfriend, if anyone dares to say that you are not good-looking, I will beat him up!" His voice was so loud that everyone around could hear it.

Her mouth opened and closed, closed and opened again, trying to say something, but didn't know what to say.Although... the one who said she was ugly just now was clearly him.But she felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Not empty, not swaying, a very stable and warm feeling.

"Let's go!" Before she could continue in a daze, he was already holding her hand and walking forward.

"Where are you going?" She asked while wiping her tears and snot with a tissue.

"Go to the barber and get your mushroom head back!"

"I...I don't want it anymore!" Jiang Anan struggled to the death while hugging the sycamore tree trunk in front of the barber shop.Her hair just got a perm!Straighten it again, it hurts the hair quality!

"What don't you want? Could it be that you plan to carry this bird's nest to school tomorrow?" Han Haifei opened the other party's 10 fingers with a look of no discussion.

"But..." Well, well, she knew that this hairstyle wasn't very suitable for her, but no matter what, it was the result of her 380 yuan, and it would be wiped out after only a few hours, and she couldn't bear it.

"It's a P!" He said, pulling his big hand, and her whole body was dragged into the barber shop——

The counter lady standing in front of the barber shop enthusiastically stepped forward, "Do you want to wash your hair or..."

"Straighten her bird's nest for me." Han Haifei pointed to Jiang Anan's curly hair and said.

"Hey, how can you say that in front of other people!" She strongly protested.Anyway, we should give her some face in front of people. "Is not it?"

"But you can put it mildly, besides, I have curly hair, not a bird's nest!"

"The problem is that your hair is as curly as a bird's nest." He snapped his fingers and came to a conclusion.


Two people, you and I have already argued in front of the barber shop.

The smile on the counter lady's face froze, "Do you still want to do your hair?" She asked suspiciously, if not, then she would consider driving her away, their quarrel had seriously affected the quietness of the store.

"Yes!" Han Haifei said, walking to a row of chairs in the center of the shop and sitting down, picked up a magazine and flipped through it, obviously planning to wait for someone to finish their hair.

Hey, forget it, just pull it!Jiang Anan followed a hair-washing lady to wash her hair first, and then asked the barber to apply ion perm lotion on her head, then wrapped her hair and smoked it with steam.

His forehead was hot, and his idle eyeballs rolled around, "Hey, Han Haifei, what are you eating?" She watched him throw a yellow-brown disc into her mouth.

"Sour plum slices." He curled his lips and said.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's not bad, at least it can clear away the heat." He said without expression.For a person who is not very patient, it is not easy to stay in the barber shop for a long time.

Clearing heat and relieving summer heat?His words moved her a little.The weather was already a little hot, but with the steam on the head, it was even hotter, "I want to eat too." She begged.

"You want it too?" He hesitated, as if he was a bit reluctant to part with the sour plum slices in his hand.

"Yes, I want it!" she said with certainty, and if it wasn't for the fact that she was smoking her hair, she would definitely nod her head vigorously.

Seeing the reluctance on his face, she suddenly felt complacent.

"Then—" he walked in front of her, and flicked open the box containing the sour plum slices in his hand, "only one slice is allowed."

"One piece is not enough!" Regardless of three seven or twenty one, she snatched the box from him and poured seven or eight pieces into her own hand, "Thank you!" After pouring, she did not forget to wink at him.

Wahaha, cool!The depressed mood just now was swept away, followed by a thrill of victory.

"You—" He glared at her.

"What!" She shrugged her nose, and threw all the sour plum slices into her mouth. It was rare to see his cool face with an expression of eating turtles. The sour smell of the butt rushed straight to his forehead, which made Jiang An'an's face change. "Ah!" A shrill scream echoed in the barber shop, ignoring his own image, Jiang An'an suddenly lay down in the sink where he washed his hair, spitting out sour plum slices in his mouth.

"Who told you to eat so much at once!" He said leisurely standing behind her.

"Why don't you tell me it's so sour!" She vomited and accused.But the people in the barber shop have already regarded these two people as plague gods.

"You didn't ask, why should I say that." He shrugged and said the reason.

"..." Count him as ruthless!Jiang Anan frowned, and continued her "vomiting madly" journey.

Sour!It was so sour that her teeth were numb, she really couldn't figure it out, how could he still eat such sour food with relish? !

Or is it that his sense of taste is different from ordinary people?

With curly hair, after only seeing light for a few hours, it returned to the state of mushroom head again.And when they went to school the next day, Qingwen and Xiaoye still dragged her and asked her why she had nothing to do to pull her hair. After all, her hair was too short, so there was really no big difference between pulling and not pulling.As a result, she could only take it with a wry smile.

If God gave her another chance, she would never consider running to show it to Crazy Han as soon as she finished her hair.

And the list of the school cheerleaders for the inter-school sports league has also come down.Both Xiaoye and Qingwen were selected, and as for her, she was "extremely lucky" to be selected.However, brushing it down does not mean that nothing happens.She was assigned as a member of the prop production team.

The so-called production of props refers to the production of banners, slogans, small speakers for cheering, small flags, and colored balls held by cheerleaders during the sports meeting... In fact, strictly speaking, the production of the props production team Responsibility is still great.

"It's a pity, An An, I wanted to join the cheerleading team together." Fan Qingwen said regretfully. "It's not bad, and the production of props is also good, and it has a bright future." Jiang Anan waved his hands and said with a smile.She really didn't feel "pity" at all.

"But then we won't be able to be together in our extracurricular activities." Qingwen said with a grim expression.

"Anyway, it's not a long time, at most it's only a month, after the sports meeting, we still haven't been together during extracurricular activities." Jiang An'an didn't care much.Anyway, as long as she is not allowed to jump around in a miniskirt, she is willing to sweep the garbage on the day of the sports meeting. "Okay, I'm going to report to the props team first, so let's go first."

"En." The two friends waved their hands, quite like giving each other off.

The props group is a temporary group that was temporarily built just for this sports meeting, so the chemical laboratory is temporarily used.

Walking to the third floor of Teaching Building No. 2, Jiang An'an politely knocked on the door, then opened the door and entered.

In the empty laboratory, there are seven or eight people sitting around.

Because they heard the sound of the door, everyone was looking in her direction in unison.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang An'an." With a smile on her face, she was the first to say hello.

"Tch, she's not a beautiful woman." One of the boys pursed his lips after seeing Jiang An'an's appearance, and said with dissatisfaction.


Immediately afterwards, a heavy fist hit the boy's forehead, and a handsome girl yelled out with a sense of justice: "Lei Jie, your skin is itchy, don't you want to see beautiful women?" Will go buy celebrity photobooks!"

"I'm just talking, Leng Sanba, why did you hit him so hard!" the boy called Lei Jie rubbed his head and muttered.

"Leng Sanba?" She raised her eyebrows, and the girl's knuckles crackled.

"I... how could I have said that, Leng Yiyu." Lei Jie quickly corrected.

"You think I'm deaf, you just said that!" After finishing the sentence, the beating began.

The smile froze on his face, and Jiang Anan pursed his lips uncomfortably.From her point of view, that guy named Lei Jie was really pitiful. Under that fierce fist, he had already started begging for mercy again and again.But the other party didn't let him go, so... It is estimated that the bruised nose and swollen face are not too far away for him.

"Don't be surprised, they've always been like this!" said a voice from the side.Soft, faint, but nice to hear.

"Really, that's good, I really... Situ Zhen?!" Jiang An'an turned to look at the person beside him, but after seeing the person's appearance clearly, he couldn't help crying out.

"That's right, it seems that you recognized me this time." Situ Zhen smiled gracefully.

It really is him!Jiang Anan's eyes widened - "But isn't this the prop production team?" She asked hesitantly.He is the president of the student council, what is he doing here? !

"It's the props production team, but the members here are all members of the student union, didn't you see that?" He pointed to a circle of people and said.

"Heh...heh..." She laughed back a few times in embarrassment.She has never cared much about the student union, so of course... she didn't see it. "Why are all the members of the production team from the student union?" Is she the only exception?

"Of course it's because no one is willing to do this hard work, so only the students from the student union have suffered!" After the beating, Leng Yiyu approached Jiang Anan and explained.If she hadn't been dragged here by his difficult student council president, she would never have planned to participate in any prop production.

"Hello! Welcome to the production team. My name is Leng Yiyu. You can call me Yiyu directly." Leng Yiyu said, greeting with a smile.

"Oh, then you can also call me An An, so that everyone will not be too unfamiliar." Jiang Anan said quickly, and at the same time looked at Lei Jie who was not far away, " he all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, he is sturdy and durable, and he is not so invulnerable." Leng Yiyu smiled and waved his hands.Anyway, it has been beaten down for more than ten years, and it is not too late to be beaten.

strong and sturdy?The corner of Jiang An'an's mouth twitched uncontrollably.Is this a description of a person?
"Okay, let's talk about this task first!" Clapping his hands, Situ Zhen said loudly.

Everyone found a seat and sat down.Situ Zhen held a form and said, "For this sports meeting, the props production team is mainly responsible for making some banners and small flags to boost morale, as well as all the props needed by the cheerleading team. Of course, there will be some As for other small props, this will be explained in detail at that time. In general, it is roughly like this. Are there any questions?"

"With just a few of us, is there not enough people?" Someone asked.

"This requires good coordination with each other to maximize efficiency." Situ really thought about it and continued, "If I really can't make it in time, I will bring it up to the school again."

"Then who is the person in charge of this group?" Another person asked.

"Jiang An'an." With his lips parted slightly, Situ Zhen announced his name.

"Yes!" she replied instinctively.

"For the props group this time, I think it would be better for you to be the team leader."

ah? "Me?!" Pointing at herself, she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it's you." Situ Zhen nodded with certainty.

"But..." When she came here, she only intended to deal with it casually, and she didn't intend to be the leader of the group!

"Because I have to be busy preparing for the long-distance running, it is impossible to come to the props group often, and as for the other people here, they also have to devote their energy to the affairs of the student union, so I want you to be the group leader, yes It's the most suitable." Although it was an explanatory tone, it forced people to feel that the decision that came out of his mouth was a foregone conclusion.

Jiang An'an opened his mouth, unable to refute.Sure enough, as expected of the student council president, he was born with the ability to command.

"Okay, if there is no problem, then it's decided." With a clap of palms, everything is a foregone conclusion, "Now Jiang An'an and I go to the warehouse to get the materials for making props, and the rest of us will put together the table first, We will start working when the materials are brought in.”

Walking out of the laboratory, the two went all the way to the warehouse.After Situ Zhen opened the door of the warehouse, the two of them put some colored pens, long rulers, ribbons and other utensils in the paper box for easy moving.

"Here, just take this box." After sorting, Situ Zhen pointed to one of the lighter boxes, and he stacked up the other two boxes and moved them out of the warehouse.

"But president...would it be too heavy for you?" Jiang Anan asked a little uneasy.The box in the opponent's hand was obviously much heavier than hers.

"It won't be very heavy." With a slight smile on his lips, he showed a relaxed look, "Boys are much stronger than girls, so naturally they have to carry more, and you don't have to call me in the future President."

"Huh?" She was taken aback.

"Since we're going to work together in the future, there's no need to be too unfamiliar. You can call me Situ, or...really." He said casually, but his eyes were fixed on her.

Jiang Anan was a little taken aback, calling him Situ?Or call him true?It's just a simple title, but under his gaze, she has a feeling that it's hard to choose.As if... this is not just a simple multiple choice question.

"Si... Situ..." After a long while, she finally called out his last name.

After hearing her answer, Situ Zhen shrugged and stepped up, walking forward.Jiang An'an hurriedly ran to keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

"By the way, you don't mind if I remove you from the cheerleading list and put you in the props group?" Situ Zhen said as he walked.By the way, he slowed down his pace to match the opponent's pace.

"No." She quickly shook her head, "Anyway, you're right, I didn't have much interest in joining the cheerleading team, I would sign up just because my two friends insisted on pulling me along. Besides, I I think it’s better for the cheerleading team to choose some beautiful girls who can attract people’s attention.” As for her, let’s save it.

"No, I think you are very attractive to others." As for whether you are beautiful or not, that is the second.

"Me? How is it possible!" She didn't believe it at all, but he was too kind, that's why he comforted her like this.

"I really think so." He still walked forward steadily, "There may be many beautiful girls, but there are not many girls who can attract other people's attention. What needs to be a kind of beauty that radiates from the inside out. charm."

Shen Yun?does she have it?Jiang Anan looked at Situ Zhen suspiciously, "Can I attract other people's attention?" How come she didn't realize that she had this trait since she was a child?

"Yes." He answered naturally, "Maybe it's your indifferent and bland charm, which always makes people feel different." Or should I say, she will make people have a desire to explore, to know what's going on Under what circumstances, she will show an excited expression.And what is what she wants to pursue.

Is she... different?Jiang An'an couldn't help but pause.Situ Zhen's words made her think of Han Haifei. The two of them seem to have a little similarity, that is, they don't care about their appearance.

"What's wrong?" Her pause made him turn his head to look at her.

"'s nothing!" She blushed suddenly, shook her head quickly, walked a few steps quickly, and followed his pace, "'s good to be in the props group, and there seem to be some very interesting people." She shifted on topic.

"A few people are really interesting." Situ Zhen nodded in agreement, "After getting along a lot, you will know that they are easy to get along with. Although Lei Jie has a bad mouth, he is actually the softest heart; as for Yiyu, she can only shake her fist at boys, and she acts as a protector to girls, so no boy in the student union would dare to provoke her." Such a couple should be called not friends who don't get together ?
"Then you too?" Jiang Anan asked curiously.

"Me?" He looked at her sideways and raised his eyebrows, "I'm an exception."

exception?Jiang An'an thought to himself, but was suddenly stunned by a "bang" gunshot. :-o
On the playground, training is going on at the moment, and the gunshot just now is the start of the men's 400-meter relay.

"Are you participating in the men's [-]-meter long-distance race?" Jiang Anan looked at the running figures on the playground and asked the people standing beside him.

"Yes." Situ Zhen nodded.

"But don't you feel very tired after running 800 meters?" She felt pain to death just after running [-] meters.

"Tired." Situ Zhen shrugged and admitted, "But at the moment when he crossed the finish line, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart, as if... he had finally grasped something."

"Caught something?" Jiang Anan blinked suspiciously.

"It's hard to describe, it's as if I had a struggle of will and spirit with myself." His eyes looked at the wide playground, "I like long-distance running very much, because it will make me feel a sense of existence." , A real sense of existence. Even if I am tired, even if I want to stop so much, I will let myself continue to run."

The shallow sunset, with a faint orange halo, dyed the ends of his hair and his cheeks.

That seemingly refined and elegant face is actually so energetic at this moment.

Jiang Anan was stunned unknowingly, she just raised her head blankly and looked at Situ Zhen's profile... At that moment, the person who caught her attention - it was him!
In the refreshing and spacious fast food restaurant, a meat bun was stuffed into a certain woman's mouth.

His teeth were biting the meat bun, but his hands were still moving with high frequency.

"Hey, woman, have you had enough?" Han Haifei asked with a resentful face when a very displeased voice sounded in a certain woman's ear.

"No... not enough." Jiang Anan said in a vague voice with a meat bun in his mouth.

"It's meal time now, not for you to make these useless little flags!" He glared at her angrily, the materials for making were scattered all over the table, and the dinner plate with food was squeezed to the end by her. edge of the corner.

"It's useless, this is the flag used to cheer at our school's sports meeting!" Jiang An'an argued loudly after finally freeing up a hand to remove the meat bun from his mouth.

"Then you can go home and do it."

"It will be too late to go home." Otherwise, she wouldn't take the ingredients to the fast food restaurant to cook.The so-called team leader is the person who does the most work.This truth is what Jiang An'an only understood after spending a week in the props team. "There are still three weeks before the sports meeting, so these things must be done early."

"Then you don't have to do it in front of me." Han Haifei pointed to Jiang Anan's nose unbearably.

"Huh? Why?" She blinked and asked very "humbly".

He gave her a blank look.This idiot woman actually asked him why!Is there any man who can bear being with his girlfriend, and the other party only treats him as air?

"What do you think!" Huo Dadi picked up the Coke in hand, and he gulped it down in one gulp.

How could she know if he didn't tell me!Jiang Anan shrugged, and continued to cut the shape of the small flag with scissors, "That's right." Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she raised her head and looked at him, "Have you ever run [-] meters over a man?" She Some asked curiously.

I heard from Xiao Ye and Qingwen that his motor nerves seem to be good.

"Run away." He curled his lips and replied without much interest.

"Then how did you feel when you ran?" Her eyes sparkled, and she asked with a hint of excitement.Does he feel the same way as Situ Zhen?
I always feel that men's running competitions are different from women's. The explosive power and speed are much faster, and they are more touching.

"Very tired." He stared at her, wondering about her question.

With his head hanging heavily on his chest, Jiang Anan froze, "That's all?"

"Otherwise, what else would it feel like?" He flicked his fingers and asked back.

"Don't you feel that after running [-] meters, you have fought a struggle of will and spirit with yourself? Or, when you cross the finish line, you will feel a sense of satisfaction?"

Flicking the hair in front of his forehead with his fingers, Han Haifei closed his eyes, "No, for me, running is just running." There is no other meaning.

Running... just running?The movements in his hands couldn't help but stop, and Jiang Anan looked at Han Haifei in a daze.Obviously they are all people who have run [-] meters, but his answer is quite different from what Situ Zhen said. "Can……"

"Also, what are you asking for?" He interrupted her and asked.

"That's because I know a man who ran men's [-] meters in our school. He said that although [-] meters is very tiring, no matter how tired he is, even if he wants to stop, he will let himself continue to run. Because of that It will give him a sense of existence, a real sense of existence." On her face, there was an expression of yearning unconsciously.

Because Situ Zhen's persistence was something she never had.She doesn't particularly want to insist on something, anything, in her eyes, just muddle through.

Therefore, Situ Zhen's words did indeed have a certain impact on her.

Han Haifei pursed his lips, just staring at the expression on Jiang An'an's face.That was an expression he had never seen before... "Is there a sense of existence? What a boring term!"

"Why is it boring? That's..." With a trembling hand, the scissors held in the left hand accidentally cut the index finger of the right hand, "Ah!" Jiang Anan exclaimed, seeing a trace of blood gushing out of the broken skin quickly. place.

Just about to find a paper towel to wipe off the blood in her hands, the next moment, her entire right wrist was tightly wrapped by a big hand, with five fingers firmly pinching her wrist, while the index finger, Surrounded by those two moist lips.

"You..." She watched his actions dully.What is he doing? !

The long eyelashes almost covered the entire eyes. He took her right hand and stretched it to his lips.And the lips were sucking her wound, sucking with a very cautious attitude.

Fingers... so hot, even the whole face began to heat up.Jiang An'an looked at Han Haifei in a daze, and even forgot to take back his fingers, but just stared at Han Haifei blankly.

This kind of behavior is something no other boy has ever done to her, and he...

Finally, I don't know how long it took, maybe it was only a few seconds, but to Jiang An'an, it seemed like hours.

"Fortunately, there wasn't a lot of blood." The gorgeous voice sounded in her ear, and he stared at the fingers on her hand and said softly.

"In the first wasn't a big wound." She murmured, her face still flushed red.

"Even if it's not a big wound, you still have to treat it carefully." His face still hasn't softened, and now he is terribly serious.

There is no need to be so troublesome, shedding such a little blood won't kill anyone!Jiang An'an thought to himself, before he wanted to withdraw his right hand, but his body lightened, and his whole body was already dragged up by the opponent.

"Where is the sink?" Han Haifei asked the waiter standing beside him.

"It's just around the corner." The waiter hadn't finished answering before Han Haifei dragged Jiang An'an to the sink.

"Ann, it's really all right, it's just a little bit of skin damage, it's already..." she said anxiously.His exaggeration made her feel a little surprised.I thought he shouldn't care, but I didn't expect him to care so much.

But... what does he care about?Is it really just a little injury on my finger?

"Why are you talking so much nonsense." He raised his eyebrows, came to the sink, turned on the faucet, and the thin stream of water gently washed her wound.

He didn't turn off the faucet until the blood was no longer visible from her wound.

"It should be fine like this." He breathed a sigh of relief, and said as if he was relaxed. wasn't such a big deal.Jiang Anan gave Han Haifei a strange look, "Are you okay?"

After all, it's rare to see his expression like this, it's no longer that kind of sleazy and cool look, but it makes people feel like a person who is frightened while holding a fragile glass in his hand.

"It's okay." His eyes drooped down, making it impossible to explore the light shining in his pupils, "From now on, you can't be so careless again."

Because blood...would make him feel scared.

A feeling of fear of dying.

"Is running... really that fun?" Han Haifei asked lazily during his lunch break, leaning his tall body against the fence beside the playground.

"Run?" Li Mingzhe, Gao Zai and others were taken aback, "Hai Fei, do you want to run?"

"If I say I want to run men's [-] meters, what do you think?" He snapped his fingers, and he asked casually.

"Are you running... the man's [-] meters?" His eyes widened suddenly, and Li Mingzhe swallowed.He knew that Hai Fei had good motor skills and was also good at long-distance running, but... "The last time the school's long-distance running list was transferred, didn't you just get transferred?" It was said that it was because of some reason, and what was the reason, they didn't know. I know, and Haifei didn't say that either.

"If you tune it down, you can naturally tune it back." Han Haifei slowly raised his head, looking at the blue sky.The blue sky is so blue and so bright.

Long distance it really fun?And what is the so-called sense of presence?

"But why do you suddenly want to go for a long-distance run?" Gao Zai asked aloud.It was beyond his expectation that a friend who had never been very interested in sports would volunteer to run a long-distance race.

No matter how developed the motor nerve is, if it meets someone who doesn't want to exercise, then it will only result in mold and rust, and now... is it finally time to see the light of day again?
Looking up turned to bowing his head, Han Haifei shook his head lightly, and said with a half-smile, "It's just... I just want to run away suddenly." Because he wanted that ordinary face, but also for him. Showing an excited expression.

"It's really just that?"

"Yes, it's just...that." I just...wanted to see her show a unique expression for him.

Looking fixedly at the light gray mud with his clear eyes, he said to himself, "But I haven't practiced for a long time. It seems that I should find time to practice in the past few weeks."

Li Mingzhe raised his eyebrows, "Hai Fei, are you really planning to run away?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Han Haifei raised his head and asked back, but his eyes were not on Li Mingzhe, but on the dark side of the corner, "Come out, I'm not interested in letting people peep." In a light tone, But there was a tinge of disgust.

A figure slowly walked out from the dark corner, and Wen Lanqin was a little embarrassed to be discovered.

"Aren't you the girl who said she wanted to interview Hai Fei last time?" Li Mingzhe shouted.Darling, I never thought that Hai Fei would be so charming, able to make a beautiful woman hide in the dark and peep.

"I...I am..." Wen Lanqin was about to speak, but saw Han Haifei walking straight towards her.


The palm hit the wall, and a pair of cold eyes stared at her, "If you don't want to regret it, then it's best not to follow me if you have nothing to do, I'm not interested in being peeped by others."

The cold voice, and the pretty face with almost no expression, made people suddenly feel like they were in an ice cellar.

After finishing the sentence, stop looking at the other party's reaction.Han Haifei straightened up, shook his head, and walked towards the shade of the tree, while Li Mingzhe Gao Zai and others followed behind.

cold!It was really cold, and Wen Lanqin couldn't help shivering.That kind of eyes has the danger of devouring people.

But... she will never give up so easily!
Biting her lower lip with her white teeth, she squinted her eyes and stared at the slender figure—Han Haifei, she would definitely make him remember her, Wen Lanqin!
*The copyright of this article is reserved. Without the authorization of "Flower Season Culture", please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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