Sweetheart: Imperial school grass, please stop!

Chapter 106 If You Are Not Scary, How Can I Suppress You

Chapter 106 If You Are Not Scary, How Can I Suppress You

An Zihao at the side looked at Yun Shuxue who kept talking to Gu Qianyi, he raised his hand to touch the big black frame on his face and stopped in place.

"5 meters, 6 meters, 7 meters, 8 meters..."

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind, Gu Qianyi felt goosebumps all over her body instantly, she stopped immediately, and just when she was wondering, the conditions that An Zihao said this morning flashed across her mind .

She gritted her teeth and turned her head silently, and she saw An Zihao's mouth opening and closing behind him, "8 meters and 10 centimeters."

Yun Shuxue on the side looked at An Zihao in confusion. What is this woman up to?
"Zihao, it's almost time for class, we still..."

Before Yun Shuxue finished speaking, Gu Qianyi had already walked back with her long legs, and obediently stood beside An Zihao.

An Zihao put his arms around his chest and looked at Gu Qianyi beside him and said coldly, "Next time, don't exceed ten meters."

"What?! Didn't you say 50 meters?!" Gu Qianyi retorted, completely forgetting that there was Yun Shuxue beside her.

An Zihao narrowed his cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "Did I say that?"

Gu Qianyi nodded: "Yes, I just said it this morning."

"Where did you say that?"

"On the bed."

"Oh, on the bed."

"Well, do you remember?"


"I'll just say it, but your memory is really bad."

"I thought about it, and I really didn't say it."


"What I said on the bed was ten meters, it's because you have a bad memory." An Zihao nodded to Gu Qianyi solemnly.

Gu Qianyi was slightly taken aback, she scratched her head and couldn't help feeling a little worried, could it be that she really remembered it wrong.

Yun Shuxue stood beside Gu Qianyi motionless, as if struck by lightning, the previous conversation between Gu Qianyi and An Zihao kept reverberating in her mind.

On the bed, on the bed...they have developed to such a point!
It seems that Gu Qianyi is not an easy woman.

Yun Shuxue narrowed her eyes, and the wishful thinking in her heart was quickly moved.

An Zihao calmly rolled his eyes at Yun Shuxue, who seemed to have been struck by lightning, the slyness in his cold eyes flashed past, and it was almost impossible to catch.

What Yun Shuxue didn't know at this time was that the woman she thought was not simple, Gu Qianyi, was in the body of the fiancé An Zihao she kept talking about.

An Zihao took a few steps forward, then looked back at Gu Qianyi who was still in a daze: "Idiot, it's three meters away."

Gu Qianyi nodded again and again, and quickly followed An Zihao's side and couldn't help complaining: "Poisonous tongue, you are too scary."

"It's not scary, so I can suppress you." An Zihao's cold eyes were stained with a slight smile, but his face was pretending to be indifferent.


Gu Qianyi stuck out her tongue and made a face at An Zihao, and couldn't help muttering in her heart: Repression, repression is a fart!If it wasn't for the sake of being slept by your old lady, would it make you so pissed off?

At this time, Gu Qianyi didn't know that even though she had a great IQ, she was still being tricked by an old fox with a great EQ, or that kind of trickery.

By the time Yun Shuxue realized it, Gu Qianyi and An Zihao had already walked away.

She stomped her feet, and instead of showing a hint of anger from embarrassment, she had a meaningful smile on her face.

If you dare to go to An Zihao's bed, then you don't have to worry about anything, you must let her know what kind of price she will suffer if she does something wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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