Sweetheart: Imperial school grass, please stop!

Chapter 114 I'm Waiting For You

Chapter 114 I'm Waiting For You

Yun Shuxue's face was full of excitement, her small face with exquisite makeup turned red instantly, and even her eyes were instantly filled with teardrops.

I just don't know if the tears are real or fake.

Gu Qianyi didn't understand why she looked at Yun Shuxue, her gaze slowly shifted from her face to the distilled water in her hand: "What's wrong with you? Is it because of this? I'd better give it back to you."

She handed the distilled water back to Yun Shuxue.

Yun Shuxue shook her head repeatedly, but stretched out her hand to hold the bottle of distilled water, and at the same time held Gu Qianyi's hand that was still on the distilled water.

"No, I was too touched. Zihao, do you know? It seems that you are saying thank you to me for the first time."

Gu Qianyi's eyes instantly shifted to Yun Shuxue's hand: "Really? Then can you let me go?"

Yun Shuxue was slightly taken aback, and let go of Gu Qianyi's hand with a blushing face: "I'm sorry, I, I didn't notice."

Gu Qianyi ignored Yun Shuxue, and she put the distilled water in her hand aside.

The bell for the end of get out of class rang like an alarm clock, and the crowd who were still down just now slowly sat up and left the classroom one by one.

But the ringing sound like an alarm clock did not wake up An Zihao who was leaning back and sleeping.

The people in the classroom left one by one, and there were only a few scattered people left in the classroom.

Gu Qianyi sat firmly on the seat, showing no intention of leaving.

"Zihao, school is over. It's already 11:30, let's go out for dinner." Yun Shuxue tilted her head and gave An Zihao a goddess-like smile.

Gu Qianyi glanced at Yun Shuxue indifferently: "I'm not hungry, if you are hungry, go away first."

Yun Shuxue narrowed her eyes, and shook her head at Gu Qianyi: "No, I can't let Zihao stay here alone. I'll wait for you."

Gu Qianyi remained silent, flipping the book in his hand with his slender fingers.

The breeze blew in through the open window, and the broken hair on Gu Qianyi's forehead kept waving. Her eyelashes were like a dancing elf flapping its wings.

At this time, Gu Qianyi did not have the usual indifference and indifference that An Zihao exuded.

Some only have the unconcealable literary and artistic atmosphere, which makes people can't help but follow her rhythm and get intoxicated.

Yun Shuxue supported her next time with one hand and tilted her head, her delicate eyes were full of intoxication.

Why did she feel that An Zihao was very different today?Like, like she liked him more than before.

Because An Zihao didn't wake up, Jiang Chenxi also sat quietly on the seat and read a book, the two of them seemed to have the same aura floating around.

The most frightening thing is that the actions of the two are so consistent.

Gu Qianyi felt a little tired after reading the book all morning. She slowly raised her hands and rubbed her temples, and then took a long, deep breath.

Jiang Chenxi's movement of turning the pages of the book froze slightly, he couldn't help but look back at Gu Qianyi who was behind him, opened his mouth to ask something but still didn't ask.

He was so familiar with that movement that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

The movement of rubbing her temples and taking a deep breath is something Qianyi has always done since she was a child.As long as she feels a little tired, she will do this movement, whether it is reading or doing something, this movement has been done since she was a child.

But, why would An Zihao also do this action?

(End of this chapter)

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