Chapter 116 The Dining Room

Gu Qianyi nodded again and again, and rarely looked at Yun Shuxue directly: "Are you inviting me?"

Yun Shuxue was slightly taken aback, as if she didn't understand Gu Qianyi's words.

She waved her hands and laughed softly: "Zihao, stop joking with me."

Gu Qianyi shook her head, her eyes were still bright: "Are you inviting me?"

"Okay, just take whatever Zihao wants to eat. This is my card." Yun Shuxue noticed Gu Qianyi's change and immediately agreed, and handed her a bank card.

Gu Qianyi carefully took Yun Shuxue's bank card. Looking at the dazzling array of food, she couldn't help her appetite, and instantly felt her stomach growling.

Yun Shuxue carefully stretched out her hand and patted Gu Qianyi's shoulder and smiled: "Zihao, take whatever you want."

Gu Qianyi nodded again and again, and walked towards the dazzling array of food, "Okay, I'll get it, you can find an empty seat and wait for me."

Yun Shuxue nodded repeatedly, and after watching Gu Qianyi leave, she slowly raised the hand that had just touched Gu Qianyi's shoulder and looked a little absent-minded.

Just now, An Zihao didn't avoid her hand, did he?You didn't slap her hand away, did you?
Yun Shuxue lowered her head, and slowly lowered her raised hand, with a happy smile on her face.

She knew that An Zihao would not treat her like that. They had known each other since they were young, even though she went abroad and left him.But her heart had been attached to him since she was a child, she knew, she knew that An Zihao would not treat her like this.

There must be a reason for him to be so indifferent to her, and there must be a reason.As long as she stays with him well, she will accept me.Most definitely!This is her fiancé, she was when she was a child, and she is still now!
Yun Shuxue raised her somewhat moved eyes and quickly swept across the crowd.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped in a corner with the least traffic


I saw sitting in the corner with the least traffic, which attracted countless students to turn back frequently.

Sitting in the corner, Jiang Chenxi kept putting delicious delicacies in front of An Zihao, "Qianyi, eat more. You must work hard for the embroidery class in the afternoon."

An Zihao rolled his eyes at Jiang Chenxi with a look of disgust, and mercilessly hit his arm with the chopsticks in his hand: "It's crossed the line."

Jiang Chenxi smiled softly, and silently stepped back a few steps: "Qianyi, you can take away the things you made in the embroidery class, and when the time comes, you can give the embroidery you have done to others. "

Jiang Chenxi raised points everywhere, but An Zihao still ignored him.

"Qianyi? Didn't you hear me?" Jiang Chenxi shook his head indifferently, and continued to ask.

An Zihao put his chopsticks on the bowl impatiently: "I don't know how to do such boring things, don't think too much about it."

Jiang Chenxi was slightly taken aback, the disappointment on his face was obvious: "Well, since Qianyi doesn't like it, then forget it."

An Zihao lowered his eyes, but he felt a little apprehensive in his heart.This nerd is kind to that nerd.

Yun Shuxue narrowed her eyes, and she walked up to An Zihao's side with light steps, with a graceful smile on her face: "Qianyi, can Zihao and I sit here?"

Jiang Chenxi frowned, looking at Yun Shuxue who suddenly appeared a little displeased, what kind of tricks does this woman want to do?
"Sit down if you want, this is not our private occasion." An Zihao didn't even raise his head, and continued to drink the coffee in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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