Sweetheart: Imperial school grass, please stop!

Chapter 177 Idiot, This Is Punishment

Chapter 177 Idiot, This Is Punishment

Gu Qianyi had already stepped into the Jiang family's villa, and silently shrank back after hearing An Zihao's words, as if what she said made some sense.

An Zihao looked at Gu Qianyi who was standing motionless in front of Jiang's villa, and couldn't help tilting his head. His tone was overbearing: "Idiot, come here."

Gu Qianyi snorted coldly, I'll come if you ask me to come?Then am I very shameless?
She thought so in her heart, but she couldn't control her steps and walked towards An Zihao: "What are you doing?"

An Zihao turned sideways and took off a helmet from the motorcycle and handed it to Gu Qianyi: "Put it on."

Gu Qianyi looked at the helmet in his hand with some embarrassment, "Poison tongue, I, I don't know how to wear this kind of thing..."

"I know." An Zihao narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

He took the helmet from Gu Qianyi's hand and gently put it on her head, and quickly arranged everything for her.

Gu Qianyi tilted her head, looking at An Zihao in front of her, she couldn't help tapping her helmet: "An Zihao, where's your helmet?"

An Zihao stretched out his hand and flicked the helmet lightly, "Idiot, a genius with high IQ, EQ and athleticism like this young master doesn't need a helmet."

Gu Qianyi couldn't help rolling her eyes in the helmet, and cut softly.

In the next second, Gu Qianyi's head, oh no, to be precise, the helmet has been firmly held by someone.

"Idiot, this is punishment."

Before Gu Qianyi could react, An Zihao had already held Gu Qianyi's helmet and gently kissed it.

Gu Qianyi froze in place for a moment, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.She couldn't help lowering her head, but she was very grateful in her heart. Fortunately, she was wearing a helmet, so she wouldn't be seen by others when she blushed.

"Idiot, don't think that if you're hiding in the helmet, blushing and secretly flirting with me, I won't know." An Zihao's voice came steadily into Gu Qianyi's ears through the helmet.

Gu Qianyi coughed a few times and immediately shook his head: "Who is secretly blushing? Who is secretly yelling at you? Do you still want this face?!"

An Zihao narrowed his cold eyes, stepped onto the motorcycle, and placed Gu Qianyi in his arms behind him: "If you want to like my face, then go for it. If If you don't like it, then forget it."

Gu Qianyi put her arms around her chest and snorted coldly: "I didn't know before that you can speak so well with one mouth? Thanks to people outside, you still say that you are a robot with facial paralysis and no understanding of emotions. I see, they are all I have never seen your true face, let alone understand you."

An Zihao tightly held the handlebars of the motorcycle with both hands. When the gas pedal was ignited, An Zihao used his hand to seal the gas pedal of the motorcycle to the top.

The motorcycle flew away from the Jiang family villa like a ray of dazzling light, and quickly flew away from the Jiang family villa with Gu Qianyi's tragic scream.

Jiang Chenxi ran out of the Jiang family villa, but only saw the white gas that was still in the air.His lonely back was instantly elongated, making people feel empathetic, "Qianyi..."

At this time, Gu Qianyi, who was screaming like killing a pig one after another, tightly strangled An Zihao's waist, and a lot of tears came out of his tightly closed eyes: "An Zihao, your grandma! Legs! How dare you play with my old lady like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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