Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 139 Underground Warehouse

Chapter 139 Underground Warehouse
Hu Fei, as the superpower among this group of people, has always felt like a person who has no sense of existence. Until today, when he saw the killer who had the same superpower as himself descending from the sky, something in his heart Genxian was greatly touched. It turned out that his superpower could be so powerful, but he didn't know how to become stronger. He was thinking about this problem all the way from Heilou to here, until When he was about to reach the factory entrance, he stopped Lin Ye. "Boss. I have a question!"

Lin Ye turned around and saw that everyone seemed a little tired, so he said, "Everyone have a rest, go in later, maybe there is still a big cleaning that needs everyone to do!" After finishing speaking, Wang Ye looked at Hu Fei. "Hu Fei, what's your problem?"

"Boss, I just want to know if this superpower of mine can become as powerful as that killing pass!" Ever since Hu Fei met Lin Ye in the department store at the beginning,

He has been joining his team all the time. With the growth of his partners' abilities over time and the addition of new partners, he actually has some unspeakable pimples in his heart that need to be resolved.After Lin Ye finished listening to him, he blamed himself in his heart, "It seems that what I said to this group of partners is still too little, which is why they are so confused." Lin Ye thought about it. After a moment, he said. "Feizi, you know the reason for what you said, but it's something that you won't be able to explain for a while. Let me talk about these things with everyone tonight! Let you solve your own confusion."

Everyone was resting on the spot and waiting for orders. Lin Ye walked alone in the abandoned factory according to the memory of the doomsday in the past, and finally found the bunch of keys in the office of a factory director. Since there was no human use for a long time, everything here was covered with Thick dust, when Lin Ye was walking.The finely broken ice under the feet left watermarks one after another on the ground.

Lin Ye walked up to everyone and spoke. "If you have already found it. Come with me, everyone!" Although Lin Ye's face was expressionless, there was a hint of excitement in his voice. It was a feeling of revisiting old places. They are all like hotels, but Lin Ye can only accept this place as his home from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Lin Ye's joyful voice, everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized.Among these people, except for Jiang Xinyu, an ordinary human who would feel that this place is not suitable for human habitation, everyone else seemed to follow Lin Ye to discover the New World.

And the golden-haired mutant mantou who followed behind, whether it was because of the rotten smell of the factory or because he found something strange, had been roaring with hostility since he came in.

A group of people walked through the abandoned factory, and in a large spacious house, there were still scattered objects left on the ground that were too late to move.And the afterglow of the setting sun spilled in like blood, and soon, the blood moon would hang in the sky again.It will forever remind the surviving humans that this is the end.

When Lin Ye stood in front of this huge iron gate, he felt a little restlessness in his heart. In the last days of the previous life, he had opened this gate countless times, and he could find everything familiar with it with his eyes closed. everything.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the burnt black building, the sky gate that appeared in advance, and other things reminding him that this world is no longer what he experienced before, and irreversible changes have taken place in many places The changes, everything is slowly under his control.

What is hidden behind this door? Lin Ye took a step back slightly, and made a seal with his hands. For a moment, the water flowed out from under his feet like a gurgling stream, like a swimming snake, slowly Some of them slipped in through the iron gate of the underground warehouse.And Lin Ye's spiritual consciousness is also attached to it, carefully observing the things in this familiar warehouse.

Not long after, Lin Ye heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and said to everyone, "There's nothing to worry about!" After speaking, he inserted the key into the lock, twisted it clockwise, and the big lock came out. "Crackling" turning sound. After a "snap", the lock was opened by Lin Ye.

When Lin Ye opened the iron door of the warehouse, a dangerous aura rushed towards his face. Almost before the iron door was opened, dozens of huge black bat mutants flew out from inside.Due to changes in environmental factors, these creatures living in the cave unexpectedly flew into this abandoned underground warehouse as their lair.

Lin Ye opened the door halfway, then quickly closed it again, "Qi Zhan, come here and block this iron door, don't let these things fly out!" Qi Zhan's body instantly swelled up, the chicken petrified, and two fists like iron pots hit the ground. Above the iron gate, only the rattling sounds of those mutant bats hitting the ground could be heard.

In desperation, Lin Ye wanted to block the iron gate with Qi Zhan, because he found that there were densely packed inside, all of which were the red light from the red eyes of the mutant bats.No wonder I didn't find these things when I used water to detect life fluctuations, because the blood and heartbeat of these guys were almost close to zero.

Dozens of mutated bats that flew out obviously couldn't bear to be disturbed by humans. After they flew out, they collected all the red and mutated meat wings, hung upside down on the wall of the factory building in dense numbers, and squeaked like mice. the sound of.

The setting sun outside the window was about to set, and Lin Ye knew in his heart that these mutant bats were nocturnal creatures. At night, they would become even more difficult to deal with. If they were not dealt with outside as soon as possible, There is no time to move in tonight.

"Get ready to fight!" Lin Ye threw out two ice blades almost at the same time, nailing these things to the wall one by one.Everyone shot at the same time, the fireballs in Xue Wu's hands were like jumping fire lions, and a large area was burned on the wall immediately after the shot.And Jiang Xinyu seemed to be a little innately afraid of this thing, hiding behind Lin Ye and not daring to look at it.Li Jie is like an ancient ninja, his hands are like sharp blades, he rushed into the mutant bat and killed him.Nie Quanqi closed his eyes tightly, and more than a dozen blue rattan sticks burst out of the concrete floor, with sharp poisonous thorns, stabbing straight at the mutant bats hanging in the sky.

Almost in a blink of an eye, all the mutant bats that flew out were wiped out, and piles of burning corpses gave off the aroma of roasted meat.

(End of this chapter)

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