Chapter 157

After the apocalypse, Lin Ye's mentality has changed from Darwin's law of survival of the strong and the weak eliminated, to that these people are his brothers and sisters. No matter who is left behind or injured, Lin Ye feels as if he is injured. Because of this, both they and it have become their own reverse scales.No one can touch it.

He hoped that the group of people under his leadership could make progress slowly under his protection.Lin Ye gradually became a parent-like existence in this team.

"Boss, have you come out?" Li Jie saw Lin Ye coming out of the mist and standing next to everyone.Xuewu looked at Lin Ye excitedly.Lin Ye is still that iceberg face that has not changed for thousands of years.Said lightly. "Where are the sneak attacking zombies?"

When Xuewu heard Lin Ye mentioning those zombies, Xuewu's expression turned serious, "We have already repelled those things. It seems that there are not many of them. But their strength should not be underestimated."

Lin Ye raised his right hand, and from between his fingers, streams of cold air spread around like sound waves.It's about 20 meters away from me.There were more than a dozen small zombies gathered together. After Lin Ye felt it carefully, he found that it was not so much a zombie, but a mutated zombie beast.Because these things have lost their human form and are on the ground on all fours.Whispering together,

"Get ready to fight, these guys are planning how to deal with us!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, an ice blade flew directly towards the group of mutated zombie beasts, because Lin Ye's ice blade was very tricky, weird, and agile. Of the group of mutated zombie beasts, one of them died suddenly on the spot.

When everyone saw Lin Ye appearing beside them, they seemed to have a backbone. When they heard him say that they were ready for battle, they all shivered.In the vast fog, they stood in a formation.The purpose of Lin Ye's ice blade just now was to scare the snake. There may be some highly intelligent guys in this group of mutant zombies. Such guys are a huge threat to everyone in his team.

Only those who strike first can gain a good advantage. After Lin Ye's ice blade, the group of mutated zombies immediately dispersed. One of the zombies with protruding eye sockets saw that his partner was killed by this piece of ice. The blade shot to death, and there was a creaking sound from his mouth, and then he roared at the figure of Lin Ye in the mist.

Lin Ye and his party gathered tightly together, and everyone understood in their hearts.Because these mutant beasts live in this place, they are not affected by the mist. They can feel their own existence through smell and vision, although they are all supernatural beings.But in terms of these senses of smell and vision, they are not much stronger than ordinary people. At this time, they can only achieve the goal of killing all these zombies by surrounding them together.

Everyone's strings are tense, and they are likely to be attacked by them before they see the zombies.

"Boss, this group of mutated zombies is a little different from the past!" Li Jie was the one who said this, because he was the first to rush over.So I saw which leader zombie zombie king beast.

Lin Ye remained silent. Li Jie knew that Lin Ye was more serious than anyone else in this situation, so he didn't hide it and said frankly. "The leading zombie beast has two bull horns on its head. The other small zombie beasts also have horns on their heads, but the one without the leader is as big as their right hand is more than twice as thick as the left hand, and they are almost at the same level. Their arms are bigger, but their bodies are very small, and their melee combat ability is not very good! I just came over to fight them, and they started to retreat!"

After listening to Li Jie, Lin Ye said. "This is a mutant bull-headed beast. It is an artificially bred livestock before the end of the world. Certain creatures that are very resentful to humans tend to become mutant beasts. These mutant bull-headed beasts are afraid of humans in their bones, but this is the gate of space outside the sky. They use Those human bones that came to attack us are the zombies they killed. These things should all have spiritual consciousness. They won't attack us head-on, but they will definitely attack us!"

Lin Ye's voice fell to the ground.A spear of human bones flew towards the ground and shot towards everyone in an extremely strange way. Li Jie and Lin Ye discovered this hidden weapon almost at the same time, and Li Jie was going to block it with himself. A spear, but an ice blade flew out from Lin Ye to offset the attack,

"Attention everyone, we have already entered the encirclement of these guys!" Lin Ye felt that something was not right.My group of people is moving, so this group of mutant bull-headed beasts will not be waiting for them like targets.And the weapons used by these guys can be said to be everywhere. These mutant bull-headed beasts thought that their group of people would die like zombies after their first wave of human bone spears everywhere, but Lin Ye didn't expect This group of people actually came to the door.

If we talk about the classification of creatures, then this group of mutant bull-headed beasts are like hunters here, and Lin Ye and his group of outsiders are humans who have come to snatch their territory. Ye, this group of people was wiped out.

After the group of mutant bull-headed beasts shot the first flying spear, the next spear attack was like a rain of arrows. At such a short distance and in such a short time, Lin Ye and his group encountered the greatest crisis.

When Li Jie, Hu Fei, and Nie Quan rushed over just now, it can be said that these guys were scared out of their wits. No zombies have ever rushed to them on their own initiative, but all of a sudden, the leading bull-headed zombie The mutant beast was terrified.Quickly organize the retreat of the minotaur under his command.

Just when they were preparing to fight back, Lin Ye's ice blade became the fuse, and this ice blade killed the second-in-command in the group of mutated minotaurs.They are wise and vow to avenge their partners.

"These guys met us. It's unlucky for them." Lin Ye shouted angrily, and a bucket of ice that fell from the sky appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.Those densely packed flying spears just pierced through the ice and couldn't move forward half a point.

"Boss, if you were here just now, Qi Zhan would not be injured." Nie Quanqi sighed after seeing Lin Ye's hand.

"The spears just now were like meteors falling from the sky. After such a gravitational acceleration, I need all my strength to resist those spears. Now these spears seem to be extremely powerful, but they are not very lethal. The most powerful of these guys It's not this!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, he looked around worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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