Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 172 Gray Storage Bag

Chapter 172 Gray Storage Bag

Although the Linshi class in front of me is indeed on top of itself, but this lake gray storage bag needs a gold third-level zombie heterocore.Or ten gold first-order heteronuclei, such a big handwriting, can this Lin Shi in front of me really get it out?
"Boss Bai, just say it!" Lin Ye knew that this gray storage bag was expensive, but today he brought all his wealth and wealth, so he couldn't lose the chain at this time. Besides, he had done research in the last days of the past. , this gray class storage bag can be bought with only a gold second-order zombie heterocore!

It was so refreshing to see Lin Ye.Bai San also stopped hesitating, and said with a final word. "This gray storage bag needs a gold third-level zombie heterocore. If Mr. Lin can afford the money, you can take the storage bag."

There was a flash of light in Lin Ye's eyes, this Bai San actually wanted to get a kickback from him.A gold-ranked zombie means that a group of supernatural beings have to risk their lives to have this opportunity to get a gold-ranked third-ranked zombie heterocore.

"Okay, the third level of gold will be the third level of gold." Lin Ye agreed without hesitation. "But this gray storage bag, I have to add a few more black storage bags, otherwise, I would rather not have it!"

The old and cunning Bai San heard that Lin Ye had bitten the bait, and was about to jump up for joy.But when Lin Ye said that he still needs to carry a few black storage bags, his face drooped.But the price given by the superior is to sell a second-order heterocore of gold, and he has raised a class abruptly, and the value in it cannot be underestimated.But after he had to exchange a few black storage bags, Lin Ye's bully wouldn't be able to make so much money.

"Okay, a gold third-level heterogeneous core, take away a few black storage bags, and deal!" Bai San stretched out his hand again, but this time neither of them used their abilities. After shaking hands peacefully, they Let go.

After the deal was concluded, the two turned around and walked outside. Lin Ye was worried that this guild would fight with the people from the Zhushan League.When he came out, he brought his own dragon slaying knife with him. In order not to arouse suspicion, he hid the knife by his side. When walking, he lied that his leg was injured and there was a steel plate inside. After passing the werewolves guarding everywhere in the Zhushan League, they even fooled the cameras everywhere.How could a supernatural person be willing to make himself like this, so as not to attract attention.

Although Lin Ye deceived many people with this trick, when Bai San saw Lin Ye for the first time, he knew that Lin Ye was wearing a mask, and the other three people were definitely not cheap. These words were intended for Lin Ye, not because they wanted to fall out with the Zhushan League, but the Zhushan League has too much appetite, and everyone knows the profits that need to be taken away.So there is no difference.

But if there is chaos in Baidi City here, the situation will be completely different.At that time, things suitable for supernatural beings in the black market will be very popular, and this storage bag of mine is not to mention.For a while, Lin Ye couldn't think of this level, but the dragon slayer on his body was caught by him.

"You are so brave!" Bai San who was walking behind roared angrily.Lin Ye was taken aback. Could it be that he found something.

Lin Ye subconsciously had two ice blades on Bai Baisan's neck, the speed was astounding, and Bai Sanzhi, who was at the peak of silver, suddenly felt a chill invade his body, after feeling the doomsday, The strongest threat to life.

"Hero, please stop!" In desperation, Bai San actually called Lin Ye a hero.It really made people laugh out loud, and the two of them didn't realize that there was anything wrong with this situation.Lin Ye was very annoyed. The other party was just testing it out, but he didn't expect that the natural reaction of scrambling among the zombies and mutant beasts would lead him to attack directly.

Lin Ye's heart shuddered, since he had seen his own roots, he might as well just keep doing nothing.Kill this Bai San here.Bring this storage bag back to Tianning League.At this time, Lin Ye no longer suppressed the coercion of the golden class on his body, and directly frightened Bai San. Bai San's legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

This guy relied on the heterogeneous core provided by the Artifact Alliance to raise his level so fast.If he was really desperate, he would not be Li Jie's opponent.At this time, Lin Ye's soul-stirring coercion appeared, not to mention fighting back, Bai San wanted to throw his body to the ground and beg Lin Ye to save his life.

In the blink of an eye, Bai San suddenly changed his words. "Hero Lin spared my life. I am willing to return this golden third-level zombie heterocore with my own hands!"

Lin Ye's heart skipped a beat. He risked the cost of exploding his body to get this zombie heterocore. When he traded it just now, he felt a little pain in his heart. Killing Bai San himself would only benefit from this one. Since So, why not let him die and see what he can say.

The ice blade in Lin Ye's hand left Bai San's neck, and the coercion on his body subsided in an instant. He didn't have the look of killing a god, he was just an ordinary old man.

Bai San stood up, tidied up his messy clothes, and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Ye, as if he had something secret to say to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye saw that the old boy was scared to death by himself, so he didn't worry about anything anymore, and he walked towards the back room under Bai San's guidance.

A small world, decorated in an antique style, Lin Ye almost thought that he had arrived in ancient China. This Bai San was wearing modern clothes, but he was yearning for these in his heart. It is no wonder that he called himself "" in the corridor just now." For Lin Daxia.This name really has some meaning. Thinking of this, Lin Ye rarely smiled.

The two sat on the wooden red lacquered chair, and Bai San conjured up two cups of tea as if by magic. After Lin Ye quietly detected it with his water system ability, he found that there was nothing wrong with it. It seems that Bai San Indeed, there was something to tell him, and the guard in his heart weakened a bit.

"The lord gave the order to die when we were sent out, and you can't drink lightly outside. Bai San is here to drink tea instead of wine, and offer a toast to Lin Daxia!"

After Bai San finished speaking, he took a sip of the steaming hot tea, his brows beaming with joy from being scalded, Lin Ye picked up the teacup with one hand, and poured half of it into his throat indifferently.

This Bai San still had a discerning eye, and after a few short rounds, he guessed that Lin Ye had such an indifferent temperament, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and the three people outside did not seem to have any close relationship with him on the surface, but Bai Three knew that those three people followed Lin Ye's lead.

(End of this chapter)

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