Chapter 200 Healing
At this moment, Li Jie's life was in danger. If there were no real means, these medicines and art alone would never save him.

After the powder was poured on Li Jie's body, he frowned faintly. As a superpower with enhanced physical strength, such pain was unbearable for him.After all, he is not like Qi Zhan, who is half human and half stone.

Seeing that Gu Tian started to attack, Lin Ye's cold detection told him that several zombies began to surround his group at this time.But these intelligent creatures.He was faintly afraid of the momentum that Lin Ye and his group had just created.Ling Ling dared not go forward, but Lin Ye knew.These guys are not far away, 30 meters away.

"Quan Qi, Qi Zhan, maybe the next wave of zombies will be handed over to you to deal with Hu Fei, and you will accompany Xin Yu to lock those mutated bat beasts into cages!" Lin Ye looked at the four of them with burning eyes. Ye worried that Nie Quanqi would lose his way again.So an ice blade in his hand shot towards the group of things.And relying on Hu Fei's jumping ability, it's only a matter of time before all those Bronze-level mutated beasts are put into cages!
Of course, Lin Ye didn't want them to attack those zombies or mutant beasts head-on, but if his group of people didn't make any movement at this time, these creatures would go up together, and only [-]% of the abilities in his body were left. ten.If it's all consumed, it can only be carried through by bursting blood.At this moment, General Li Jie was no longer able to fight anymore. If he insisted on pushing him, the entire Tianning League might be buried here.

Lin Ye sighed heavily, why he has become such a powerful dual-line supernatural being, but still has no way to survive in this world where the strong are king.Live more naturally and work hard every day.

At this time, Gu Tian took out a simple wooden box from the storage bag.The paint prints on it have fallen off, although the mottled wood has been weathered.But it was not bitten by tiny creatures. The value of this thing is very extraordinary.

"Boss, you protect me. I have already realized one-third of the half of the "Green Sac Sutra" left by my grandfather. It just happens that there is acupuncture. Later, even a platinum-level zombie will come to bite me." .Boss, you have to hold on!"

The half of "The Classic of the Green Sac" was what Lin Ye promised the old village doctor to deliver to Gu Tian from Zhucun. At that time, Lin Ye didn't have much hope. In this doomsday, there are more zombies than living people. .But according to the clues left by Gu Tian's grandfather, he was actually found, and this guy is actually a very rare "late-stage healing power user." Even if he is not a power user.What this guy will research in the future is also a very terrifying existence
After Lin Ye finished listening, he released a cloud of water vapor to surround the two of them, and then condensed into ice. In just a few seconds, a fortress-shaped defensive circle was built.Lin Ye has become more and more proficient in the use of ice-type abilities.

Gu Tian inside the ice circle started to use the silver needle with both hands.This time, although Li Jie said that he didn't hurt his heart, every organ in his body has different injuries. Gutian's acupuncture method can only seal the injuries of Li Jie's internal organs at present. To the extent that the zombie's contagious virus is not allowed to spread in his body, Li Jie still needs to use his supernatural powers to restore the wound, and, after a while, there is no chance to heal it at all.

At this moment, Gu Tian should treat Sima as a living horse doctor. If he doesn't do this, Li Jie will die immediately.

Lin Ye was outside the ice circle, a little anxious in his heart, and kept pacing. After the high-level creatures felt the powerful aura of Qi Zhan and Nie Quanqi, they ran away in fear.Although the two of them don't know what's going on, it's naturally a good thing to be able to preserve their physical strength, and at this time, everyone in the Tianning League has no strength to fight anymore.

It can be said that in Tian Ning at this time, only Qi Zhan and Nie Quanqi are the main output.The power consumption of the rest of the people has different levels of disappearance.

Twenty or ten minutes later, the ice circle that Lin Ye transformed had the intention of melting, and Lin Ye had used ice powers to strengthen it several times, but it still didn't help.

Both of them inside the ice circle were steaming with steam.This is a good sign. Gutian was sweating because this acupuncture required full concentration, and even a little distraction would damage Li Jie's internal organs.

And Li Jie put the venom in his body.In addition, the remaining limbs of the three poisonous spider beasts were pressed out of his body. It took only a short ten minutes for Li Jie to regain consciousness. It's just running slowly, it can't produce many supernatural powers, it can only slowly heal its own wounds.
Lin Ye knew that relying on Qi Zhan and Nie Quanqi alone would not be able to suppress those things.As long as they find out that their group of people are paper tigers, they will definitely charge even more frantically, and there is not much time left for their group of people.

Lin Ye was relieved to see Li Jie born with supernatural powers and his injuries improved, and Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei had already returned.The abilities in Xuewu's body also began to recover to [-]%.At this point, there was no longer any delay.Lin Ye could only forcibly wake up Gu Tian and Li Jie.

"Gutian, the next wave of zombies is imminent. Those are not creatures we can deal with now."

Gu Tian didn't open his eyes, but just speeded up the speed of needle injection. Although he couldn't focus on two things at this time, he also knew the dangerous situation at this time. This is the gate of heaven and space.It's not a peaceful place.In desperation, a silver needle was stuck in the wrong place, and Li Jie's internal organs were damaged, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Li Jie!!" Lin Ye and Xue Wu said at the same time, Li Jie died, Tianning League died with the help, and this day is empty.Lin Ye and his party will not set foot in it again.

Gutian was more worried than Lin Ye and Xuewu. This was because he was in a state of confusion, so he made a mistake in administering the needle. If he gave up all his efforts because of this needle, then his medical skills would be lowered. Been stuck at this stage for a long time.

When a person wants to break through the realm of a matter, it is the easiest way to break through in actual combat.But it is also the most vulnerable to emotional damage.

Gu Tian opened his pupils, and a dazzling golden light flashed in his eyes.There were a total of one hundred and eight silver needles, and only a few hair-like silver needles were left hidden in the white cloth strips. Gu Tian flipped his fingers and took out seven slender silver needles, making a decision determination.All of them were stuck on Li Jie's head.

(End of this chapter)

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