Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 214 Secret Letter

Chapter 214 Secret Letter
"Mr. Lin, my manager Bai has recently gone back to the headquarters of the Imperial Equipment Manufacturing League, and he won't be back for a while!"

After hearing what Zhou Li said, Lin Ye didn't ask any more questions. The things of Wuhua Tianbao were all transported by manpower.Especially in the early stage, although I don't know how they will solve the problem that the needed items are very far away.But at present, they can only be transported by human power.

It will take at least ten and a half months for Bai San to return after he leaves.

"Is there anything your housekeeper can explain to you?"

"Oh, you reminded me!" After Zhou Li finished speaking, she hurried to the inside of the shop. "Wait for me a moment!"

Lin Ye's guess was correct. This Bai San probably didn't dare to tell whether it was true or not after knowing about the tide of corpses two months later, so he returned to the imperial capital after fanning the flames about it.Move rescuers!

Didn't have long to wait.Zhou Like walked to Lin Ye's side politely, "Please go in!"


It was still the familiar scene, a dark and yellow corridor, with paintings engraved on the walls by unknown masters.It was here that Lin Ye and Bai San discussed the cooperation between Tianning League and Qiqi League.After a short dozen days, Bai San disappeared without a trace.

Lin Ye's vigilance at this time is no weaker than the first time he came in.After all, this is someone else's territory.Lin Ye would not think so easily.A faction that can gain a firm foothold in the imperial capital.There will be no means.

Just those runes.It is not something that ordinary supernatural beings can create.

"Mr. Lin, this is what my boss wants to give you!" Zhou Li respectfully handed an unopened letter to Lin Ye.After Lin Ye took it, he put it in the storage bag.

"The manager said that the old man must come in person to get this thing, and there is another item I want to hand over to you!" Zhou Li found a big box from under a table, opened it with a click, and went to the forest. Ye's eyes.

Some ordinary black and white clothes, mostly close-fitting clothes.Lightweight and can be used as pajamas.At this time, it was neatly stacked in the box.

Seeing Lin Ye's calm appearance, Zhou Li began to introduce him carefully.

"This is a new batch of goods from the Imperial Capital last week. The gold silk soft armor can not only withstand ordinary bullets and guns, but also resist the ability to kill low-level ability users. Yes It is said to be a rare treasure!"

Lin Ye picked up one and put it in front of his eyes. It was indeed a tailor-made armor for supernatural beings. It was light enough and simple enough.It will not affect the feeling of fighting at all!But these things are not only useless to oneself, but in many cases, when the ice armor appears, it will directly report the state of mutual restraint of these powerful foreign objects,
If this thing is given to other people in the alliance, it is really a sharp weapon for self-defense, especially Jiang Xinyu.Bai San is a typical businessman, the more he pays for himself at this time, the more he wants to get when the time comes.How could Lin Ye, who understood this, be polite to him.

"When your supervisor comes back, thank you for me and say that I like these gifts very much!"

After taking the two items that Bai San left for him, Lin Ye walked out of Wuhua Tianbao and walked towards the video game city on the black market.For these pieces of gold silk soft armor with self-defense.Lin Ye had some unspeakable thoughts in his heart.This speculative businessman means to give these things to himself.That messenger was saying, "It doesn't matter if you fight against Baidi City or resist the tide of corpses. Don't let anything happen to the people in your alliance!"

As for Bai San's other thoughts.Lin Ye couldn't figure it out.

Behind the old attire, Lin Ye's body was completely empty of ice and water.Only two heteronuclei are left running slowly.

The tempering of the empty door in the outer sky.It was true that the people in the Tianning League were seriously injured. There was no need to pay such a heavy price for those alien cores, so Lin Ye decided to go out alone and go out early and return late for these three days.It was Lin Ye who was training alone in the empty gate of the sky.

To his surprise, no one from Baidi City appeared in the entire pile of rocks. In the early morning, Lin Ye used the natural scene of the thick fog to hide in the thick fog.After checking all the surroundings, not only was there no ambush, but even the secret whistle disappeared.

Lin Ye, who had been honing inside for three days, obtained nearly a hundred silver heteronuclei from the blood and flesh of the zombies.Seven or eight gold-rank heteronuclei.Several times, when Lin Ye felt the appearance of mutant beasts and zombies that were much stronger than himself, he never wanted to fight.Don't covet those heteronuclei either.Just dodge and leave.

It can be said that when Lin Ye is alone, as long as there is an empty gate.Regardless of abilities and time, if Lin Ye's dual-element abilities are upgraded, it will be a very terrifying state.

On the third day, Lin Ye faced a group of gold-ranked third-tier zombies on his stomach.They already have intelligence.There is no difference in the shot from the supernatural being.The supernatural power of several horror elements bombarded the entire Heavenly Space Gate.Lin Ye threw out all the runes and usable foreign objects in his storage bag before recovering his life.

With such an attack, Lin Ye could survive, but if the people of the Tianning League were among them, they would only turn into dust.

Fortunately, Lin Ye thought that the most important thing was to quickly improve the strength of everyone in the alliance.

The heteronucleus of the past few days just happened to buy that King Beast heart.At that time, Lin Ye didn't want it because he couldn't afford it. The lizard man was still thinking about his dragon slayer.At this time, he had a lot of alien cores in his hands, so he might still covet his own weapons.How can such things as weapons be given to people casually.

In addition to the king beast heart, there are also a lot of biological supplies in the storage bag.A storage bag was full of zombies and the stumps of mutant beasts.These are the food Lin Ye prepared for those mutant bats.

The appetite of these guys, if they get into the habit of eating zombies and mutant beasts, when they get bigger, the frozen pork in the underground warehouse will not be enough for them to eat.

These corpses should be able to survive this winter, although the storage bag cannot keep these corpses fresh.But after the rotten meat is rotten, it will be even more attractive to bat mutants.

Lin Ye who walked out of the black market.Think back to those supernatural beings who looked at him in the black market all the way.There was a sense of danger from the bottom of my heart.The scrutiny in it means less and more naked provocation.

(End of this chapter)

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