Chapter 219
But the situation at this time is no longer as simple as Gong Zang leaving whenever he wants.

After seeing Gongzang appearing, the abilities in everyone's hands and the talisman in Gutian's hands were sprayed like colorful bombs in the very wide space below.There was an unexpected bang.

After the explosion circle of colorful flowers dissipated, Miyazura's figure disappeared into the warehouse again!

"Escape technique!!!"

There was a huge wave in Lin Ye's heart.Isn't this a unique ability of Fusang Ronin? Why did it appear in China?
It was only in the blink of an eye when Miyazura made his move just now, Lin Ye only saw an afterimage flash in the air and then dissipate.

Jiang Xinyu heard a terrifying sound in the hall, holding Gatling with one hand.Holding a grenade, he walked towards the crowd.

"What's the situation? Is there really an intruder?"

Seeing Jiang Xinyu with a panicked face.The tense people were almost amused by her bewildered look.

"Everyone beware! This guy hasn't left yet!"

Lin Ye's cold detection is like a human body monitor in the dark, during the few tenths of a second when the assassin stopped.Those supernatural attacks of everyone have already caused substantial damage,

However, due to the particularity of this guy's ability, he was suppressed by himself and was not discovered.

At this time, half of Miyazo's chest had been blasted through a hole.Those supernatural powers didn't cause any damage just now, but those few light runes stuck to his body like ghosts, and the body of the third-level golden supernatural power was directly blown out of a hole.

"Baga! That guy with glasses!!"

Miyazo, who was staying at the entrance of the underground warehouse, turned his head to look at Gutian fiercely. The rune that Gutian brought to blow up the zombies in the outer space gate actually caused this Fusang ronin to suffer the worst injury since the end of the world.

"I want you to cut off all your fingers!!!"

Gongzang walked towards the outside of the abandoned factory without looking back. Not only did this place seem eerie and weird to him, but the people inside were even more frightening.

Lin Ye gradually couldn't catch the assassin's breath, and after just one minute, a figure running at top speed appeared on the big screen of the biological detector and fled.

Everyone stared at the guy on the screen intently, and Li Jie looked eager to try.

"Boss, leave this guy to me to solve it!!!"

Li Jie took the initiative to invite Ying. At this time, he had been holding back the anger for several days and had no place to vent it. In his opinion, although this guy's power level was higher than his own, he just entered the gold level. He, at this moment, is in his heart.Lao Tzu looks invincible in the world, so there will be so many scruples.

Lin Ye waved his hand towards Li Jie, signaling him not to be impulsive. This guy's escape speed is extremely fast, and it is difficult to catch up with Li Jie even in the state of mad battle. Stop for an instant.

"Gu Tian, ​​come and see, is this guy a Fusang ronin or a Chinese?"

Gu Tian, ​​who didn't know that he had made a great contribution, was heartbroken at this moment, because the biological monitoring system he had arranged was useless, which made him feel very useless, which was a slap in the face.

When Gu Tian saw clearly the style of this guy's clothes on the screen, he even wanted to die!

"Boss. Stop him at all costs!!!"

Regarding Gu Tian's sudden runaway, Lin Ye was obviously still a little out of shape, because what he was thinking about at this moment was whether this guy was an accomplice of the lizard monster.

"What's the matter? This guy!"

Lin Ye didn't know the clothing style of the senior members of the Zhushan League in this doomsday world, but Gutian knew that these things had not been discussed and summarized between him and Lin Ye, but this guy was indeed Zhushan The level of the people inside the League has even reached the closest level to Ao Baitian's side.

"He. He is from the Zhushan League!!" Gu Tian pointed to the man in black on the screen. At this moment, it doesn't matter whether he is from Fusang or Huaxia.

The most important thing is that he is a member of the Zhushan League. This news is like bombing everyone! !
After hearing these words, Lin Ye disappeared in front of everyone's eyes like a broken bullet, and then everyone who slowly came to their senses chased outside one after another.

People from the Zhushan League found this place and thought that this underground warehouse, which everyone worked so hard to build, was the base of the Tianning League.About to be discovered by the people of Zhushan League.And the consequences are always imaginable.

At this moment, Lin Ye only hated himself for not agreeing to Li Jie and keeping him.

A bright blood moon bloomed in the sky like a rose, and there was wind around, and the sound of some tiny insects scratching the soil could be heard in the wind.Everyone in the Tianning League looked at the empty land in the distance in annoyance.

At the end under the red moonlight is an invisible distance, a black dot, which has disappeared.

At this moment, Lin Ye felt a little anger in his heart, but he was about to reach the point where he couldn't help it. In this doomsday, survival is the only guarantee.

And the people of the Zhushan League made trouble for themselves over and over again.The tempering of the Heavenly Space Sect, the target of this assassination is obviously himself.It is impossible for Lin Ye to turn a blind eye to these things.

Mantou stood on a huge rock, looked at the full moon hanging in the sky, and howled.Like a wolf, its golden-yellow fur was a bit shiny against the red moonlight.

Since when did everyone become so powerful that everyone in the Zhushan League became so afraid?
Lin Ye doesn't want to think about these problems anymore. Since he has great strength, he must have the resources to match it. The flag of the alliance was raised to a position where everyone could see it.

Lin Ye turned his head slowly, his eyes full of pride.

Xue Wu, Jiang Xinyu, Nie Quanqi, Gu Tian, ​​Qi Zhan, Hu Fei, Li Jie, seven people, and Zhang Ren who is far away in Tianshui County, everyone's wish from the beginning was to be a party in this doomsday. Does Xiongba exist?

If it weren't for the Fusang rogue of the Zhushan League today, the time for this planned siege would have been postponed to two months.Everything is changing, and everything is flowing. Lin Ye wants to lead the people of Tianning League to escape the fire of this disaster.But the fire was already burning.

"Tomorrow, enter the city!!!"

The four words were like a big hammer, hitting everyone's heads fiercely, and the hearts that had calmed down suddenly burned again.

(End of this chapter)

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