Chapter 229
"I may have to go back to see my mother now. I can't worry about it, and I can't accompany you to get familiar with the environment again, but what kind of biscuits are you talking about..."

Li Shu blushed and scratched his head, showing respect for the strong from the bottom of his heart.

"Forget it."

"It's just that you've seen someone else, and we've just come here. You've helped us get acquainted with this place, and it's been a great help." Suddenly receiving L's eye signal, L Bingxue is so smart that he can't understand, so he hurriedly took Li's words .

"We didn't bring any food with us when we went out. Why don't we give this heterocore to Brother Writer." X pretended to take it from his bag, but in fact, he took out one from the storage bag, which is not high in rank, but its own value is very high. The heterogeneous core of zombies, which is higher than food, was handed over to Li Shuo.

Li couldn't write well and gave in. After thinking about the worried mother at home, he accepted the different core.

The three parted here, but Lin Xue and the two were not in a hurry to see the new foothold, and hurried back to the base.


"Now we can go down to live in the slums and develop our respective forces. Today we can see that the slums are as we imagined, and the food and clothing of ordinary people cannot be guaranteed at all." Lin Ye thought about how to organize the next sentence, and changed The next vocabulary continues. "A box of biscuits can make a woman sell her body. And supernatural beings really don't want to make trouble. Although they are low-level supernatural beings and have weak abilities, the gate of outer space and space is in our hands. As long as we recruit them, we will be able to kill you in a short time. Improving their capabilities is not out of the question.”

A group of people gathered in the new base area. At this moment, it was late, the bloody sun was setting, and the dilapidated town cast shadows on the wild grass. Bright, dappled entry.

Everyone listened to Lin Ye slowly talking about the day's affairs, and they all bowed their heads in thought.

"Speaking of which, the so-called big hermit in the city, there are now two houses in the slums as our foothold. If the seven of us go there, it won't be crowded. It just so happens that the shop in that alley serves as our base for external contact, and the news is released , hooked. What do you guys think?"

"Okay! Just do as the boss said!" Li Jie made the first decision, and the rest of the people followed suit.Start discussing detailed countermeasures.

That night.

The solitary town is as quiet and uninhabited as a Yizhuang, with lonely smoke rising at night and ghost fog.A gust of night wind blew past, and after the white mist dissipated, it was clear again. A few slight noises were inaudible, but they were enough to wake up Lin Ye, who was very vigilant.

Lin Ye got up in an instant and didn't feel threatened. He saw Gu Tian walking out alone, and quietly followed.

I saw that this guy was using the moonlight to identify the broken walls and ruins on the ground, so he simply found a fairly flat place to sit down, summoned a few plants, and quickly stimulated them to grow and mature. He reached out to grab a handful of ripe fruits, and threw the withered plant body aside.

The man under the moonlight, his hair was full of soft silver moonlight, it seemed that Gutian must have something to worry about, with one hand propping his chin, his slender legs were also curled up.However, the sound of cracking melon seeds and Gutian's bulging cheeks ruined the scene.


"Pfft...cough cough cough!?"


Gu Tian calmed down and turned back, his eyes widened immediately, holding a handful of fresh sunflower seeds that had just been born in his hand, he looked at the person behind him in a bit of bewilderment.

"What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Lin Ye thought it was a little funny. This was the first time he had seen Gu Tian who was supposed to be a serious archaeologist getting up to eat melon seeds in the middle of the night?I don't know if it was a sudden nervousness or something, Lin Ye thought about his words and asked.

"What? Something on your mind?"

"'s actually me." Gu Tian hesitated to speak.


"I want to stay here for the time being. The experimental equipment I took away can still be used. The beast core of the bat king beast..."

Gutian at this moment is a bit more cautious than usual.


He reached out to grab a handful of sunflower seeds in Gutian's hand, and sat next to him.

"If you have an idea, just say it. Between you and me, there is no need to hide it. I will obey you, great scientist."

Both of them sat on the ground, a few stars collided in the night sky, Xiao Ji leaned into the Big Dipper, and invited to drink with the night wind.

In the middle of the night, go home.

The clouds cover the Qinghui, and the rain will strike at night.


In the early morning, the warm sun of the doomsday poured down on the earth, and the morning dew was not yet shining, but Lin Ye and his party put the necessary items into the storage bag. Before leaving, Lin Ye took out a piece of raw meat from the storage bag and fed it to the steamed bun. God preaches.

"Mantou stay here with you first, and I will tell you when the time is right."


Gu Tian agreed, stopped where he was, and watched his companion leave, the distance was further and further away, his figure was blurred until he disappeared.

He turned around, activating the plant power in his body, and the gentle force of nature spread wantonly on the land. A few tiny seeds were scattered on the ground, growing rapidly, and entangled on the wall of the stronghold where only one person remained, as if It is a green fortress.

Wrapped by layers of plants, although it looks weak, it is full of toughness. It is covered with a layer of ghost vines inside and out, and the vines are firmly inserted into the wall, connecting each other inside and out.And the ground is covered with a layer of phantom fragrance flowers. With the lesson of the last time he suffered at the hands of Fusang Ronin, it became very necessary to create illusions to hide himself.I saw that the flower was just about to bloom, glowing lavender, and slowly stretched out. The tender petals curled up slightly to protect the stamen in the center, dotted the barren ground, exuding a refreshing fragrance.Little did they know what a miserable end they would end up with if they broke into this fairyland.

The next long period of time should be spent in this stronghold.

Gu Tian called out a steamed bun, then locked the door of the stronghold, isolating it from the outside world.


Inside Baidi City, the surface was calm, but in fact, the interior was already turbulent.

The Zhushan League, the largest super alliance in Baidi City, is glamorous and beautiful on the outside, but the inside has long been decayed.There are many supernatural beings who think that they are invincible and superior, and their abilities are stagnant but their tempers are good.

In a magnificent room, the sun shines into the room. Ye was in such an environment that night, he turned his body with difficulty, and barely saw the appearance of the wings behind him.

Tall in stature, but with a bird face, Ye Dangye is an incompletely evolved human being among those with superpowers.If Lin Ye and the others saw this scene, they would immediately recognize that this was the winged bird man who fought for the beast core with a red-haired man when the Zhushan League attacked a few days ago, and killed the red-haired man.

That day, everyone came back to look at the red-haired man's body. Although the appearance of death was too miserable, in the last days, if he died, he would be just a piece of rotten meat. feel any discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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