Chapter 272
"Dad, why are you kneeling?" The young man following behind rushed to the old man's side, about to help him up.

"Silly son, this is our family's savior, dad is thanking them" speaking, following his own son's strength, he also got up.Because he really didn't know if Lin Hua would let him get up if he continued to kneel down.

"Dad, even if they saved us, you don't need to kneel to them. They are all juniors, so they should take the initiative to talk to you." The young man glanced at Lin Hua, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"You're really interesting, and we didn't make your father kneel. He suddenly came to kneel in front of us, and we were taken aback, okay?" Li Yang said dissatisfied.

Who is it, my boss rescued them, first he was knelt down inexplicably, and it was his fault for not holding them back?

And who is not blind, thinking that no one else can see the greed in their eyes, right?
"Hmph, of course you will be startled, such a big old man kneels in front of you juniors, and you don't even help them, you are really uneducated, and you don't even know how to respect the old and love the young at the very least." The young man said more and more. It's ugly, and the tone is full of contempt.

"You..." Li Yang just wanted to refute, but was stopped by Lin Hua.

"Li Yang, let's go, there are other things," Lin Hua said.

Li Yang suddenly remembered that he was not arguing with someone, but came out to look for food. He gave the young man a hard look, and wanted to turn his head and leave.

"Hey, you really want to leave so much." The young man suddenly reached out his hand to stop them.

"Don't push yourself too hard," Li Yang said angrily.

"What do you want?" Lin Hua asked calmly like a young man.

"You are all supernatural beings, right? Don't supernatural beings have to worry about food and clothing? You should donate your clothes and food to ordinary people like us," the young man said shamelessly.

"Oh? We rescued you, but we still give you clothes and food? Where does this come from?" Lin Hua raised her eyebrows and asked. This is really interesting. In the last days, there are still people who would rob houses?Come out to be a robber?So just now, was it true or false that they were trapped?

"As the saying goes, send people to the end, send Buddha to the west, you are all supernatural beings, saving us is just a matter of passing, and it is much easier for you to obtain food than us ordinary people. Even if you give us, you will not be short of food Yes, if you don't want to, just treat it as if I borrowed from you." The young man said with a reluctance on his face, as if to say how can you be so stingy.

But no matter what he thought, Lin Hua would definitely not give it to him. Looking at the old man who had a dull expression since the young man came out to speak just now, Lin Hua smiled ironically.

"Hey, why are you so shameless, we saved you, it's fine if you don't ask for a gift, why do you have the nerve to ask us for it?" Li Yang was almost pissed off, a big man should stand upright, He should work hard to get what he wants. He has never seen such a brazen person, who actually relied on him after saving them. It was like a piece of disgusting brown sugar.

Young men don't care what they are saying, they have the expression that I am the biggest and you should all respect me.

If Li Yang hadn't considered that he was an ordinary person, he would have wanted to beat him up long ago.

But Lin Hua turned her head and looked calmly at the two women following the young man, both standing about five meters away from them.

It is said that they are two women, but in fact the other one can only be regarded as a girl, a woman who is about the same age as a young man, and the other one is only 1.4 meters tall, looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, and wears clothes that obviously do not match her own. Messy hair, man's finger marks under the wide collar.

The other one looks to be in her 20s, her hair is neatly combed, and her forehead is exposed. The whole face is not very good-looking, but it is better than delicate. It's just that the eyes of the two girls are obviously dull. Some faint bluish patches.

The young man probably saw Lin Hua's eyes that kept looking at the girls, and hurriedly blocked Lin Hua's gaze from looking at them, with a clear haze in his eyes, "Look what my sisters are doing?"

"Just take a look." Lin Hua said calmly, ignoring the young man's gloomy words.

"Then what did you see?" The young man continued to stare at Lin Hua with terrifying eyes.

"Hey, we saved you anyway, can't we see who we saved? Hmph, narrow-minded." No matter how slow Li Yang was, he could see the sudden burst of aura on the man, and said.

"Corpse trainer" Lin Hua looked into the young man's eyes and said word by word.

The pupils of the young man shrank suddenly, and then he slowly regained his composure, and laughed, "I really don't know what you're talking about, I don't know why."

"Gossip, Feng Shui, Iron Gate, Corpse Trainer" Lin Hua said slowly.

"You, you should be the owner of this futile hotel." Lin Hua said with a light smile, as if reminiscing with an old friend.

"Hehe, what a wasteful hotel, you really know how to joke." The young man turned his back to Lin Hua and said.

"There are hundreds of people who died here, if not thousands, and they were all killed in their sleep. What if it's not a death in vain? Is it wrong to call it the hotel of death in vain?" Lin Hua said.

Mr. Liu and Li Yang next to him are already in a daze. Have so many people died in this hotel?Could it be that this young man killed him?Li Yang thought about the fact that he was still arguing with him just now, and now the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

"Hehehehe, it seems that you know a lot." The young man suddenly laughed sullenly, and his laughter echoed in the whole hall. Li Yang, who thought this place was resplendent just now, only felt the eerie horror here.

"Since you know so much, then don't leave, stay and cook me a rich feast of human flesh, hehehehe, I haven't eaten fresh human flesh for a long, long time," the young man said violently. Quickly ran forward.

The old man who was kneeling on the ground just now rushed towards Li Yang, and the two female corpses who were called sisters by the young man also rushed towards Lin Hua and the others.

At the same time, only a "creak creak" sound was heard, and a group of mutated mice ran out from nowhere, all of them were fat and big like adult orange cats, and the leader was about the size of a steamed bun. He stared at the three of Lin Hua with his eyes, as if he saw an extremely delicious lunch.

"Go, my darlings, you should be starving already, bite and tear these tiny human beings to your heart's content, hahahaha" The young man ran to the corridor on the second floor at some point, bowing his head He looked at the three of Lin Hua who were surrounded by mutant rats.

(End of this chapter)

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