Chapter 275 Treasure
Although the pain didn't last long, only a few minutes, Lin Hua felt as if it had been a few years, but he didn't do anything to stop it, because he also guessed the outline of the matter.

Anyway, Zero will not harm him, if he dies, then Zero will die with him, and the most important thing is, the Tianhuang that Zero values ​​most will also disappear, and there will be no more in the world from now on.

After a few minutes, the pain in the arm disappeared, leaving only a clear bug mark.

The whole body of the bug is red, only the eyes and four claws are black, and there are two antennae on the head. The whole body is a round ball, with eyes embedded in the ball. Know where is his head.

The eyes are all black, and there is no defensive part on the body, lying quietly on Lin Hua's wrist, like a fine tattoo.

And Zero gradually came out of Lin Hua's flesh and blood after Xiao Chong became well-behaved, and crawled panting to Lin Hua's left hand and got entangled.

"It's a treasure of the cadaver family. You can find out what it's useful for. Originally, he wanted you to be a host, but now I beat you to be honest. You still have to remember to guard against it. He is still very poisonous. Awesome, I... I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep, don't bother me if you have nothing to do." Ling explained before Lin Hua could speak.

Then he lay on Lin Hua's wrist without moving, his body was stiff, like a real black snake bracelet, Lin Hua saw that there were wounds all over Ling Hua's body, although they were not very big, but they were very dense, look This little bug really shouldn't be underestimated. Although Zero has defeated it, it seems like nothing happened. On the contrary, Zero has suffered a lot from this and needs to cultivate for a while.

Sure enough, what looks harmless is the deadliest?Lin Hua was thinking in her heart, but there was a sneer on her lips.

"Boss, are you okay?" Li Yang called downstairs. Although Lin Hua didn't stop them from going upstairs, they also knew that something must have happened when Lin Hua went upstairs, and now all the dead bodies are dead, including that pervert. Li Yang and Mr. Liu didn't have to worry about anything, they just concentrated on waiting for Lin Hua downstairs.

Because they were downstairs, they could only see Lin Hua's profile, and didn't see the so-called book or the scene of Lin Hua just now. They could only see Lin Hua standing there stupidly for some reason. Couldn't help calling Lin Hua.

After all, so many mutant rats have been killed here, what if the smell of blood attracts other mutant creatures?And they are running out of time for the appointment, and they have to rush to find food stocks.

Lin Hua woke up from the daze when she heard Li Yang's shout, looked at the book in front of her, closed it with her hand, put it in a cowhide bag, and threw it into Tianhuang.

Lin Hua came down and asked, "Have you finished collecting the mutant mouse's crystal nuclei?"

"Well, that mutated rat king is actually a platinum second-order crystal nucleus, and some small mutated mouse crystal nuclei are very good," Li Yang replied.

"Well, let's go then." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took the lead to walk outside and left the hotel.

"Old Liu, burn this place down," Lin Hua said.

Elder Liu looked at Lin Hua, said nothing, stretched out his hand to gather a huge fireball, and threw it towards the hotel.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was filled with flames. Lin Hua took one last deep look and left.

"Mr. Liu, boss..." Li Yang chased after Mr. Liu and wanted to ask.

"Li Yang, don't know about some things that you don't need to know, or it won't do you any good." Mr. Liu stopped, looked at Li Yang and said earnestly.

Lin Hua has great ambitions, and he's not just someone in the pool. He's lucky enough, and he has a lot of secrets in him. Maybe some of them can be known, and some of them can't. The only thing Mr. Liu can tell his favorite junior Probably that is, never try to discover the secrets that others want to hide from you.

Although Li Yang didn't quite understand what Old Liu meant, but Old Liu would never harm him, so he naturally nodded obediently, and according to what Old Liu said, he no longer had to find an answer for everything.

While Lin Hua eliminated the dead body and the keeper, Li Jie also eliminated a small team with malicious intentions.

Li Jie, Nie Quanqi, and Qi Zhan wanted to go out to find cars and gasoline. Cars are available everywhere, but cars also need to pick performance, defense, shock resistance, and bump performance. Private cars and Volkswagens are all excluded. Only leave some cars with good performance, fast speed, no damage and no defects. Of course, they should be cleaner. After all, in the last days, no one will wash your car again, and although Lin Hua has the ability of ice, it is only used for car washing. It's too good to be useful.

Just picking and picking like this, although there were many cars with no one on the street, in the end Li Jie and others picked out only two cars, and there was no gas in the cars.

"What should we do, what if we leave the car here to find oil?" Li Jie asked.

"It's not safe to put it here, but it doesn't have any fuel to drive away, really..." Nie Quanqi frowned and said.

"I'll go, I pulled this car out of the zombie pile for nothing," Li Jie scolded.

Qi Zhan looked at Li Jie and Nie Quanqi, stretched out his hand for them to look at, and pointed at himself.

"No, even if I put this car here, I won't let you carry it," Nie Quanqi, who understood Qi Zhan's meaning, said coldly.

"Ah... ah..." Qi Zhan, who wanted to say something more, was interrupted by Li Jie.

"Qi Zhan, we are teammates, you are not our servant or slave, you don't have to do this or that. Let's go find oil now, the car is here, Quan Qi you grow some trees and vines around these two cars , I believe others will know that this is the owner," Li Jie said.

"En." Looking at Qi Zhan, Nie Quanqi quickly made a trick, covering the two cars with tree vines, and left a wisp of spiritual consciousness covering the tree vines.

After Nie Quanqi was done, the three of Li Jie went to the gas station to search for gasoline.

"Hmph, there are really everyone in the last days. Everyone is dead, and they hide the gasoline, not only hiding it, but also holding on to the gasoline barrel." Li Jie said angrily, while carrying the gasoline to the place he just found. A good car falls on top.

"It's all for survival," Nie Quanqi said with a low voice, talking to himself.

"Quanqi, what are you talking about?" Li Jie looked at Nie Quanqi and said, this idiot always speaks softly, like a girl.

"It's nothing, let's do it quickly," Nie Quanqi said.

Li Jie saw that Nie Quanqi didn't want to say anything and didn't say anything.

The three of them moved very quickly. After sweeping the first gas station, they moved on to the second one. Li Jie and the others were all looking for places like avenues or national highways. There must be gas stations not far away. The oil has been taken away by others, some gas stations have only a little left, and some have many zombies inside.

(End of this chapter)

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