Chapter 281
Under the white moonlight, Nie Quanqi looked calm, dug the hole silently, silently stuffed the rich second generation in, and threw all the blood-stained clothes, gloves and knives into it.

Nie Quanqi returned to the dormitory calmly, lying on the bed with a smile on his face, maybe since then, he has already started to have inner demons.

The next day, the news of the disappearance of the rich second generation came out. No one doubted what Nie Quanqi, who was usually taciturn and timid, would do. After that, the matter was buried in the past.

Nie Quanqi became more silent, did not contact anyone, and went to school calmly, as if everything would pass.

It wasn't until senior year when the doomsday struck that Nie Quanqi immediately obtained the wood-type supernatural power. He covered up his supernatural power and moved with the large army. During this period, he was deceived by others and became a slave in the underground field.

Later, when he met Lin Hua, and Lin Hua rescued him, he gradually felt that not everyone rejected him or liked him, but when he came to the orchard, his scars were uncovered again, and he Thinking of everything unleashes the monster in my heart.

He was also suppressing all the time, but the more he suppressed, the more he rebounded, as if he had fallen into a bewilderment. At first he thought he had let go of everything, but what?No, that's why he saw that people like Liu Zi couldn't help but kill him fiercely, that's why he couldn't control the blackening of his ivy, and that's why he fainted.

"Quanqi, Quanqi, wake up, are you alright?" Li Jie's voice rang in his ears, moving away and approaching for a while, but it was noisy and disturbing in Nie Quanqi's ears.

Nie Quanqi didn't know what he remembered, but when he heard Li Jie's shout, he seemed to have returned to that year. He had gradually become sensible, but he was constantly pointed at by some villagers on the way out of school. When I don't know who to cry about my grievances to.

"Boss, why isn't Quan Qi awake? Is he alright?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua anxiously.

Lin Hua looked at Nie Quanqi and didn't say anything. What would he say?Nie Quanqi's situation is completely touched by the demons in his heart and he is forcibly evolving. What can he do? All of this can only be done by himself. die.

"It's all my fault. If I had stopped them then, Quanqi wouldn't have done the same." Li Jie's eyes were red, and his face was full of self-blame. If it was because he didn't stop Nie Quanqi in time, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Lin Hua patted Li Jie on the shoulder. Although he wanted to tell him that all this had nothing to do with him, he also knew that Li Jie might not listen.

Lin Hua simply said nothing, patted Li Jie on the shoulder, and walked out of the room. No matter what, they hadn't eaten for a long time, and they had to replenish their strength. Otherwise, how would they take care of the sick?Moreover, he should also go and see Brother Yu's group.

Lin Hua walked out of the room and asked Xuewu to cook some soft white rice porridge for Li Jie and Nie Quanqi to drink when Nie Quanqi woke up.

Although it is not certain whether Nie Quanqi will wake up or not, Lin Hua has to make all the arrangements.

But he said that after a fight with Nie Quanqi, brother Yu was spared by Nie Quanqi, and he was grateful. Who knew that Nie Quanqi fainted suddenly, and he was also shocked.

They also knew that Li Jie and the others were all capable, so they wanted to make friends with each other. With Nie Quanqi's reason for fainting, they could be escorted all the way in an open and honest manner.

At that time, Li Jie was only worried about Nie Quanqi, and he was not in the mood to ask them any more. Qi Zhan drove, and the three of them returned to the small villa quickly, so they didn't care about Brother Yu and his party behind him.

When Li Jie and the others came back, Lin Hua had just come back and happened to meet him at the door, so he naturally noticed Brother Yu and his party, but before Lin Hua could ask, he heard Li Jie shouting for him to see Nie Quanqi. Nie Quanqi moved into the room, and Li Jie explained everything, including why Brother Yu followed them.

Although Lin Hua didn't show it on the surface, she also knew that Brother Yu and the others might have some morals in seeing them off all the way, and she was more afraid that she still wanted to see her and ask about things.

So as soon as Lin Hua ordered Xuewu, she went to look for Brother Yu.

Brother Yu and the others also knew that Nie Quanqi was supposed to be healing his injuries, so they didn't come over to bother them. Instead, they chose a villa next to Lin Hua's villa, and stayed there without asking for a better environment.

It was already dark at this time, around eight or nine o'clock, the blood moon had already risen, hanging brightly in the sky, without any stars around it, it seemed even more weird, but after living a lifetime in the apocalypse, Lin Hua, but he also thinks it is normal, maybe if one day you see the blue sky and white clouds again, the normal moon and stars will feel weird to him.

The blood moon did not block Lin Hua's sight, so Lin Hua walked out of the villa without seeing anything at night, and went to the place where Brother Yu lived next door.

"Brother Yu, they have made arrangements." Ah Feng walked to Brother Yu and said.

Brother Yu was lighting a cigarette, and said, "Ah Feng, how long have you been with me?"

Ah Feng picked it up every day, and said calmly, "It's been two years, Brother Yu"

"It's been two years, it's actually been two years." Brother Yu murmured with a dazed look in his eyes.

"Brother Yu, what's the matter with you?" Ah Feng asked with concern.

"Afeng, do you still remember, I just met you for a full year because you were just released from prison, and you hit a wall everywhere when you were looking for a job, and then my shop was recruiting people, and you came here," Brother Yu recalled.

Ah Feng didn't speak anymore, but just looked at Brother Yu in a daze, obviously also caught in the memory.

"I didn't want to use yours at first, because I thought at the time, what good things can a person released from prison have? I'm afraid they are all misbehaving. Even though I have people in both black and white, I didn't want to mess with myself. It's a problem," Brother Yu said.

"But think about it later, who didn't make mistakes when they were young? I can't give you a chance to survive. The robbery that happened later also proved that you really repented, so I really relieved you, and then you Followed me to the present, spent more than three months of doomsday," Brother Yu finished, stomping out the burnt cigarette butt.

The smell of inferior cigarettes is pungent, and the damage is even greater. Brother Yu coughed several times after saying these words.

"Yes, if there was no Brother Yu that day, maybe I wouldn't be able to live today." Ah Feng has always regarded Brother Yu as his benefactor. Thank you very much, Brother Yu.

"Afeng, you..." Before Brother Yu could finish speaking, he heard footsteps in the yard.

Brother Yu and Ah Feng looked at each other, stood up hastily, and just walked out of the room when they saw a person standing in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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