Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 302 Iron Armored Dragon

Chapter 302 Iron Armored Dragon
"Haha, Heisha, you actually asked such a few weak humans to help, aren't you afraid that they will kill you after killing me, and then take away our two different cores? Humans are very greedy." Said the Iron Armored Dragon.

At this time, Heisha turned his head to look at Lin Hua, only to see Lin Hua nodded!

Then Heisha turned his head to the Iron Armored Dragon and said, "I believe in my own vision, and I want to tell you the news that these weak humans in your eyes killed all the little dragon cubs above you, believe it or not"

"You're lying. You killed so many of my descendants with just a few of their skills. You can't even say that I'm dead. Look at their highest platinum strength. My descendants are no less than a hundred levels higher than them." Iron Dragon doesn't believe it
At this time, Lin Hua said, "Then may I ask why you have been fighting Senior Heisha for so long, why none of your descendants came to help, don't you doubt that?"

"This big silly dragon is still Amethyst, it's so funny, it doesn't have any brains at all," Li Jie joked
"You're looking for death!" Li Jie's words stimulated the iron-clad dragon, and the iron-clad dragon rushed over like Lin Hua. At this moment, Lin Hua quickly created an extremely thick ice wall in front of him to delay the iron-clad dragon. , just for a moment, enough to avoid his attack.

With a bang, the ice wall shattered, but at the moment when it was able to block the giant iron-clad dragon, Li Jie, Xuewu, Linhua, were not harmed, and just now when the giant iron-clad dragon attacked Li Jie and the others, Heisha also moved, and he The sharp claws instantly pierced a big wound on the iron-clad dragon's abdomen, blood was flowing, this time the wound should be the biggest, because Li Jie's words just now completely angered the iron-clad dragon!

The armored dragon wanted to kill Li Jie to vent his anger, so he didn't notice Heisha's offensive just now.

At this moment, seeing how big the iron armored dragon's wound was, and leaving a lot of blood, Lin Hua remembered the trick he used to deal with the giant snake last time, ice control!

Lin Hua closed her eyes, but opened them in an instant, and saw that the iron-clad dragon's wound was no longer bleeding, but frozen into ice.

"Senior Heisha hurry up"

Heisha rushed towards the iron-clad dragon quickly, and grabbed the huge head of the iron-clad dragon. Under Heisha's sharp claws, the head of the iron-clad dragon was quickly shattered, and then the huge body It fell down in an instant.

"Thank you, Lin Hua, for avenging me. I promised you, I will definitely do it, but now my body is injured and I need to recuperate for a few days. Tell me the direction you are going. After three days, I will go to Chase you"

"Okay" Lin Hua told Heisha where he was going!
Then Heisha disappeared in the direction of the cave entrance.

Lin Hua walked up to the armored dragon and took out his heterocore.Then cut off the sharp claws of the iron armored dragon!This heteronucleus was actually different from the previous one. At this time, Lin Hua saw the amethyst heteronucleus for the first time, a purple transparent bead, and it was smaller than the previous heteronucleus.

"Boss, show me," Li Jie said at this time

"Then" Lin Hua threw the word crystal heteronucleus to Li Jie

Li Jie looked at the heterocore in his hand and took out a platinum heteronucleus from his pocket to compare. So there are so many differences, so it looks like this!After the comparison, Li Jie returned the heterocore to Lin Hua.

It's getting dark, hurry up and find Gui Wu and the others. As they said, a few people seemed to be walking up there. After about half an hour, they saw that Gu Tian and Gui Wu were still there, but Gui Wu was still in a coma!
"There's nothing wrong with the ghost dance, Gu Tian?" Lin Hua asked, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that the ability is consumed too much, just rest for a while
Xuewu, take care of Ghost Dance, the three of us will go pick up the different cores...

"Boss, do you think the five of us are too awesome to kill ten thousand dragons, and the level is so high?" Li Jie said excitedly
"You don't have to fart there, can you? It's all thanks to the boss and Gui Wu. Your face is so big." Gu Tian couldn't understand Li Jie's fart and began to irritate him

"Please, I also put in a lot of effort, okay, the conscience of heaven and earth," Li Jieyou began to explain
"Hurry up, there are only three of us with so many heteronuclei, don't worry, you want to spend the night," Lin Hua said
"Then hurry up, what are the ink stains?" Li Jie squatted down and started to take a dragon's core
after about an hour
"Boss, you said that you are usually a little excited when you see heteronuclei, but today there are so many heteronuclei waiting for me to pick them up, why am I not excited?" Li Jie said

"Who would be excited about it? It's been almost two hours since I picked it up, and it's not halfway done yet," Gu Tian said.

""Yeah, I don't even want to pick it up anymore. Now I'm a bit confused when I see this different core, but after thinking about it, with these different cores, everyone's strength will be greatly improved. Even if you don't want to pick it up, you can pick it up. Ah," Lin Hua said, speeding up.
Gu Tian Li Jie saw that the boss was like this, and they also speeded up.

After another 3 hours or so, all the heteronuclei have been picked up!At this time, Ghost Dance has already woken up, but it may be that the power consumption is too high, and there is no energy

"Boss is exhausted, let's rest here tonight, there is still dragon meat to eat here," Li Jie said

"Take out some dragon meat, let's go outside to rest, there is no place to look for firewood," Lin Hua said

"OK then"

Lin Hua walked up to Gui Wu, carried Gui Wu on her back, and started walking forward!And Hou Nian Xuewu and the others also walked out one by one!

The five of them lit a fire in a forest not far from the cave, and began to roast the dragon meat and eat it!

"Boss's heteronucleus did the math just now. There is 1 amethyst heteronucleus, 138 platinum heteronuclei, and 1 gold heteronuclei," Li Jie said.

"Aren't you excited?" Lonely said

"How could your boss not be excited? It's just that he doesn't show it on his face." Xuewu said at this time

"To be honest, who wouldn't be excited?" Lin Hua said, with these heterocores, our team's combat power can be greatly improved.

"Now let's divide our 5 different cores. This time, Ghost Dance is the most powerful, so I will give him 20 platinum for the purple crystal different core, 20 platinum for Xuewu, 20 platinum for Li Jie, and 20 for Gutian. 20 platinum, I also have [-] platinum, and you can divide the remaining Xuewu back, who disagrees with this division method?"

"Okay" Xuewu replied

"I don't agree," Ghost Dance replied

"What's wrong with Ghost Dance?" Lin Hua asked

And Xuewu and Li Jie Gutian all went to wait for his words like a ghost dance.

"According to labor, the amethyst heterocore should belong to you, boss. You can't give it to me, even if I give it to me, I don't want it. This time you have done the most, and you only have 20 platinum ones. It's too unfair to you. And you are the boss of the team, you must be the most powerful, so you must get Amethyst."

(End of this chapter)

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