Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 316 The Huge Palace

Chapter 316 The Huge Palace

Li Jie calculated the number of heteronuclei, and then began to report to Lin Hua, "7 amethyst heteronuclei, 135 platinum heteronuclei, 386 gold heteronuclei, and 699 silver heteronuclei." The number was reported by Lin Hua.

Then a few people and a tiger are waiting for Lin Hua's allocation, amethyst hetero-core, 1 xuewu per person, two this time, platinum hetero-core, 22 xuewu, 25 xuewu, gold hetero-core, 64, xuewu There are 66 Wudao, and the final silver heteronucleus is 115 per person, and 12 Xuewu.You can put forward any opinions on my allocation!

Lin Hua asked!

However, the result of this allocation is the fairest, because this time Xuewu is really the most powerful, and the main reason is that his attributes are special in restraining zombies. This time it is so easy to get so many different cores. Thanks to Xuewu's contribution!So it doesn't make any sense for everyone to give Xuewu more points.

After finishing speaking, he divided the different cores among the remaining four people and a tiger!After the different cores were divided, the five people continued to climb onto Heisha's body and continued on their way. This time, everyone was not in a hurry to break through, but observed the surrounding environment.

Not long after passing through this cemetery, I saw a distant view, and there was a huge palace building in front of me. This palace is very huge, because it is so far away now, it can be seen from a distance!

"Boss, do you think there will be anything in that palace, or will there be human beings in it?" Li Jie asked at this time

"The chance of human beings may be very small, and the chance of monsters inside is very high, because in this outer space gate, there may not necessarily be other humans coming in except our Tianning Alliance's humans, and here this huge If it is a human palace, the human beings who rule in it must be very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to occupy such a large palace here, let alone the ones we met when we first came in. As far as the orc army is concerned, don’t they know the existence of this palace? The three amethyst orc leaders, plus hundreds of platinum orcs, and tens of thousands of orcs in the army, they dare not come to take down this palace. There is definitely something wrong with this palace," Lin Hua analyzed here
"I think what the boss said is right. How dangerous it is here. It can occupy a huge palace here. It is conceivable that the strength must not be underestimated." Gu Tian said here
"It's useless to say these things now, we won't know what will happen until we get inside," Ghost Dance said

Heisha listened to what all of them were saying, without interrupting, but ran quickly towards the central palace!To be honest, Heisha's speed is really fast.About half an hour later, they were already very close to the palace, but Lin Hua and the others chose not to approach the huge palace, but to watch the palace from a distance.

However, while looking at the palace, what I saw were several pairs of human soldiers guarding the palace. However, the appearance of these guarding human soldiers was different from that of Lin Hua, just like black people, but their eyes They are all golden, and the sounds they make are also very different from human languages. What they speak is similar to the needs of orcs.

And the strength of these guarding soldiers should not be underestimated, they are all the strength of the gold class. Although the level is nothing in the eyes of Lin Hua and the others, they can be easily killed in seconds, but think about it. These guarding soldiers are all gold level, and the ones inside, can't be higher level!

At this time, Lin Hua didn't think about these anymore, and it was useless to think about it. If he was afraid of this and that, Lin Hua, who was afraid of wolves and tigers before, would not be where he is today. With the heart of a strong man, when encountering difficulties and facing difficulties, he can gradually become stronger and finally reach the peak of human beings.

Then Lin Hua looked around and found a mountain not far to their left!After that, Lin Hua planned to go to the cave in which mountain to rest tonight. If he rested outside, he would light a fire and be easily spotted by the guarding human soldiers. This would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. Rather, it is better to have one thing less than one thing more in this space.

"Let's go to rest in the cave over there, which palace we're going to see tomorrow." Lin Hua pointed to the cave on the left.

"That's fine, just tonight everyone will make a breakthrough in strength, so that it will be safer when going to a palace tomorrow," Xuewu said.

Said that a group of 5 people and Heisha were walking towards some mountain.

It was about 7 o'clock in the evening, and Lin Hua and the others had already had dinner.

Now everyone, eat all the different cores that were allocated during the day, and prepare to break through the level. You guys break through first, and Senior Heisha and I will guard. After you break through, the two of us will break through.Lin Hua said

"Don't call me Senior Heisha anymore, now that our levels are the same, you can just call me Heisha from now on," Heisha said

"That's pretty good, I think it's a bit awkward to be called Senior Heisha," Li Jie said at this time

"Alright then, I'll call you Heisha from now on," Lin Hua said.

At this moment, Li Jie and the others took out the different cores that they each received during the day from their backpacks and planned to level up.

Lin Hua and Heisha were not leveling up but were discussing about the palace.

"Heisha, I feel that the strength of the people living in that palace should not be too low, at least it should be at the third level of purple," Lin Hua said.

"I feel that the strength in the palace is not small, otherwise, they would not deliberately occupy such a palace, and no one would dare to attack it," said Heisha

"Also, these people should not be human anymore. Didn't you see the color of their eyes, as well as their actions and language, they don't look like humans at all. If there are any, they just look a little like humans." Heisha continue to add
"I also discovered these, but now I'm not sure if they are human beings. If they are really human, please see and communicate with their leader," Lin Hua continued.

Just like that, Lin Hua and Heisha were talking, and without realizing it, about an hour had passed. During this period, Ghost Dance and Xuewu had already finished leveling up one after another. Now they are both Amethyst 2 level, and then neither Gutian nor Li Jie woke up.

Lin Hua thought for a while that Li Jie should be attacking Amethyst's level, and Gu Tian should also be awakened.

About half an hour later, Li Jie woke up. At this time, Li Jie's temperament has also undergone some changes. He feels that Li Jie now looks at him like a monster in a cage, full of strength.

"Boss, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with my face?" Li Jie asked.

"Have you advanced to the Amethyst level?" Lin Hua asked.

(End of this chapter)

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