Chapter 318 Captive
"Boss, this team seems to be very powerful, why are they suppressing this group of people?" Li Jie asked.

"Looking at these humans, they should be captives. Didn't you see that they were all tied up?" Ghost Dance said.

"Boss, do we want to save these people?" Gu Tian asked.

Let's follow and see the situation at that time, just like Lin Hua, the five of them and Heisha just follow this team like this!Behind them, they kept a certain distance, but along the way, Lin Hua found 5 corpses, a middle-aged woman, two children and a young man.And judging by their injuries, they were tortured to death!And cut off their heads and broke their limbs.

When Xuewu saw it, she couldn't help but vomited.

Seeing Xue Wu vomit, Gui Wu couldn't help but vomit too!
He handed them some water and asked them to rinse their mouths.Lin Hua saw this but didn't react too much, because in the last ten years of the last life, she had seen such a scene too many times, even she herself didn't remember such a scene, how many times she had seen it up!

Although Li Jie and Gutian have seen particularly bloody scenes, this is the first time they have seen such cruel killing of human beings. Although the two of them did not vomit, it can be seen from their facial expressions at this moment that they I endured it.

"I must kill these bastards. They are not forbearance at all. Just kill them directly. Why do they torture them so cruelly? Boss, we must save these human beings," Li Jie said.

"Yes, boss, if we don't save them, they will all be tortured to death like this," said Xuewu who had just vomited
"These things are not human at all," Ghost Dance said.

"These people must be saved. Let's follow along. We will act according to the situation at night. We can't rush there rashly. Nothing will be solved like this," Lin Hua said.

Just like this, I followed this team all the time, and saw two more human beings who were tortured to death on the way!

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, the blood moon has risen, the army stopped marching, and began to busy building camp tents and so on, and sent about 20 people to put the group of human captives collectively in an open place watch over!

The beginning of the team rested.

And Lin Hua and the others rested and ate food 25 miles away from the army, but Xuewu and Guiwu didn't eat anything, maybe it was because of the girls!
"If you don't eat, you will still have the strength to save people. Also, in this era of the jungle, this scene is gone. How can I become stronger?" Lin Hua said

When Guiwu and Xuewu heard Lin Hua's words, they picked up the food and started to eat, but they were still a little uncomfortable, but they resisted the urge to vomit and ate all the food!

"I have an idea that we will divide into two groups later, and Heisha will grow bigger, and I will go to the front to attract their attention, and then the four of you will take advantage of the chaos to save those humans," Lin Hua said slowly
"Boss, I want to go with you too. The three of them can save people. Besides, I have the strength of Amethyst now. I just want to try my hand at killing these bastards." Li Jie said

"There will be more opportunities to exercise in the future, but we are here to save people, not to kill people. After you save people, take them back and hide in our cave yesterday. Xuewu and Guiwu will lead the way. , after Li Jie and Gu Tian broke up, we must kill all the enemies who pursued you," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, don't worry." Li Jie patted his chest and said

"Also, be careful everyone, there are two Amethyst-powered bosses here," Lin Hua ordered again.
"Boss, don't worry, I didn't do what you ordered that time, you have to believe in my strength, okay?" Li Jie said aggrievedly
"Okay, then let's divide into two groups now." Lin Hua left after finishing speaking, and Heisha

At this time, Heisha's body also gradually grew bigger, Lin Hua climbed onto Heisha's body, and then disappeared under the gazes of the three of Li Jie and the others.

"You understood what the boss said just now, don't make other mistakes so as not to cause unnecessary casualties," Xuewu said

Lin Hua and Heisha quickly walked around to the front of the army camp from the side.

I only saw a 20-person guard team patrolling in front of the camp.

Lin Hua got off Heisha's body, and walked towards the camp alone like a tiger.

Ho Ho Ho, the patrolling guards found Lin Hua and Heisha, and let out a roar, notifying someone of an attack, and soon many guards rushed out of the camp, and there could be more than 600 of these guards, half of which were gold. Eyes, half red eyes.Then these people made a way out of the middle!

Lin Hua knew that the leaders of those two Amethysts must have come!
In this way, the two Amethyst leaders quickly appeared in front of Lin Hua and the others!When the two Amethyst bosses saw Lin Hua and the others, they were shocked at first, because they couldn't see through the strength of a human and a giant tiger in front of them. This only shows that their strength is higher than their own. And the two of them are already at the second level of Amethyst, and those who are higher than themselves are at least at the third level of Amethyst, which is not something they can deal with.

"I don't know what the two of you are here for," one of the two Amethyst leaders asked.

"Oh, you roared like monsters just now, I thought you were monsters, but you can still speak human language," Lin Hua said provocatively
When the two Amethyst leaders heard Lin Hua's provocative words, they knew that he was looking for trouble. Because of their strength, they could only hold back the anger in their hearts and continued, "We were originally two people from Jiangyang City, the center of the earth. General, why is it so strange that you can speak human language?"

"So it's still a monster," Lin Hua continued provocatively.

"I don't know how I offended the two of you, which caused you to come here to do this. If there is something that offends you, I am here to represent the earth's heart country to match you. Please forgive me." The crystal leader said again.

"Don't use any earth-centered country to oppress us, we don't want to do this, we'll make you angry, I'll eat you." Heisha also spoke at this time, probably because he had been in contact with Li Jie for a long time, and now Heisha can also swear .

"What are you, you dare to insult our Earth Heart Country," another Amethyst leader said.

"Since you talk like that, there's nothing to talk about." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out the dragon-slaying knife from behind her back, and the Xuanbing Bodyguard also came out to protect Lin Hua's body tightly.And Heisha on the side was already ready to fight.

"Take it easy, both of you. My friend was a bit abrupt when he spoke just now. I hope you two can forgive me and save face for me and our Earth Heart Nation," said the leader of Zijing.

"Hey, you are so proud of yourself. I just want to kill you. I don't want to lose face. I am a tiger and don't need face," Heisha said again.

(End of this chapter)

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