Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 347 Fierce Battle

Chapter 347 Fierce Battle

At this moment, several people are making a fuss about the special stupidity of this mutant bear!
However, after thinking for a long time, a few people couldn't think of any good solution, because these bear people are too stupid, so it's hard to think of a solution.

"Boss, if I say so, I will directly burn their tribes with fire, and then they will all come out, just to see how strong they are!" Li Jie said.

"I think this method is also very good," Gu Tian agreed.

"I think this method is also feasible. At night, they have already rested, and then use Sister Xuewu's skills to burn their tribe. Those who can react can live, and those who can't react will die. death," Ghost Dance said.

"Since you all agree, let's prepare to burn their tribe in the middle of the night today," Lin Hua said.

However, something happened again in the evening, that is, Lin Hua and the others found that there were a large number of blood wolves that could number several thousand, and the level was not too low. Basically, it could be said that they were all platinum level. More than 30 of them are of amethyst level, especially the wolf at the front, which is almost twice the size of the average blood wolf, and the color of her fur is no longer red, it almost turns red under the light of the blood moon. Bloody.

The head wolf took these blood wolves and walked like a tribe of mutant bears!

And the mutant bearmen guarded by the mutant bearman tribe immediately let out a loud bear roar when they saw the group of blood wolves and their leader coming in front of them.

But soon a large number of mutant bears have rushed out, and not long after some mutant bears' amethyst powerhouses have come out, but the number of mutant bears is really much more than that of blood wolves, and the purple crystal There are more than 10 more strong people, and the front of the mutant bear is actually an amethyst level 5 bear, which is a little bigger than the normal purple crystal bear, but her coat color is darker than other mutant bears many.Just like this, both sides looked at me and I looked at you, no one did anything, but the blood wolf is waiting for the blood moon to hang high, and the blood moon has a strong stimulating effect on them, which can improve their combat effectiveness ability.

When the blood wolf leader saw that the blood moon had risen, he let out a wolf howl!
And the rest of the blood wolves were ready to fight when they heard their leader's cry!The mutant bear man on the opposite side, seeing the action of the leader of the blood wolf at this time, also let out bursts of bear roars, and the bears behind him were also ready to fight.

The two sides at this time can be said to be at war!This war between blood wolves and mutant bears is imminent!

And even though the current situation was like this, the two sides just didn't fight, which made Lin Hua feel a little headache.

"I'll go help them" Then Lin Hua used the skill Shuiyin to slowly come to a position behind the mutant bear, and shot a frost arrow at the blood wolf leader.Then Lin Hua quickly walked towards Li Jie's position.

And the blood wolf leader resisted Frostbolt's attack. In fact, Lin Hua didn't intend to hurt him at all, but just wanted to provoke him, so that he would go to war!
However, after Lin Hua's arrow went down, the two sides fought!At the beginning, it might be because the number of blood wolves suffered a little, but because the blood wolves became more bloodthirsty under the light of the blood moon, it made up for the lack of numbers!

The Blood Wolf King and the Mutant Bear King also have the strength of Amethyst level 5, one is speed attack type, the other is strength defense type, so their battles are very slow.

However, the casualties of those ordinary blood wolves and ordinary mutant bears kept increasing, and it took less than half an hour. None died.

And the battle between the two kings has reached a feverish stage, it seems that both sides are red-eyed, the king of the mutant bear seems to believe that his bear skin is thick and thick, and the blood wolf can't break through his defense at all. He didn't dodge the attack of the blood wolf king's sharp claws, and this blood wolf king also believed that his sharp claws could break through easily. This stupid bear's defense, however, was just like the blood wolf king's claws breaking through the mutant bear king. While defending, the Bear King slapped the Blood Wolf King with a slap. The Blood Wolf King couldn't dodge in time, and was already slapped flying.And the mutated bear king was also seriously injured. If it wasn't for the mutated bear king who slapped the blood wolf king away just now, he might be dead by now, because the blood wolf king's claws are too sharp. The proud defense was broken by the blood wolf king's sharp claws.

On the other hand, the blood wolf king was also seriously injured. Although he broke through the defense of the silly bear and seriously injured him, he used all his strength to slap himself into the air, and he also slapped himself badly. injury.In this way, the battle between the two sides is still going on, but the battle between the two kings has ended, and they just quietly watched the current battle situation.After playing like this for about a few hours.There are dozens of blood wolves left here, but they are all injured, and there are less than a hundred bears left by the mutant bears, all of them are injured.

This time, the two kings seemed to want to decide the outcome, they rushed towards each other, and the remaining blood wolves and mutant bears also pinched each other again and again!At this time, the blood wolf king and the mutant bear king were already dying.

They are attacking each other crazily, as if they want to kill each other, they just won't die!

And the rest of the blood wolves and mutant bears are almost dead!

Only these two kings were left facing each other dying.It was already at this time, Lin Hua knew it was his turn to play, and then several of them slowly appeared in front of the blood wolf king and mutant bear king, Lin Hua shot two ice blades to finish them off In this way, Lin Hua and the others collected heteronuclei, and also took some good meat and kept them as food.

Although Lin Hua and the others didn't put much effort into this battle, they were the biggest beneficiaries, because both sides in the battle had already been wiped out, and all the resources were obtained by Lin Hua and the others.And Ghost Dance is to summon her five dark warriors to clean up those bears who have not come out to fight in the mutant bear tribe.It was around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night before the battlefield was cleared. Lin Hua and the others found some firewood nearby, roasted some meat, and used it as food.At this time, Li Jie was counting the heteronuclei obtained today: "84 amethyst heteronuclei and [-] platinum heteronuclei." The gold heteronucleus was directly given to Lin Hua without counting, and asked him to put Go inside the space ring.

After everyone divided the different cores, they began to plan to go to the next destination, the mountain range with a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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