Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 360 Strong Willpower

Chapter 360 Strong Willpower
The battle between Li Jie and Heisha had already ended, and they were all watching Lin Hua's battle.

When they saw that Lin Hua was injured, Xuewu Guiwu and the others directly attacked the humanoid pig demon, while Li Jie Heisha and the others rushed towards it frantically.Humanoid pig demon.

At this time, the humanoid pig demon was not seriously injured.He just left some blood, he just stared at the pool of blood behind Lin Hua, and didn't look at Lin Hua who was injured at the moment. When he looked at the pool of blood, his serious killing intent became even stronger!But when Xuewu and the others attacked with their skills, he began to dodge non-stop.

Lin Hua turned her head and saw the pool of blood. Because she was bound by ice just now, the area close to her was frozen!
Lin Hua thought about it, the killing intent of that humanoid pig demon just now was not because he stabbed it, but because he froze the pool of blood!
At first Lin Hua didn't dare to be so sure, thinking it was because he stabbed her that her murderous intent changed, but the humanoid pig demon didn't divert his gaze from Xuechizi until Xuewu and the others attacked!
This blood pool is very important, so here is my chance!

"Don't come here, I can do it myself." Lin Hua shouted loudly to Li Jie Heisha who rushed over.

As for Heisha and Li Jie, although they were a little worried, Lin Hua said that he could do it himself, so he definitely could do it, and the crowd slowly backed away!Xuewu and the others also stopped attacking the humanoid pig demon when they heard Lin Hua's words.

Because Lin Hua said, he can do it.So they knew that Lin Hua would definitely be able to do it. This was not because of blindness, but because of how many times Lin Hua said he could do it, he did it every time.Although Lin Hua was already injured, he said yes, and they trusted her.This is the teammate's trust in the captain.

At this time, the doll saw Xuewu and the others were no longer attacking him.Turning his head this time, he still stared at the pool of blood behind Lin Hua in a daze and said, "Do you think you can do it, I'm going to eat you raw" and rushed over like Lin Hua!

And Lin Hua continued to move closer to the pool of blood. If he didn't take a step closer, the blood in the pool in front would freeze.At this time, the humanoid pig demon saw Lin Hua approaching like a pool of blood, and the pool of blood continued to increase, the frozen area, so he became even more crazy. The killing intent has almost turned into reality.
At this moment, Lin Hua became more determined in her thoughts. This blood pool is too important to this humanoid monster. Although her thoughts are a bit shameless at the moment, if she wants to defeat him, she can only do so.

Lin Hua walked step by step like the inside of the blood pool, getting closer and closer to the center of the blood pool.The frozen area is getting bigger and bigger!
The humanoid pig demon saw Lin Hua still walked towards the inner center of the blood pool, and now most of the blood pool was also frozen.He became even angrier and quickened the pace of Lin Hua.

At this time, Lin Hua saw that the humanoid pig demon had lost his mind, and knew that his chance had come. Instead of walking forward, he slowly raised the epee Wufeng.When the humanoid pig demon saw Lin Hua standing there raising the epee, there was no change in his eyes, but the killing intent became more and more substantial. When the two people were only three meters away, Lin Hua used it again. Ice shifting phantom.

At this moment, the pig demon, who had lost his mind, thought that Lin Hua would appear behind him, and then quickly turned around!
But his guess was wrong, Lin Hua did not appear behind her, but was about 12 meters in front of her just now!
A huge ice giant sword cut down on the pig demon!

The figure pig demon saw that Lin Hua did not appear behind him!Then he looked around and there was no sign of Lin Hua. Finally, he turned to the front and found Lin Hua, and a huge ice giant sword was cutting towards him, and it had already come in front of him. Now it was too late to avoid it He immediately wanted to block it with his nine-toothed rake!When she was about to move the nine-toothed rake, the huge ice giant sword had already struck the human pig demon's body.

"Ho Ho Ho" the pig demon let out a monster roar
At this moment, the first huge ice giant sword shattered, and the pig demon's clothes were shattered.Immediately afterwards, the second huge ice giant sword fell on the body of the humanoid pig demon again.The humanoid pig demon kept spitting out fresh blood from its mouth, and large cracks appeared on the blood-colored ice under its feet.The human shadow pig demon roared again, but this time the roar was more heart-piercing than the last time.The second huge ice giant sword was also shattered.When the third icy giant sword knocked down the humanoid pig demon's pig demon, he didn't make any roar this time, but when the third huge icy giant sword shattered, the humanoid pig demon's feet were covered with blood. The ice surface was completely broken, and the humanoid pig demon also fell into the pool of blood.But then he floated on the blood.

At this time, Lin Hua saw that the human pig demon was dead, and it also fell down slowly.Just now Lin Huapihou insisted on relying on his strong willpower!Ordinary people would have fallen down long ago!Seeing that the humanoid pig demon was dead, Lin Hua's eyes were blurred and she fell down.

When they saw Lin Hua collapsed on the blood-colored ice, Li Jie and the others rushed over quickly, and Xue Wu was the first to rush to Lin Hua's side besides Heisha.

Xuewu helped Lin Hua up and leaned against her body, and slowly walked out of the bloody pool.Then Li Jie picked up Lin Hua.

Several people walked up, and the last few people came to the third floor upstairs and put Lin Hua on the bed. Gu Tian was checking Lin Hua's injuries.

Then Gutian said, "Boss was seriously injured this time and it was an internal injury. I don't know how long it will take for this coma. According to this situation, the boss should have suffered such a serious internal injury when he stabbed the pig demon. How could it be?" Persevere until the humanoid pig demon dies before falling down, this is really a miracle.”

"Boss, it should be because we are afraid that the humanoid pig demon will not die, we will not be able to deal with her, and we are afraid that all of us will die in the hands of that humanoid pig demon, so we rely on strong willpower to persist until the humanoid pig demon is eliminated. '" Ghost Dance said

"Boss, your willpower is really too strong. Under such circumstances, you can still persist for such a long time," Li Jie said

"Okay, everyone should be tired after the battle just now, you should find a room to rest first, I will take care of the boss here." Xuewu said

Li Jie and the others also knew that what Lin Hua needed at this moment was to rest, so they all left one after another, leaving Xue Wu alone to take care of the injured Lin Hua.

In this way, Lin Hua was in a coma for two days. In the afternoon of the second day, there was a loud noise outside, and when Li Jie and the others went out to see, there were about 100 pig demons in front of the big house. There are also more than 30 female supernatural beings and more than a dozen ordinary women. They are the same age as Ghost Dance and them. It seems that they were captured and brought back to add blood to the huge blood pool.The leader of the more than 100 pig demons is an amethyst fourth-level pig demon, and there are more than ten amethyst first-level pig demons and some platinum-level pig demons.

When Li Jie and the others saw these girls, they knew that if they were not here, the fate of these girls would be death.Unavoidably, a trace of anger appeared on his face, except that Xuewu stayed on the third floor to take care of the injured Lin Hua.

Li Jie Heisha and the others went to deal with the pig monsters outside. When the group of pig monsters saw Li Jie and the others coming out of the gate, they couldn't help being shocked. How could they come out and live like humans? And women.They feel incredible.

Li Jie and the others didn't give the group of pig monsters any time to react. Heisha rushed directly at the purple crystal fourth-level pig monster. Li Jie also instantly activated his skills, his eyes were red and he waved a big knife towards the pig monster. The group of pig demons rushed over, while Gu Tian took out a big knife and rushed forward.

In the end, Gui Wu directly summoned six dark warriors of the second level of Amethyst to participate in the battle, and he himself kept using his skills to attack the group of pig monsters.

And those pig demons saw that the few people in front were stronger, so they kept two platinum-level pig demons to watch these girls, and the rest went to participate in the battle.

And at this moment, two flame bombs were fired from the window on the third floor, and the two pig demons watching the girl died instantly, Xuewu saw the group of girls downstairs and the two pig demons watching, Only then did he release his skills to get rid of the two pig monsters.

At this time, the group of girls saw that the pig demon guarding them was dead, so they untied the ropes tied to their bodies one after another, and then those girls with supernatural powers were ready to participate in this battle. and they cried, Come in all.

(End of this chapter)

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