Chapter 362 Extraordinary Second Order
"What, they are all of the fifth level of Amethyst, no wonder they are so powerful." The girls said and looked at Ghost Dance with more envy in their eyes!

"You are very strong, but the leader is not very good, and you are injured," said a girl.

After hearing what this girl said, Gui Wu and Xue Wu couldn't help but feel a little displeased, the last thing they like to hear is that their boss is wrong.But after they thought about it, what these girls said was very true!So any displeasure disappeared.If Lin Hua entrusts them with such a small matter, if they can't handle it well, it means that they can't understand anything after leaving Lin Hua. This is not what they want. After all, they are also deputy leaders!
"Our boss's injury has nothing to do with whether you join the Ice and Snow Alliance. Secondly, our boss's strength is not comparable to those of your original gang. Our boss is only able to fight a monster that has stepped into the second-order Transcendent with one foot. Those who are injured, don’t you all want to find a strong backing?” Gui Wu said.

"The one who was injured in the battle with the second-order Transcendent soon."

"That's at least the first level of extraordinary."

"The guild master and which two deputy guild masters have the strength of the second level of Amethyst."

"Isn't this injured leader able to wipe out a gang by himself?"

"If the gang leader was strong, we wouldn't have been caught here," I heard these girls talking.

Xuewu continued, "Our Ice and Snow Alliance is very suitable for you, and you don't need to consider the strength of our gang. If you join the Ice and Snow Alliance, your strength will grow very quickly! You should think about it carefully, don't rush to give it to us. We reply."

"I'll join."

"I join"

"I'll join too,"

"Just watch these two beautiful sisters pass us and join."

Soon after, these girls all expressed their participation.

Gui Wu and Xue Wu looked at each other, and Xue Wu continued, "Boss said, if you join, I will give you some different cores for the time being to upgrade all of your levels to gold."

Then Xuewu took out a thousand gold heteronuclei from the interspatial ring and distributed them to them.Then Gui Wu said, "If you don't have enough to upgrade to gold, then I will be in charge of Xuewu's deputy leader" and then looked at Xuewu and giggled.

"Enough is enough, thank you Vice President," the girls said.

At this time, you can see very happy expressions on the faces of these girls. In the past, it was not easy for them to hunt gold monsters. The few people who returned attacked together, and only one monster was killed. They were given a thousand gold heterocores, how could this not make them happy.

"If you want to thank, thank the leader, and this is just the beginning, ordinary people don't worry, there are many ordinary people in our alliance, and they will soon be promoted to platinum and have skills," Xuewu said.

"Every ordinary person is going to be promoted to Platinum." Those ordinary people are also very happy, because in this last days, ordinary people like them are a burden without abilities. When they want to reach Platinum, I don't know how long it will take!But how can they be unhappy when they hear that joining the alliance has the opportunity to have supernatural powers!
Then some girls began to eat different cores to improve their level, and after about two hours, these girls had all upgraded.

Xuewu saw that several of them had already reached the platinum level, and the lowest ones with special abilities were all at the second level of gold, so Ghost Dance and the others were also very happy, and the happiest ones were these upgraded girls !

Then these girls chatted with Ghost Dance and the others, talking about the alliance, but what they cared most about was their alliance leader.Xuewu and the others told them something about Lin Hua, which made them more and more excited!Xuewu also liked to talk about Lin Hua, so he talked about it until midnight after dinner.

After three days like this, Lin Hua's injury was almost healed, and then when everyone had eaten, Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others went down to the second floor.

And it was the first time for these newly joined girls to see Lin Hua.But eyes full of worship
"Boss is so handsome." Many girls have already fallen in love with Lin Hua
"Boss, don't worry about it. There are already people, but there is no one in Gutian in our family. If you like him, hurry up and chase him." Li Jie's voice came over at this time,
Because in the past few days, except for Lin Hua and the others, they have become very familiar with the young girls who just joined!

"Hi everyone, I'm the leader of the Ice and Snow League. I didn't come to see you a few days ago because I was injured. Welcome everyone to join the Ice and Snow League. Don't worry, I, Lin Hua, will be your big umbrella to protect you from the wind and rain." Lin Hua said These little girls who just joined said

And those little girls were already very curious about the leader of the alliance, but now that Lin Hua himself is so handsome, they feel that it is right to join the Ice and Snow Alliance!

"Tomorrow I plan to continue going to the center, but it's very dangerous inside. If you don't want to go, I'll ask Heisha to send you back to the camp. If you want to go, we can take risks together," Lin Hua said.

"Want to go" These girls all expressed their desire to take risks with Lin Hua and the others

In fact, Lin Hua didn't intend to take them there, but it was too far away from the camp, and it would take a lot of time. Originally, he was injured this time, so he was delayed by four days!So time is very important to Lin Hua!

"Everyone, have a good rest tonight, and go on an adventure tomorrow," Xuewu said

Then Lin Hua began to divide those amethyst heteronuclei.

After dividing the different cores, they all returned to their own rooms and prepared to break through their own levels.

Evolution went back to his room and first ate those amethyst alien cores, but they still didn't touch the barrier of the second-order extraordinary, and then took out the extraordinary second-level alien cores of the Skeleton King and the first-level extraordinary alien cores of the humanoid pig demon. Nucleus, when Lin Hua ate a first-order extraordinary nucleus, he immediately felt that the number of alien nucleus in his body had increased a lot, and it had reached the barrier between the first-order extraordinary and second-order extraordinary!Lin Hua was overjoyed, it seemed that today he could upgrade to the second level of extraordinary, and then Lin Hua ate which of the second level of extraordinary core of the Skeleton King!Immediately, Lin Hua felt that the supernatural power in her body broke through the barrier in an instant, and then her consciousness entered the space that only had the ice attribute supernatural power, where Lin Hua realized many powerful skills. At this time, Lin Hua continued to Playing back all the scenes of the battle during this period, especially the scene of fighting this humanoid pig demon, it would be great if I could control him!Then Lin Hua kept condensing the supernatural powers in her body and created a cage about five meters in front of her, but it was different from the one in the zoo, because this cage was made of ice, and the ice was very thick. It is about one meter thick, and can be enlarged and reduced. At present, my own strength can only be one meter thick and about five meters in height and width, but Lin Hua believes that it can be expanded with the improvement of strength.The function of this cage is to temporarily control the enemy, and then delay until Lin Hua releases the triple phantom attack on the enemy!
Lin Hua is here, in this space where only ice belongs to supernatural powers, practicing this skill non-stop, shortening the casting time to an instant.Then practice how well the cage works with the triple phantom, and finally Lin Hua can make the triple phantom touch the cage and penetrate the cage instantly!Directly attack the enemy, and then Lin Hua practiced many times!
Then Lin Hua practiced other skills, and now the Ice Phantom can move up to 20 meters!Ice Bind can control the ice surface around 15 meters near Lin Hua!The thickness of the Xuanbing body is ultra-thin, but the defense has been strengthened a lot. Lin Hua believes that the Xuanbing body can now withstand the full blow of the humanoid pig demon, and the ice wall Lin Hua can make is more than 30 meters long and the thickness is also increased. It's a lot thicker.Ice Control can now control someone of the same level as her, provided she has a high level of bleeding.And Frostbolt, Frost Blade has also been strengthened a lot and the number has increased a lot.The power of raindrops into arrows has increased a lot, and the range can reach about 5000 meters!Instant kills below Amethyst will also take damage at the Amethyst level, and the biggest change is that Absolute Freeze can reach about [-] meters!

Lin Hua left this space after practicing these skills in this space.

Lin Hua carefully observed the changes in her body!The amount of power and abilities has increased a lot.And the strength of the ability has also been greatly improved, no wonder it is so difficult to fight that humanoid pig demon who has stepped into the second level of extraordinary with one foot!

And at this time, Heisha's roars came from the room, and it could be felt that Heisha seemed to be particularly heart-piercing at this moment.

Then Lin Hua quickly ran to Heisha's room, and soon Li Jie and the others also ran to Heisha's room, and the girls downstairs heard Heisha's roar and came over. At this moment, there were many people standing outside Heisha's room. Girl, Lin Hua and the others in the room saw that Heisha's limbs had slowly disappeared, and two thin white thighs were slowly growing out!

(End of this chapter)

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