Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 448 Red Haired Zombie Monkey

Chapter 448 Red Haired Zombie Monkey
At this time, several people have come to the inner center of the tropical rainforest.Then Lin Hua and the others were resting not far from a few hills near the tropical rainforest.

At this time, Li Jie and Gu Tian went to the big tree behind to go to the toilet, and then they found a few zombie monkeys playing in the tree near the hill.

Then Li Jie and the others quickly went back and told Lin Hua and the others.

"The boss just found a few zombie monkeys in the trees on the hills behind, and then Gu Tian and I came back," Li Jie said.

"That's right, Boss and Li Jie are right, there are many zombie monkeys on the hill," Gu Tian said.

"And those zombie monkeys have different levels of strength, some are high-level and many are lower-level," Li Jie continued.

"Yeah, let's go and have a look," Xuewu said.

"Okay, if the level is too high, let's retreat quickly, anyway, aren't we just here to take risks?" Ghost Dance said.

"Okay," Lin Hua said.

Then a few people went to the hill where Li Jie and the others saw the zombie monkey just now.I saw about a dozen zombie monkeys on the trees in front of the hill. These zombie monkeys were about the same size as ordinary monkeys, but their eyes were blood red, and it could be seen that their eyes were full of killing.

Moreover, the claws of these zombie monkeys are particularly long, and they seem to be particularly sharp under the sunlight.However, their levels are not very high. The zombie monkeys on the tree are only at the level of Amethyst, and the zombie monkeys on the mountain are of a higher level, all of which are of the first level of extraordinary strength.

"Boss, should we go over and kill some zombie monkeys?" Li Jie, who was hiding behind a tree, said.

"Don't worry, we'll see if there are any other zombie monkeys," Lin Hua said.

Then a few people hid behind the big tree in front of the hill and watched those zombie monkeys.

Just like this, a few people waited quietly, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Dozens of zombie monkeys came out of the hill, and the zombie monkey in the front was much bigger than those ordinary zombie monkeys. As big as a normal person, it seems that he is the leader of this group of zombie monkeys. His strength is the strongest, and he is already at the fourth level of extraordinary strength.

This zombie monkey has a particularly strong head, and its limbs are full of muscles, which is full of strength at first glance.His fluff is different from that of normal zombie monkeys. The fluff of normal zombie monkeys is dark yellow and somewhat close to black, but the fluff of this largest zombie monkey is red all over, and there is no trace of stray hair on his body.

And behind this red-haired monkey, an extraordinary second-order zombie monkey was holding a basketball-sized egg in its hand.But Lin Hua and the others didn't pay much attention.

"Ho Ho Ho" a zombie monkey on the tree pointed at Lin Hua and they hid in the big tree and kept calling, and kept gesticulating to show the red-haired zombie monkey, maybe they found Lin Hua. Hua and the others are strangers.

And the red-haired zombie monkey and those who just came out of the mountains saw the zombie on the tree gesturing towards Lin Hua and the others, and they walked towards the big tree where Lin Hua and the others were hiding step by step.

After Lin Hua and the others knew that these zombie monkeys had discovered them, they stopped hiding and walked out from behind the big tree.

The group of ordinary zombie monkeys rushed towards Lin Hua and the others quickly after seeing Lin Hua and the others. Some climbed onto the tree, jumped back and forth on the tree and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others.

After Lin Hua and the others saw the zombie monkeys rushing towards them, they all took out their weapons and prepared to fight. Lin Hua directly released the skill "Sword Rain" against those who rushed towards them!
"Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow" uttered a painful cry from the mouths of the zombie monkeys who were hit by the icy giant sword of the skill of raining swords all over the sky.

And the red-haired zombie monkey at the front killed Lin Hua immediately after seeing Lin Hua's one skill. He also let out a roar, and then the remaining zombie monkeys retreated one after another.

At this time, the red-haired zombie monkey stared at Lin Hua and the others closely at a distance of more than 20 meters from Lin Hua.And the zombie monkey holding the egg behind the red-haired zombie monkey just now ran into the cave holding the egg.

"Boss, that zombie monkey who was holding eggs just now ran back," Li Jie said, pointing to the cave.

"What's the matter, Li Jie, why are you staring at that egg?" Gu Tian said.

"I'm just a little curious, how could monkeys lay eggs, and you didn't see that when the boss released his skills just now, the red-haired monkey looked back at the zombie monkey that was holding eggs, and then the zombie monkeys that were holding eggs ran back , I feel like that egg is very important," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, I also saw that red-haired monkey looking back at the egg just now," said the zombie slayer.

Listening to what a few people said, Lin Hua thought for a while, really, that red-haired zombie monkey seems to care about that egg.And what Li Jie said about monkeys not laying eggs but directly raising eggs to young monkeys must be something strange.

Lin Hua didn't think about it anymore, because after killing the group of zombie monkeys and red-haired zombie monkeys, she could take a good look at the egg!
At this time, the red-haired zombie monkey on the opposite side seemed not in a hurry to attack Lin Hua, although he was a little angry because Lin Hua killed more than 20 zombie monkeys just now, and his red eyes looked at Lin Hua and the others. The individual is already full of killing intent.But he was still waiting, waiting for his brother's arrival, because she could see that although Lin Hua and the others were few in number, they were relatively strong. He knew she couldn't handle it by himself, so he suppressed him and wanted to rush over directly. Shred Lin Hua and their impulses!

Lin Hua was a little puzzled when she saw that the red-haired zombie monkey didn't attack them at this time, because after killing more than 20 zombie monkeys just now, the red-haired zombie monkey had a lot of killing intent in its eyes, why didn't she do it.Although Lin Hua was puzzled, he was not in a hurry to act. He wanted to see what the red-haired monkey was up to.

Li Jie didn't do anything when he saw the red-haired mutated monkey, and Lin Hua didn't intend to do it either, so they didn't know what to do now.

"Boss, is this red-haired zombie monkey waiting for help, or else he looks like he'd eat us, but he's still there not doing anything," Li Jie said.

After Lin Hua heard what Li Jie said, before he could speak, he saw that the red-haired zombie monkey opposite was staring at Li Jie viciously, as if he understood Li Jie's words.

(End of this chapter)

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