Chapter 450 Defense
At this time, the zombie slayer knew that Lin Hua was under a lot of pressure to deal with the golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey, so he wanted to get rid of the red-haired zombie monkey in front of him as soon as possible, and then went to help Lin Hua deal with the golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey.As soon as the battle is fought, it is a killer move!And this red-haired zombie monkey also understands the zombie slayer's thoughts. She knows that she is not the opponent of the zombie slayer, so she just keeps defending, just hold her back, and wait for her big brother to get rid of the human being. Come and help yourself.

Li Jie directly fought against the extraordinary third-level zombie monkey with full skills. Although the zombie monkey was extremely fast, the strength of Li Jie with full skills should not be underestimated. The more he fought, the more crazy he became. The speed of the battle didn't take much advantage, because every time he saw an opportunity to attack Li Jie quickly, Li Jie blocked it with the heavy sword in time!And when Li Jie attacked him, he didn't defend at all. It was his desperate attack that made the zombie monkey who was fighting Li Jie very passive.

Because of her fast speed, every attack was blocked by this human being who was slower than her in time, and this human being attacked her so fiercely that she could only defend passively. As time went by, this extraordinary three The high-level zombie monkeys no longer actively attacked Li Jie, but passively defended Li Jie's attack.

And the remaining zombie monkeys were dealt with by the extraordinary third-order dark king summoned by Heisha Gutian Guiwu and the burning pain controlled by Xuewu.

Because the strength of the remaining zombie monkeys is not too high, they are all of the second level of extraordinary and first level of extraordinary, so Gu Tian and the others quickly killed those zombie monkeys.

At this time, Lin Hua, who was fighting the golden red-haired monkey, was no longer fighting the golden red-haired zombie monkey. He just used his superb swordsmanship to resist the attack of the golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey. Using the Ice Shifting Phantom to dodge, Lin Hua tried to use the Ice Shifting Phantom to sneak attack the golden-eyed red zombie monkey, but none of them were successful, and were blocked by the golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey.So now Lin Hua is completely passive defense.Moreover, such a fight would consume a lot of energy for Lin Hua. At this moment, what he was thinking was to wait until Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, had killed any red-haired zombie monkey. The two of them would work together to deal with this powerful golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey. .

How could this golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey not know what Lin Hua was thinking at this time, so he attacked Lin Hua even more frantically.However, the swordsmanship of the human being in front of her is so powerful that she resisted it, and every time she was about to seriously injure him, she would suddenly disappear, and to avoid it made her even more angry!But there is no way.

"Ho Ho Ho" The red-eyed red-haired zombie monkey who was fighting the zombie slayer at this time failed to resist the sneak attack of the zombie slayer just now, and the right hand paw was directly scratched off.It was only after the roar just now that the golden-eyed zombie monkey heard his younger brother's roar and knew that the red-haired zombie monkey was injured. At this moment, he wanted to tear Lin Hua apart even more, because if it wasn't for Lin Hua's resistance or If he was fighting against himself, he would have killed him long ago!And whenever he attacked him, he would dodge back and forth!She had no choice but to attack Lin Hua even more frantically.

And the red fur of the red-haired zombie monkey who fought with the zombie slayer has been stained redder with blood. He was not the opponent of the zombie slayer, and now he has an arm removed by the zombie slayer. Now Da He became even more passive. At this time, the red-haired monkey zombie saw his brother was tightly taken off by that human, and he couldn't get away from him at all. He couldn't come to help him, and he was about to lose.He kept yelling "boo hoo"

The golden-eyed red-haired monkey who heard the roar could only be in a hurry and couldn't get away.Lin Hua turned her head to look at the situation at the Zombie Slayer, and saw that the red-haired zombie monkey had broken an arm, and soon the Zombie Slayer would come to help her, so she couldn't help but feel happy.In the face of the crazy attack of this golden-eyed zombie monkey, it is a passive defense. If you can't stop it, use your skills to hide.

At this time, Li Jie's battle was coming to an end. The extraordinary third-order zombie monkey who fought with Li Jie was already covered in scars, and he would die in Li Jie's hands in a short time.

The extraordinary third-level dark king summoned by Ghost Dance has successfully killed two extraordinary first-level zombie monkeys. Gu Tian also killed the extraordinary second-level zombie monkey at this time, leaving only the one in the tree That extraordinary second-level zombie monkey who kept avoiding Xue Wu's skill and burned egg-sized fireballs in pain.

Because just now he saw a zombie monkey died in this egg-sized flame that kept chasing him.So she knew that the flame was small, but the danger was indeed huge, so he kept avoiding it.Although the burning speed of the pain was extremely fast, this extraordinary second-order zombie monkey jumped back and forth on the tree even faster, so he has not died until now.

And now the red-haired zombie monkey with a broken arm couldn't resist the crazy attack of the zombie slayer. At this time, the blood from the wound on his body had completely dyed his red down.

The zombie slayer seized an opportunity and directly used his sharp claws to crush the head of the red-haired monkey zombie.The roar of the red-haired zombie monkey stopped abruptly at this time, because his head was already in the hands of the zombie slayer.

And the golden-eyed red-haired zombie monkey who was attacking Lin Hua, could hear his brother's roar just now, and suddenly stopped. She knew that her brother must be dead, and then took advantage of the moment Lin Hua avoided Saw his brother's head in the hands of the Zombie Slayer.

Then the golden-eyed zombie monkey let out a mournful roar, no longer responding to the attacking Lin Hua, and rushed towards the zombie slayer!And the zombie slayer saw the golden-eyed zombie monkey rushing towards him, crushed the head of the red-haired zombie monkey, leaving only a different core, kicked the different core, and then directly faced the rushing monster. Here comes the golden-eyed zombie monkey.Although there is a big difference in strength between them, the zombie slayer is not afraid of him at all, because he especially hates zombies. It is the zombies that turned him into the person he is now, even if it is a zombie monkey. hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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