Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 462 Too confident

Chapter 462 Too confident
With this idea in mind, Li Jie once again directly released the skill Breaking Shield at the heart of the headless zombie, and the headless zombie felt that the human in front of him was still attacking his heart, and according to the usual practice, he still used his Those two sharp claws were used to resist Li Jie's epee dragon pattern stabbing at his heart.

But this headless zombie somewhat underestimated the power of Li Jie's shield-breaking ability after all his skills were completed.

With a "bang" of the shield-breaking skill, it directly pierced the two sharp claws of the headless zombie blocking the heart.Then continue to stab towards his heart.

"Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the headless zombie felt that its two sharp claws had been pierced, and let out a final wail.However, his wailing was not good. When Li Jie's epee dragon pattern had penetrated his heart just after he uttered it, he directly pierced the extraordinary fourth-order heterogeneous core and fell to the ground. Li Jie quickly He picked up the extraordinary fourth-order alien core and put it in his bag, and the headless zombie of the extraordinary fourth-order fell slowly. Although he was unwilling at this time, he underestimated the enemy too much!

If this extraordinary fourth-order headless zombie didn't directly resist Li Jie, it would be impossible to kill him.

Seeing that Li Jie came back so soon, Bei Bei shouted loudly, "Brother Li Jie is so powerful, he killed such a powerful zombie so quickly."

After hearing Beibei's words, Lin Hua said to Beibei, "Beibei see, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter at any time, you can always underestimate the enemy. The main reason why your brother Li Jie killed the opponent so quickly is because of that invincible opponent." The head zombie is too confident and underestimates the enemy"


In the next few days, Lin Hua and the others have been killing some zombies and monsters outside the Abyss of Eternal Night. Lin Hua's level at this time has reached the fifth level of extraordinary strength, while Ghost Dance and Xuewu two Individuals have also reached the fourth level of extraordinary. Li Jie and Gutian have not improved their two levels and are still at the third level of extraordinary strength.

While Lin Hua and the others were resting, a battle was taking place not far from them. More than 200 zombies were fighting with more than 40 people. This group of people were all wearing the clothes of the Tianlongmeng, and they were fighting against the extraordinary fifth-order zombie. That tired person is Long Aotian, the leader of the Tianlong League. Although Long Aotian was injured at this time, the powerful fifth-rank zombies in the opposite group of zombies are already dying!And the rest of the humans are killing the rest of the zombies.Although the number of this group of Heavenly Dragon League members is many times smaller than that of the zombies, their general strength is relatively high. More than 20 people are of extraordinary level, and the rest are also of Amethyst level.

Soon Long Aotian led the gang members of the Tianlongmeng to kill the group of zombies.

Then they changed places to rest. "Guangzhu, although we only have more than 30 people left now, everyone's level is improving very fast. According to this speed, we should soon reach the extraordinary level for the rest of us." Gang leader Wang Xiaowu said.

"Yes, the guild leader will not exceed ten days at most, and the rest of the people can reach the extraordinary level," said Liu Cai, another deputy leader of the Tianlong League.

And Long Aotian, the lord of the Tianlong League with a huge sword on his back, was silent for a long time after hearing what they said, "Wait for three days on the outside, when the time comes, go directly to the inside of the Abyss of Eternal Night."

"Leader, what if there are still people who have not reached the extraordinary level by then, shouldn't we wait?" Liu Cai, the deputy leader of the fourth level of extraordinary, asked.

"What I want is useful people. I don't have too much time to waste on the periphery. When the time comes to the inside of the Abyss of Eternal Night, we can't blame us for their lack of strength." Long Aotian said to everyone.

After hearing what Long Aotian said that day, no one in the Longmeng's gang was talking anymore.Because they all know that their gang leader is a particularly cold-blooded and cruel person, and the decisions he made cannot be changed.

"By the way, did we find out who killed those people who blocked the door?" Long Ao Tiantu asked suddenly, because killing those outside the Tianlongmeng was an act of openly attacking them. provocative.So all the people that Long Aotian met here who were not from Tianlongmeng were all killed by her.

Because he felt that this empty gate belonged to her.

"There are some clues. The leader of the small team that was killed in the morning told the leader that a young man named Li Jie who used an epee instigated two small teams to kill the three elders who were guarding the gate outside. The rest of the small teams The teams only come in when there are no guards outside the gate," said Wang Xiaowu, the deputy leader.

Because this morning, Long Aotian and the others met a small team that came in because Li Jie and the others had killed the Heavenly Dragon League gang members who were guarding the outer sky gate, and killed all the members of that small team, leaving only I heard the news from the captain of that team, and got the news from that captain!
"Li Jie, use the heavy sword, young man" Long Aotian muttered back and forth.

"By the way, the leader heard that the guardian of the Ice and Snow Alliance in Xueyun City is a young man named Li Jie who also uses an epee, but I heard that the Ice and Snow Alliance is very strong, and it has withstood the zombie king's million swords." The army of zombies attacked Xueyun City, and their leader, Lin Hua, and Li Jie have a very good relationship," said an extraordinary second-level elder wearing the clothes of Tianlongmeng

"The Ice and Snow League, if it is really the Ice and Snow League, then there is nothing we can do about it, as long as it offends our Tianlong League, no one will be able to do it, what is the strength of that Lin Hua?" Long Aotian said fiercely.

"When the zombie army attacked Xueyun City, Lin Hua's strength was already at the second level of extraordinary. After she defeated the zombie king's zombie army, her reputation soared, and many people went to Xueyun City."

"Extraordinary level two, if that Lin Hua also comes in, I will let them come and go, if not, I will go back and destroy this Ice and Snow League," Long Aotian, the leader of the Tianlong League, said viciously.And there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Although Long Aotian, the leader of the Tianlong League, is relatively powerful, he is a very cold-blooded, ruthless person, and even a narrow-minded person. He doesn't like people wearing halos on their heads. He was relieved to hear Lin Hua that day. After resisting the zombie army attacking Xueyun City, Lin Hua's reputation soared and she wanted to get rid of Lin Hua.It wasn't because Li Jie killed the elder who was their gatekeeper, but because she couldn't tolerate people in her eyes.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were resting. Lin Hua didn't know that the leader of the Tianlong League not far away from them was killed because of her fame and jealousy because she resisted the zombie army's attack on Xueyun City. disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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