Chapter 469

And the two remaining zombies in the red coffin saw that the attack had started, and rushed towards Li Jie and the others very excitedly, because they had been waiting for a long time.At this moment, I can finally eat human beings, how can I not be excited!
Although Li Jie and the others were a little shocked by the defensive power of the corpse tyrant inside the black coffin, when they saw these two corpse tyrants rushing towards them, they knew that there was no way to avoid them, and they could only face them. .

"I'll deal with the one on the left, and leave the rest to you," the zombie slayer said to the rest of the people, and then used its long and sharp nails to attack the corpse tyrant on the left.

The zombie slayer knew that he might not be the opponent of the corpse tyrant, but she was the strongest among the remaining ones, so he could only deal with one alone.

And Li Jie, Heisha, and Gutian rushed directly to another murderous tyrant.

Then, the murderous tyrant who was attacked by Lin Hua directly blocked Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword that pierced his back with his slender and hard arms.

With a "boom", Lin Hua felt the sound of the Baqihan sword she stabbed at the corpse tyrant was like hitting metal.Lin Hua was already secretly surprised at this time, because the defense of this murderous corpse tyrant is really too strong!Moreover, his speed was not much slower than his own. If he hadn't used the ice shifting phantom to attack suddenly, he would not have been able to stab his head at all in the first place.

After resisting Lin Hua's sword that pierced his heart, the corpse tyrant began to counterattack Lin Hua, directly attacking Lin Hua with his two sharp and extremely hard hands.

And Lin Hua saw that the attack of this murderous tyrant began to block with the Baqihan Sword non-stop. Although every time he was blocked by his superb swordsmanship, every time he resisted, he was always blocked by the fierce sword. The corpse tyrant repelled!The corpse tyrant's hand was attacked many times by Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian without any sign of injury.

This murderous corpse tyrant is not only good in defense, but also powerful, and his speed is not bad. Now Lin Hua is playing very passively, and the situation of the zombie slayer is not much better at this time.His sharp claws didn't do much damage to the corpse tyrant who was fighting her.

Although Li Jie and the others fought against one of them, because of the large difference in level between them, they didn't get any advantage at all.

After seeing this situation, Ghost Dance summoned its extraordinary fourth-order dark king to help the zombie slayers who were gradually falling into a disadvantage, but did not help Li Jie and the others, because although they were under some pressure, it could be said that it was temporary The situation has been stabilized, but the zombie slayer can't be said to be in a collapsed situation.

As for Xuewu, Beibei was very anxious when she saw this place. It was obvious that all their strength could not defeat the three vicious corpse tyrants on the opposite side, so why didn't this make them anxious.If things go wrong, all of them may explain here.

Xuewu released the skill Burning Pain, and then controlled the egg-sized fireball. She wanted to sneak attack the corpse tyrant who was fighting with Li Jie and the others several times, but he didn't do it because he was afraid of being dodged by the corpse tyrant. , it is not good to attack your teammates.

And Beibei started scratching his head and scratching his head non-stop there, trying to help, but was stopped by Ghost Dance and the others several times, because Beibei's current strength is only the first level of extraordinary, and in the past it was just to die.

Although both of them are of the fourth level of Transcendent, they are not melee fighters, and they are both mages, so they can't go to help, but they dare not attack, because they are afraid of accidental injury.

Seeing that the situation of Li Jie and the zombie slayer Wu Yu was not much better at this time, Lin Hua couldn't help becoming more worried. If this goes on, none of them will be able to escape today. Could it be that they all have to explain to each other? here.

While barely resisting the attack of the most powerful corpse tyrant, he was thinking of a way to deal with it!The speed, strength, defense, and reaction of the three corpse tyrants belong to the weakest reaction and speed, and we can start from these two aspects.

'Boom, boom, boom' There was a constant sound of metal crashing in the central tomb.But it didn't leave the slightest wound on the bodies of these three corpse tyrants, and they couldn't break through their defenses at all.Several people are fighting very carefully for fear of being hurt by the nails of these three corpse tyrants, otherwise they may become the same thing as them.

There was a "bang" sound when the zombie slayer hit the ground hard after being repelled by the huge force of a murderous tyrant.Then the corpse tyrant kept attacking the zombie slayer directly, but every time he missed it and stabbed the wall. This time reminded Lin Hua that he already knew how to come here. The way to get rid of these three corpse tyrants!
Although the defense power of these three corpse tyrants is strong, none of them have the power to break through his defense, but those huge stone gates should be strong enough to suppress the defense of these three corpse tyrants. .Because those two huge marble doors weigh at least tens of thousands of catties, and they are also extremely hard. The corpse tyrant who attacked the zombie slayer just now did not leave a deep mark on the wall, which means that the marble head door The defense is not bad either.

But there are three corpse tyrants here. Although they don't have much thinking, they will never be so stupid as to fall over the same stone three times, so they must be separated, and there are exactly three huge stone gates .This is enough, as long as you seize the opportunity, it is impossible for these three corpse tyrants to survive.

After making up her mind, Lin Hua directly released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery.Controlling the avatar to resist the attack of the most powerful corpse tyrant, although the reaction ability of the supernatural body Lin Hua may be a little slower than that of the main body Lin Hua, but it should be enough to take off for a while .

Lin Hua's body used the ice-moving phantom to go there directly. Beibei and the others were a little confused when they saw Lin Hua coming. They didn't know what the boss was going to do when they came here at this time.

Lin Hua told Xuewu and the three of them what he thought, and the three of them were stunned when they heard Lin Hua's method. Lin Hua's method was a gamble!Because it is not sure that these three corpse tyrants can be killed in this way.

However, they didn't say anything about Lin Hua's absolute trust.After Lin Hua finished speaking, the main body directly attacked Li Jie's corpse tyrant with the Baqi Hanjian.

(End of this chapter)

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