Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 479 Zombie Tide

Chapter 479 Zombie Tide
But in front of him, Liu Cai could only defend passively, being suppressed and beaten by Li Jie, he had no ability to resist at all.If this continues, Liu Cai may die in Li Jie's hands in a short time.At that time, a go-getter will be lost.Although they have a large number of extraordinary people in the Tianlong League, there are only two of them at the fourth level of extraordinary. If Liu Cai dies, it will bring great losses.

At this time, Lin Hua did not watch the battle between Li Jie and Liu Cai, because Liu Cai was doomed to die.

All I have to do is to watch over Long Aotian, saving him from saving Liu Cai.

And Long Aotian also discovered that at this time Lin Hua didn't pay attention to the two people on the battlefield at all, but put all his attention on himself, knowing that it was looking at him, afraid that I would make a sudden move Attack Li Jie.There is more and more haze in Long Aotian's eyes.

With a "bang", Liu Cai was once again severely repelled by Li Jie for several steps!
"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" once again heard the roar of zombies from a distance, at this time Long Aotian knew that the opportunity had come.What happened just now was caused by the zombie's roar.

"Leader Lin, the zombie tide should be coming soon, how about a competition when the zombie tide is eliminated?" Long Aotian said to Lin Hua
"The result will be out soon, within a short time." Lin Hua didn't give Long Aotian any face at all, because Long Aotian had violated his bottom line.

"Leader Lin, do you really want to do this?" Long Aotian said.

"Anyway, you provoked the matter, I don't believe it. Without your words, only Liu Cai dared to do that. I didn't expect Li Jie to be so powerful, right?" Lin Hua said to Long Aotian.

"Since you know, why are you still pretending?" Long Aotian was no longer hiding his killing intent.And all the gang members of the Tianlong League have already pointed their weapons at Lin Hua and the others, and now they are only waiting for a word from Long Aotian.

Ghost Dance and the others saw the scene at this time and were directly preparing for battle.The ghost dance summoned an extraordinary fourth-order dark king!Xuewu directly released the skill Burning Pain, and the small fireball the size of an egg was directly controlled in front of him. Gutian drew his sword, and Heisha and Zombie Slayer directly exposed their two sharp claws!
Neither Lin Hua nor Long Aotian moved, especially Long Aotian, because now he no longer hides all the killing intent towards Lin Hua in his eyes.He was still enduring it, because she felt that a large number of zombies were approaching them!And Lin Hua's strength made her feel dangerous.

Even though Lin Hua could see Long Aotian's strong killing intent towards him now, Lin Hua also wanted to kill it at this time, so as to save himself unnecessary trouble, but the zombie slayer said, The tide of zombies is coming, and this Long Aotian's strength cannot be underestimated, so he didn't do anything.

Now that Li Jie had to kill Liu Cai, he didn't care whether he offended or not.

"Boom", the deputy gang leader Liu Cai was once again slammed into the air by Li Jie. Li Jie swung his epee dragon pattern and was about to slash at Liu Cai, but at this moment Long Aotian suddenly It moved, and the speed was surprisingly fast, and it almost blocked Li Jie in an instant.And when Lin Hua saw Long Aotian moved, she also instantly saw Li Jie's side.

"I'll settle any accounts later, take my leave." Long Aotian wanted to leave after finishing speaking.

Lin Hua didn't stop it, and the Tianlongmeng left quickly. "Boss, shall we just let them go?" Li Jie said unwillingly, if he was given a few more minutes, Liu Cai would definitely die in his hands.

Long Aotian is not so easy to deal with. If we can eat them, the damage will be heavy, and the wave of zombies will come soon!Let's find a place to hide first.

Then several people walked towards the left, and the directions of Long Aotian and the others were two opposite directions.

"Let's go, this wave of zombies is not like a small scale, if it is swallowed up, it will be slow to survive," said the zombie slayer.

Then several people quickly ran to the left.

"Boss, what should I do? There is no place to hide around here." Li Jie said with some concern.

"Gutian, go to the sky to see if there are any buildings around you," Lin Hua said to Gutian.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Gu Tian directly summoned the mutated tiger eagle, and then sat on the tiger eagle to observe the surrounding situation.

"There is a deserted town in front of the boss on the left, we can go and hide there." Soon Gutian came back and said
Then a few people quickly ran towards the small town that Gutian mentioned to you!At this time, the wave of zombies had already passed by the place just now.

The number of zombies this time is no less than one million, and the zombie king in the front is already at the first level of epic strength, and there are a large number of high-level zombies near that zombie king.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others searched for many houses in that long-abandoned town before finally finding one with a basement!

Just like this, several people hid in the basement, which is very spacious!

When the few of them came in, they deliberately sealed the door of the basement tightly!

At this time, the mighty army of zombies passed by the small town on the left side, but since the small town has been in ruins for a long time, there are no living things at all except Lin Hua and the others in the basement. In this way, the army of zombies passed by the town and headed forward.

Lin Hua and the others didn't know what was going on outside at this time, so they waited down there for an entire afternoon, and they finally came out of the basement around evening.

At this time, I found that the town has changed again. There were still a few buildings when they came, but after they came out this time, the buildings in this town have collapsed a lot. Which group of zombies passing by? The army did it.

"It seems that the zombie wave is over, boss, what should we do now?" Xue Wu asked Lin Hua.

"Yeah, the boss is separated from them now, what should we do?" Li Jie said.

"The next time they meet Long Aotian, they must kill him. I don't know why she has such a strong killing intent towards me," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, keeping that Long Aotian is just a scourge, and they must be wiped out."

At this time, Long Aotian and the others escaped the wave of zombies in a castle!
"Leader, I didn't expect that Li Jie was so powerful. I am not his opponent," said Liu Cai who was almost killed today.

"Don't worry, sooner or later they will die in my hands, let them live for a few days first," Long Aotian said.

(End of this chapter)

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