Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 487 The Three Giants of the Corpse King City

Chapter 487
After Lin Hua finished speaking, she remembered the conversation with the Zombie King before, because their [-]th district is not the most powerful, and there are still many powerful zombies waiting for them.

Even after killing the most powerful ruler of the Abyss of Eternal Night in the [-]th District, there will be no more zombies attacking the city for a short period of time, but after a while, a new zombie king will still emerge , maybe their level will be higher and their strength will be even stronger.

Only by constantly increasing your strength can you calmly face these things that may happen in the future.

In this way, Lin Hua did not continue to move towards the interior of the Abyss of Eternal Night, but cleaned up the surrounding zombies.

After three days like this, Lin Hua's level has not changed, but Li Jie and the others have all been promoted to the fifth level of extraordinary strength one after another.

At this time, in the deepest palace in the Abyss of Eternal Night, Karl, the god of death, was still sitting on the top middle chair, listening to the reports of the zombies below.

"My lord, Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, was beaten to the point that two of his heads were eaten by those humans. At this time, his strength has already broken through to the second level of the epic, but he did not walk towards the corpse king city, but hid Get up" an extraordinary fifth-level zombie reported the situation.

"It seems that the strength of these people is not weak. They can actually push Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, to this point." Karl, the god of death, said after listening to the report of the extraordinary fifth-level zombie.

"My lord, Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, has now reached the second level of Epic. It seems that he will come to the city of Shiwang in a few days," said a zombie of the first level of Epic.

Karl, the god of death, did not speak, but fell into deep thought. How could he not know? The hell three-headed dog Cerberus has always been thinking about his current position, but what he is most worried about is not the hell three-headed dog Cerberus It was Lin Hua and the others.Because even if the hell three-headed dog Cerberus breaks through to the second level of the epic, he is not his opponent.

"Sparta, Li Luo, Shadow Dragon, the three of you take some people to clean up those people." Death Karl said to the epic-level zombies below.

"Okay, king," said the three epic first-order peak zombies after they knelt down.

The strength of these three zombies is already at the peak of the first-order epic. They are the three most powerful zombies under the Death God Karl, and they are known as the Big Three in the corpse king city.

After receiving the order from Karl, the God of Death, the three giants of Zombie City, Sparta, and Shadow Dragon marched towards Lin Hua and the others with dozens of powerful zombies. Their goal this time was to kill Lin Hua and the others. Several people.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others found that there were not many zombies nearby after hunting zombies for a few days, so they had to walk towards the interior of the Abyss of Eternal Night.

However, after Lin Hua and the others walked for a few days, they didn't encounter any overly powerful zombies at all.At this moment, Lin Hua had some premonitions, and it should be the interior of the Abyss of Eternal Night.

In front of Lin Hua and the others, there was a group of zombies walking towards Lin Hua and the others. There were three zombies at the head, namely the Big Three in Zombie City, Sparta, Li Luo, and Shadow Dragon.

"Sparta, do you think we can raise the level to the second level of Epic after we kill the humans that the god of death said this time?" A zombie holding a pop hammer said to Sparta.

"I don't know if we are the opponents of those humans this time. The strength of the three-headed dog Cerberus, you should know that he was beaten by those humans and ate her two heads, so then Two humans are not so easy to deal with anymore," said Sparta, who held a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right.

"Well, what Sparta said is right. This task is more difficult, but I believe that although those humans can defeat the three-headed dog Cerberus, the three of us are not comparable to that stupid dog." A zombie with two daggers in his hand said.

These are the three giants of the corpse city sent by Karl, the god of death, to deal with Lin Hua. They led dozens of higher-level zombies and approached Lin Hua step by step.

At this moment, Beibei could feel that three powerful forces were approaching them step by step.

"There are a group of zombies in front of the boss, and three of them are relatively strong. They should be about the same strength as the three-headed dog Cerberus," Beibei said to Lin Hua and the others.

"It seems that we are not far from the depths of the Eternal Night Abyss." Lin Hua stared at the blood moon that had risen quite well at this time and said

"Boss, which group of zombies is very powerful, should I hide?" Beibei reminded again.

Lin Hua didn't speak but directly summoned the ice dragon, and then several people climbed onto the body of the ice dragon and flew forward.

"Where are the boss and the others?" Li Jie pointed to the group of zombies below.

At this time, the group of zombies on the ground also found Lin Hua and the others.

"They're in the sky, we can't attack them," said Shadow Dragon, the three giants of zombies.

The most powerful zombie, Sparta, didn't speak, but continued to stare at Lin Hua and the others.

At this time, Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to descend slowly, because Lin Hua found that although the zombies on the opposite side were stronger, they could still handle it.

After reaching the ground, Lin Hua and the others got off the ice dragon, staring closely at the group of zombies opposite!

The weapons held by the three zombies headed by them are different from the previous zombies. Their weapons are very special weapons, such as daggers, meteor hammers, long hair and shields.

The most powerful one is the zombie with a spear in his left hand and a shield in his right. This zombie is so long that you won’t find it a zombie unless you look carefully, because it looks too much like a human. However, Lin Hua knew from his eyes that he was a zombie, because her body color and complexion were pale, but her eyes were gray-black, which was the color of high-level zombie eyes.

The color of ordinary zombies is ordinary gray, and when the zombies reach a certain level, their eyes slowly start to change color, that is to say, as the level and strength of the zombies increase, they gradually become more simple Humans are about the same.

These are all known by Lin Hua in the memory of the ten years of the last days, because Lin Hua met a scientist who specialized in researching zombies in the ten years of the last days, so he knew a lot of information about zombies.Lin Hua saw that the zombie holding a spear in his left hand and a shield in his right hand was already so close to a human at the peak level of Epic Tier [-].

(End of this chapter)

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