Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 489 The biggest crisis

Chapter 489 The biggest crisis
"Hehe, don't yell zombies one by one. I believe that the whole world will be ruled by zombies in a short time. I still advise you to stop making unnecessary resistance." Zombie Sparta then said to Lin Hua.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, I will not be afraid of zombies of any level, or defeated. I believe that the world will not be ruled by zombies because of my existence," Lin Hua said to the sky.

"Boss is right, I believe in you." Beibei was the first to express her support for Lin Hua.

"Although you are quite strong, you probably don't have any chance, not even the chance to call me Karl the King of Death," the zombie with the meteor hammer said neatly.

"Opportunities are created by myself, not given by others. If I had to be given by others, I, Lin Hua, would not be alive today," Lin Hua said.

"Look at you, you have the confidence to escape from our hands. Could it be that it is relying on which ice dragon?" The spear in the left hand of the zombie Sparta pointed at the ice dragon.

Lin Hua shook her head after hearing her words, "I didn't think about running away today. If we wanted to run away, we wouldn't come down. We came down to kill you, but seeing that you're not in a hurry, we want to find out information"

"Haha, so that's the case, you can be sure that if you fly to the sky, we can't do anything to you?" Zombie Sparta said looking at the sky.

"Sparta, why are you talking nonsense with them, just kill them and eat them," said the zombies with the Meteor Hammer.

"No hurry, I want to hear what questions he wants to ask." Zombie Sparta said neatly to the zombie holding the meteor hammer.

"Just ask whatever questions you want, because you won't have to understand many things after you die," Zombie Sparta shouted loudly at Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua heard it, she thought about it. Now she has a question that has been on her mind.

"That's about the zombies in other districts, and how often the zombies attack the city." Lin Hua asked directly to the zombie Sparta.

"Sorry, I'm not very clear about these issues, but I know that the zombie attack in District [-] is controlled by my king Karl," Zombie Sparta said directly.

Hearing the words of Zombie Sparta, Lin Hua was sure that as long as the god of death, Karl, was killed, Xueyun City would not be attacked by zombies for a long time.

And during this period of time, as long as you keep increasing your strength, you may be able to withstand the attack of zombies in other areas.

"There is no other problem, then prepare to face death." Zombie Sparta moved the spear in her left hand and said.

Without saying a word, Lin Hua slowly took out the Eight Wonders Cold Sword from her back, and then released the Xuanbing Body Protector and the Ice Binding.Because Lin Hua knew that this zombie Sparta was not so easy to deal with.

At this time, an ice surface of about 50 meters was formed around Lin Hua and the others.Li Jie and the others also took out their weapons. At this time, they were all very cautious, because none of the zombies on the opposite side were easy to deal with, and they were all of extraordinary level.

This should be the strongest lineup they have ever encountered, and under such conditions, they are not allowed to be cautious at all.

At this time, Beibei's size continued to grow, and at this time it had become the size of a normal monkey.

And the zombie Spartans on the opposite side saw that Lin Hua and the others were ready to fight, so they didn't wait any longer, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others directly!

Lin Hua knew that this time they were not so easy to deal with, so he directly released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery, and two supernatural beings, Lin Hua, appeared on the left and right of Lin Hua.

The three giants of the zombie city saw Lin Hua at this time, and their eyes were already full of fear. They felt that the breath of the three Lin Hua was exactly the same.That means that the three of them's idea of ​​killing Lin Hua together is about to be shattered.

None of the three Lin Huas moved, nor did the Big Three in Zombie City.And Li Jie and the others had already started fighting with that group, and Gui Wu and Xue Wu also took out their weapons and directly fought the extraordinary level zombie.

Lin Hua's body controlled the ice dragon to attack back and forth among the group of zombies, while those who felt the strength of the ice dragon avoided it.They despise Li Jie and they have already fallen into a disadvantage from the very beginning. Even with the auxiliary attacks of some ice dragons, there is not much change.

At this moment, Lin Hua saw the situation of their battle and did not delay any longer. She needed to get rid of the three zombies in front of her as soon as possible before helping Li Jie and the others.

If they take it off for too long, then Li Jie and the others will definitely make a mistake. This is not what Lin Hua wants to see.

"Why can't we wait?" Zombie Sparta seemed to see that Lin Hua couldn't wait anymore and wanted to do something.

Lin Hua didn't speak, and the three Lin Huas directly released their skills to move the ice phantom and came to the front of the three giants of the zombie city. In this way, the three Lin Huas and the three giants of the zombies fought.

Although the ice dragon was powerful and had killed more than a dozen extraordinary level zombies, but at this time the ice dragon had already been freed by seventeen extraordinary level five zombies, and could not help Li Jie and the others at all.

At this time, Li Jie has already fallen into a hard fight. Although he has fully used his skills at this time and is fighting insanely, he has not improved at all, because he is fighting three extraordinary fifth-order zombies, and Li Jie's is only extraordinary. It was only the fourth level, but he still stubbornly resisted.

Although Ghost Dance has the strength of the extraordinary fifth level, her strength is not as good as that of a warrior at all. However, he kept fighting with two extraordinary fourth-level zombies with a whip, and the dark king of the fifth extraordinary level was killed by six extraordinary Tier [-] zombies are besieging.

Xuewu's situation is better, holding the Flame Aegis in his left hand, holding a big sword in his left hand and fighting three extraordinary fourth-level zombies, and those two egg-sized fireballs kept attacking a fifth-level extraordinary zombie, because Xuewu's level has been raised to the fifth level of extraordinary, so there is one more burning pain.

Although Gu Tian has the martial arts book Duan Tian, ​​his martial arts are not so good because he is fighting against two extraordinary fifth-level zombies alone, while he himself is only extraordinary fourth-level.
Relying on his own speed, Heisha kept fighting with eight extraordinary fourth-order zombies, and he could only remain undefeated.

Although Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, was not injured at this time, he was not much better, because he himself faced six extraordinary fifth-level zombies and could only defend passively.

Beibei was already full of scars at this time, but he was afraid that Lin Hua and the others would be worried about him, so she didn't shout out even though she was injured. Hurry up, I managed to kill a few zombies at the beginning, but as time went by, the remaining dozen or so zombies became smarter, and it was not easy for Beibei to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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