Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 494 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 494 Lost the wife and lost the army

At this time, Xue Wu and the others had already boarded the ice dragon, and twelve members of the Heavenly Dragon League also boarded the ice dragon.

And the rest of the Tianlong League deputy leader Wang Xiaowu and nine other gang members are still hesitating, especially because Wang Xiaowu has saved her life before Long Aotian, so he doesn't plan to join the Ice and Snow League, and those nine people They belonged to Wang Xiaowu's confidants, and they were all hesitant when they saw that Wang Xiaowu didn't make a statement.

After seeing it, Xuewu and the others knew that they were slow to choose, so they didn't say anything. At this time, Long Aotian and the others had already rushed over, and the deputy leader Liu Cai took those nine people who didn't go to the ice dragon and surrounded them directly.

Long Aotian stood directly behind Lin Hua and the others, ready to attack at any time.

And Xuewu and the others were also on guard against these people, in case they attacked suddenly.

"I couldn't find the Dragon Leader and finally couldn't bear to show up." Lin Hua said to Long Aotian while fighting.

"Lin Hua is your day of death today." Long Aotian said in a daze, but he didn't do anything, but waited for Lin Hua to kill the zombie before doing it. It can be seen that Lin Hua killed the zombie only But sooner or later, he has waited for such a long time and no longer cares about this minute.

"Well, you Wang Xiaowu, you dare to bring someone over to help Lin Hua and the others. The leader said that you will not be in the Tianlong League from now on, and today is your death day." Liu Cai, the deputy leader, was about to do it!Don't let Wang Xiaowu and the others say anything!
At this time, Wang Xiaowu and the others were ashamed, they thought that Long Aotian would not kill them, but just punished them, but they did not expect that Long Aotian really wanted to kill them regardless of their previous achievements .

Now they have basically lost their combat effectiveness, and all that awaits them is death.

And the gang members of the Tianlong League on the ice dragon also showed pain on their faces!

Seeing the scene at this time, Xuewu immediately released the skill Burning in Pain. At this time, two fireballs the size of eggs were attacking the gang members of the Tianlongmeng.

As for Liu Cai, the deputy head of the Tianlong League, they had just seen the power of Xuewu's two egg-sized fireballs, and they began to dodge one after another.

"I'll go down and help them." Li Jie and the others said that they were about to jump off the ice dragon, but they were stopped in the end.

"Brother Yu, you go to help, I'm enough here." Lin Hua said to Wu Yu, because Lin Hua had been watching what happened there, and when he saw that the deputy leader of the Tianlong League was about to do something, he said Got it, with Long Aotian's character, none of them can escape.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the zombie slayer looked at Lin Hua, saw Lin Hua nodding, and went to help directly, but just when the zombie slayer ran a few steps away, Long Aotian moved, because he didn't want to Let those who come to help help the crowd, otherwise he wouldn't order the deputy leader Liu Cai to kill them all.

Lin Hua had been on guard against Long Aotian for a long time, and when Long Aotian moved, Lin Hua directly released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery.

The two supernatural bodies appeared at the same time and blocked Long Aotian's path, making him unable to stop Wu Yu, the zombie slayer.

And Long Aotian saw the two supernatural bodies of Lin Hua appearing in front of him at this time, and knew that Lin Hua hadn't exhausted all his supernatural powers, but had been resisting him all the time.

However, Long Aotian thought for a moment that Lin Hua had already suffered such a serious injury, and after fighting for such a long time, his physical ability could not win much, so he directly matched Lin Hua's two abilities. The whole body started to fight, the speed of this Long Aotian was very fast!And the attack was particularly fierce. Although it was two supernatural bodies that dealt with Long Aotian at the same time, neither of Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies took any advantage.

Although Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, was seriously injured, he was very powerful. Even if he was injured, he could fight the epic first-order zombies, so when he came over, he directly killed a member of the Tianlongmeng.

And those gang members of the Tianlong League saw the appearance of the zombie slayer at this time, they were frightened and did not dare to attack, because the speed of the zombie slayer was too fast, and they were afraid that they would be the next to die.

"Come up quickly, Long Aotian will not let you go!" Li Jie shouted loudly to the injured members of the Tianlongmeng
After hearing what Li Jie said, those few wounded members of the Tianlong League didn't hesitate anymore.Lin Hua was watching the situation here all the time, even though he was fighting Shadow Dragon, one of the three giants of zombies.

Lin Hua directly controlled the descent of the ice dragon, while Li Jie and the others directly went down with weapons, and the gang members of the Tianlong League were bluffed by Li Jie and the others.

Because they had seen Lin Hua and the others fighting just now, their strength was simply not comparable to them, so they didn't dare to fight.

And Wang Xiaowu led those people directly onto the ice dragon.

At this moment, after Long Aotian saw the scene at this time, he wanted to go and kill these people directly, but he was tightly held back by the two supernatural bodies of Lin Hua, and he couldn't get rid of his body at all!

Long Aotian couldn't help shouting angrily, "They are all at the end of their strength, don't be frightened by them, kill them all"

After hearing Long Aotian's words, Liu Cai, the deputy leader of the Tianlong League, knew that if they didn't do anything now, they would be blamed by Long Aotian if they went back, so they all bit the bullet and attacked. At this time, those injured Tianlongmeng gang Everyone has already climbed onto the ice dragon, only Li Jie, Gutian Zombie Slayer, and Heisha are left on the ground, the four of them, the gang of the Tianlong League are attacking from a long distance, those injured on the ice dragon The Tianlong League helps the crowd.

Xue Wu directly released the skill Flame Aegis to block all their skills, and Gui Wu directly released the skills Dark Wind Strikes and Dark Grip to the helpers of the Tianlongmeng.

Li Jie and the others took the opportunity to climb directly onto the ice dragon. At this time, there were not many places on the ice dragon.

Lin Hua saw that everyone was on top of the ice dragon, and directly controlled the ice dragon to move forward, while the Tianlongmen on the ground kept attacking the ice dragon, but basically their attacks were all blocked by the ice dragon. Resisted.

At this time, Long Aotian couldn't help being furious, because this time he must kill Lin Hua, otherwise it can be said that he really lost his wife and lost his army this time.

Long Aotian couldn't help intensifying the attack, and soon the two supernatural beings Lin Hua showed some signs of defeat, and the gang members of the Tianlong League saw that the ice dragon in the air was beyond their attack range, and everyone Come over and surround Lin Hua and the zombie Shadow Dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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