Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 496 Conspiracy

Chapter 496 Conspiracy
At this time, Wang Xiaowu felt that joining the Ice and Snow League might be the best choice.

Then everyone stopped discussing these things and started to eat today's different cores to increase their strength.

After a few people finished eating the different cores, Li Jie's strength had already been raised to the fifth level of extraordinary strength, and Beibei hadn't woken up after a long time.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were very worried about Beibei's safety. If Beibei's strength had not suddenly increased today, they might all have died there today.

"Boss, Beibei's injury is quite serious right now, why is she still not awake now?" Xue Wu said worriedly.

"I see the eye on Beibei's forehead, it looks a bit like the legendary three-eyed monkey. I saw it in an ancient book," Gu Tian said.

"What is the three-eyed spirit monkey? Why haven't I heard of it?" Li Jie said.

"Yeah, I haven't heard of it either," Ghost Dance said.

"Didn't Gu Tian say that he saw it in an ancient book? You don't read ancient books, so how could you know?" Lin Hua said.

Beibei woke up when several people were discussing, it's just that Beibei was a little weak at this time.

"Boss, I have nothing to do now, it's just that I have an extra eye on my forehead," Beibei said weakly.

Several people saw that Beibei was very weak at this time, so they stopped talking.

"Leader, I have something to say." At this moment, Wang Xiaowu came over and said.

After hearing Wang Xiaowu's words, Lin Hua looked at Wang Xiaowu and said, "What's the matter, just tell me, we are not outsiders."

At this moment, Wang Xiaowu took out the map of the Abyss of Eternal Night in his bosom!Said, "Leader, this is the map in the Abyss of Eternal Night"

When several people heard Wang Xiaowu's words, they were all shocked. They didn't expect that there would be a map in the Abyss of Eternal Night.

Lin Hua took the map in the Abyss of Eternal Night handed over by Wang Xiaowu and looked at it.

"I didn't expect that the map in the Abyss of Eternal Night is quite detailed," Lin Hua said.

"Show me the boss," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua directly handed the map to Li Jie, and several people looked at it.

"We are still four days away from the central Zombie City. With our current strength, it should not be enough to kill Karl the God of Death," Lin Hua said.

Lin Hua and the others discussed for a long time, and decided to rest here for a few days and wait for the injury to heal before continuing to the corpse king city in the Abyss of Eternal Night.

At this time, Long Aotian and the others did not continue to advance towards the Shiwang City, but they were searching for Lin Hua nearby, intending to understand that Lin Hua and the others were continuing to advance!

After five days passed like this, Lin Hua and the others continued to march towards the city of the corpse king. Now Lin Hua and his team had already formed a team of 29 people.

The highest level is Lin Hua's first level of epic, Li Jie and the others are already at the fifth level of extraordinary strength, and the rest of the Tianlongmeng's gang members are all at the second level of extraordinary strength.

However, as they walked toward the depths of the Abyss of Eternal Night, Lin Hua and the others discovered that they encountered more and more zombies. After two days, the strength of Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, had reached the epic level.

The strength level of the rest of the people has not changed much!
At this time, Karl, the inner god of death in the center of the Abyss of Eternal Night, was still sitting on the chair in the center, listening to the report of the extraordinary fifth-order zombie below.

"Wang, Sparta among the Big Three died at the hands of Lin Hua, while Shadow Dragon died at the hands of another group of people, but Lin Hua and the others suffered heavy casualties, and they are all in hiding now!" Chao Fan The fifth-order zombie said.

Karl, the god of death, thought for a while and said, "I didn't expect that Lin Hua's strength would be so strong. He could kill Sparta and Li Luo, and he should check out the other group of people."

"Yes, Wang," the fifth-rank extraordinary zombie went out after speaking.

"Wang, doesn't that Lin Hua need to send someone to chase them down? Should he be allowed to recuperate now?" said a first-rank epic zombie.

"That's right, king, those people are obviously coming to our corpse king city," said another zombie of the first rank of extraordinary.

"What you said really reminded me that he came running after me, and now he should be recuperating in a place not far from the corpse king city. Wu Dier, Dro, you two should bring more people to strengthen the defense of the corpse king city. "Reaper Karl said.

After hearing the words of Karl, the god of death, the two first-tier epics walked out of the hall directly.

At this time, Cerberus, the hell three-headed dog who has been resting for several days, has stabilized after breaking through to the second level of the epic!

Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, now plans to go directly to the corpse king city to kill Karl, the god of death, and directly notify the Abyss of Eternal Night.Because of several days of searching, he couldn't find Lin Hua and the others at all.

"Boss, should we continue walking towards the corpse king city now?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua while Lin Hua and the others were resting two days away from the corpse king city.

"We can't move forward now, because I'm not good enough to deal with Karl, the god of death." Lin Hua said slowly, because Lin Hua knew that Karl, the god of death, was already at the second level of epic strength, and it took her a long time to break through the second level of epic. It's time.

The strength should be stronger than that of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus who just broke through to the second level of the epic.

Lin Hua has seen the three-headed dog Cerberus who has just broken through to the second level of extraordinary, and knows that he is not able to deal with it, so Lin Hua is waiting, waiting for his strength to reach the second level of epic!
"Boss, didn't the three-headed hell dog Cerberus say that he wanted to kill Karl the God of Death? Let's wait for her to go and kill Karl the God of Death, and then we can pick up some bargains," Li Jie said.

"The main reason is that now we don't know when the hell three-headed dog Cerberus will go to the corpse king city," Gu Tian said

"Don't think about it for now, let's continue hunting zombies around, strength is everything," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the corpse king city is very lively, because the three-headed dog Cerberus has come to the corpse king city, and directly hit the inside of the corpse king city.

"Karl, have you ruled the Abyss of Eternal Night for too long?" said Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog.

"Why are you missing two heads? I heard that one of your two heads was forced to be eaten by a human being who taught Lin Hua." Karl, the god of death, said to the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"So what, after I kill you, I will rule the Abyss of Eternal Night, and then none of them will be able to escape," said Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog.

Karl, the god of death, thought about it, and now he had an idea to let this stupid dog chase and kill Lin Hua!

(End of this chapter)

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