Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 502 Corpse King City

Chapter 502 Corpse King City

At this moment, only Li Jie was left alone. He was thinking back to what Lin Hua had said to himself just now. If Lin Hua really died in Carl's hands tomorrow, would he be able to run away?But if it is negative, I will not be three, and the rest will not be able to run.

But what Lin Hua said today meant that he must run away after seeing Lin Hua died, otherwise he would feel sorry for Lin Hua.

Li Jie thought about what Lin Hua said to her for half the night, and he finally figured it out. If Lin Hua was not Karl's opponent and died in Karl's hands tomorrow, then he would take everyone out!
In the early morning of the next day, everyone woke up very early, because Lin Hua had already said yesterday that he planned to directly attack the corpse king city tomorrow.

Seeing that everyone was up, Lin Hua asked everyone to eat food first. After the food was finished, Lin Hua released the ice dragon, and everyone climbed on the ice dragon and headed towards the corpse king city.

"Today we must win, even at the cost of our lives, we must kill Carl," Lin Hua shouted at everyone.

When Gu Tian and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they were all full of fighting spirit, but after hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie didn't seem particularly fighting, because Lin Hua arranged for him a very important task, that is, when Lin Hua didn't After the enemy death god Karl is killed, he must take everyone away.

Because Lin Hua's level has reached the second level of epic strength, the speed of the ice dragon has also increased a lot. At about the end, they saw the corpse king city in front of them in the sky.

Lin Hua and the others did not continue to walk towards the corpse king city ahead, but chose to descend to the ground, because the ice dragon's target was too big in the sky, and it was easy to be spotted.

After Lin Hua and the others got down to the ground, they walked slowly towards the corpse king city, and stopped when they were more than 1000 meters away from the corpse king city.

Lin Hua looked at the Corpse King City, but it was not as big as she imagined. At first, Lin Hua thought that the Corpse King City would be as big as Xueyun City, but now that Lin Hua had developed, the Corpse King City covered an area of ​​less than five kilometers. !

It’s better to say that it’s a bigger town than a city, but the buildings in Shiwang City are pretty good, and the city gate in front of Lin Hua and the others is very well preserved. There are more than 40 zombies guarding the front. Moreover, the levels of these zombies are all extraordinary levels of strength, and there is also a zombie with epic first-level strength.

"Then the corpse king city is so small?" Gu Tian said when he saw the scale of the corpse king city.

"Yeah, at first I thought that the legendary corpse king city couldn't be much bigger than Xueyun city, but I didn't expect it to be so small," Xuewu said.

"Although the city is small, its strength is not low. Look at the level of the zombies in front of the city gate." Lin Hua pointed to the zombie in front of the city gate.

"Ah, the level of these zombies is not low, at least they are all of extraordinary level. It seems that this corpse king city should be particularly dangerous," Li Jie said.

"Well, there is a first-level epic zombie guarding the city gate, so don't think about how many zombies there will be inside." Xue Wu said, because he is the only one besides Lin Hua who is at the epic level, so it It can be seen that the epic first-order zombie strength.

"Boss, what should we do? Just rush in, or?" the zombie slayer asked Lin Hua.

"Don't worry, I'll go inside to see the number of zombies in the corpse king city, and I'll make plans when I come back." After speaking, Lin Hua summoned the ice dragon and went up.

"Boss, I'll go with you," Beibei said and jumped on top of the ice dragon.

Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to fly directly over the corpse king city and hovered over it, observing the number of zombies in the corpse king city, but Lin Hua took a closer look that there were not many zombies in the corpse king city, there could be two hundred at most, but Lin Hua didn't know that there were still some zombies in Karl's palace.

"My lord, that Lin Hua is hovering over the corpse king city right now." At this time, an extraordinary fifth-level zombie reported the situation to Karl, the god of death.

"Wang, it seems that this Lin Hua is investigating our situation now, is he planning to attack the city of the corpse king?" said a zombie of the first rank of the epic.

There are a total of more than 20 zombies in the palace where Karl is sitting, six of them are of the strength of the first level of epic, and the rest are of the strength of the fifth level of extraordinary.

"Let him investigate, and wait for him to come in. If I'm not wrong, he should have eaten the heterocore of the three-headed dog Cerberus and reached the epic second-level strength," Death said.

At this time, the god of death is not worried about Lin Hua coming to investigate the number of zombies in the corpse king city, because he doesn't care about Lin Hua at all, just like he doesn't care about the hell three-headed dog Cerberus of.

Karl, the god of death, believes that Lin Hua's ability to kill the three-headed dog Cerberus is entirely due to himself. If he hadn't severely injured the three-headed dog Cerberus, Lin Hua would have never been able to Dealt with Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell.

"By the way, what happened to the pair of humans outside the corpse king city, didn't they run away?" Reaper then asked the extraordinary fifth-order zombie below.

"My lord, another pair of human beings seem to be waiting for something there, and they often send people out to observe the situation in the corpse king's city," the extraordinary fifth-level zombie replied.

Karl, God of Death, thought for a while after hearing the words of this extraordinary rank-five zombie, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "It seems that the group of humans want to wait for Lin Hua to attack the corpse king city before coming to pick up ready-made ones."

"Hehe, human beings are still not united. I believe that the [-]th district will be completely unified by the king soon," said a zombie of the first rank of Epic.

"Yes, if human beings are not united, they will be replaced by us sooner or later. This is inevitable." Karl, the god of death, stopped talking.

Lin Hua saw that the zombies on the ground had clearly spotted her, but they didn't intend to attack her at all, so she couldn't help but feel a little strange, but Lin Hua continued to watch the situation in the corpse king city.

Just when Lin Hua and the others were at the south gate of the corpse king city, Beibei suddenly said, "Boss, I seem to feel Long Aotian's breath, right there." Then he pointed to the location where Long Aotian and the others were.

When Lin Hua heard Bei Bei say that Long Aotian was nearby, she couldn't help but sneered. It seemed that Long Aotian was still planning to pick up ready-made ones!

Lin Hua didn't intend to go to Long Aotian, because Long Aotian was a trivial matter, and the first thing they had to deal with was Karl, the most powerful existence in the corpse king city.

Lin Hua went back after watching the situation in the entire corpse king city.

(End of this chapter)

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