Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 521 Beibei's Shock

Chapter 521 Beibei's Shock

"Well, we haven't met before." Lin Hua said slowly, but the people around who heard Lin Hua's words could clearly feel that Lin Hua was very excited now.

"By the way, it seems that you have just arrived in Titan City, but you offended Cyanwood Wolf. Although the lord forbids killing people in the city, but with the strength of the Aoki family, the city lord will turn a blind eye. Cyanwood Wolf will not Letting you go, why don't you stay at my house for a few days, and then leave when Qingmulang and the others relax their vigilance." Murong Xian said to Lin Hua
Li Jie and the others didn't speak after hearing Murongxian's words, because they were not afraid of that Cyan Wolf at all, so they waited for Lin Hua's decision.

"Okay, let's bother Miss Murong." Lin Hua answered Murong Xian directly.

At this time, the beautiful host who hosted the auction just now saw Lin Hua and the others standing at the door and walking towards Lin Hua and the others, because Li Jie's performance just now made her have a good impression of Lin Hua and the others.

"Guys, now Qingmulang has brought people to wait for you outside. Our auction has a back door. If you don't mind, you can go through the back door." The beautiful host said to Lin Hua and the others
Lin Hua didn't speak, Li Jie said directly to the beautiful host, "Beauty, thank you for your kindness, my boss has never been afraid of anyone, so we appreciate your kindness."

"Okay, how lucky are you?" The beauty host saw that Lin Hua and the others had no intention of avoiding them, so she left after speaking, but he became more and more curious about Lin Hua and the others.

This beautiful host is the owner of this auction called Huo Xiang. She is actually the sister of the city lord Huo Guang, but no one knows it. Not afraid of the Aoki family.

At this time, the people had almost left, Lin Hua and the others followed Murong Xian and walked outside.

"Young master, they've come out." The fourth-order extraordinary power user said to Qingmu Lang after seeing Lin Hua and Murong Xian coming out.

When Cyanwood Wolf saw that Lin Hua walked out of the auction side by side with Murongxian, he immediately became furious, because everyone in Titan City knew that Cyanwood Wolf liked Murongxian to the extreme. Murong Xian approached, but Lin Hua came out with Murong Xian!

Qingmu Wolf's killing intent towards Lin Hua and the others became stronger and stronger, and at this moment he couldn't help but want to kill Lin Hua and the others.

Then the Qingmu wolf directly waved his hand and held the Qingmu family's supernatural beings, directly blocking the path of Murongxian and Lin Hua.

And those supernatural beings who didn't leave the auction were waiting to watch the fun, and they were very excited when they saw Qingmu Lang and the others preparing to do it.

At this time, all the forces in Titan City had already received the news. Today, at the auction, several outsiders directly challenged the Aoki Wolf and offended the Aoki Clan.

After Li Jie and the others saw that the road was blocked by the superhuman from the Qingmu family, they all wanted to do something, because they had long disliked the Qingmu wolf!However, Lin Hua didn't speak or intend to make a move, and they all held back!
"Qingmulang, why are you blocking the way and not letting me go home?" Murong Xian glared at Qingmulang and said after seeing the way was blocked

"Murong Xian, you want to go back and go directly, but these people have offended our Qingmu family, so don't think about leaving without leaving something." Qingmu wolf said viciously, the meaning of what Qingmu wolf said was very obvious, leaving something is Save your life.

"These people are all my friends, I want to take them all to my house, and I'll see who dares not let me go." Murong Xian took Lin Hua's hand and walked forward!At this time Lin Hua's hand was pulled by Murong Xian, Lin Hua didn't resist at all.

Li Jie and the others who were behind Lin Hua didn't say anything when they saw Lin Hua being held by Murong Xian. They all knew that Lin Hua must have fallen in love with this Murong Xian, and followed behind.

Seeing Murong Xian dragging Lin Hua over, those supernatural beings from the Qingmu family didn't know whether to block the way, because without the Qingmu wolf, they would not dare to offend Murongxian, so they all looked at Aoki wolf.

And when Qingmulang saw Murongxian holding Lin Hua's hand in front of him, his face turned blue with anger.Shouted loudly, "Kill all except Murong Xian"

And those spectators are waiting to see them fight at this time, they all know that the power of the Aoki family can be said to be the number one power outside the city lord's mansion, they didn't expect to be so ruthless, so they directly ordered to kill them here Lin Hua and the others.

Huoxiang, the beautiful host who was standing upstairs watching Lin Hua and the others, couldn't help frowning after hearing what Qingmu Lang said. They are not from their City Lord's Mansion, so it is impossible for her to keep Lin Hua and the others.

"Just you guys are enough?" Li Jie directly pulled out his epee and shouted loudly at Cyan Wood Wolf.

"Who dares to offend our Qingmu family?" At this time, a deep voice was heard from behind the Qingmu wolf.

Then, more than 100 people came over, wearing the same Aoki family costumes. The leader was a middle-aged man with an epic first-order ability. , It was this person who spoke just now.

"Second Uncle, open it, it's because they insulted our Aoki family just now." After hearing the thick voice, Aoki Wolf said to the middle-aged man at the first level of Epic who came over!

"Ah, I didn't expect the second child of the Aoki family to come. He is notoriously unreasonable. It seems that these people can't escape," said the supernatural beings watching the excitement.

Qing Mukui looked at Lin Hua and the others, and found that they couldn't see the supernatural power level of these people. There are two possibilities. One is that they are ordinary people, and the other is that their level is higher than his. A young man will be stronger than him, so it thinks that Lin Hua and the others have no abilities, but are just ordinary warriors.

Qing Mukui guessed wrong, Lin Hua and the others are not ordinary warriors, but because Lin Hua and the others ate a kind of fruit in this world when they first came in, which can hide the abilities in their bodies, so that the opponent cannot find their abilities It's just that Lin Hua and the others don't know the level.

Lin Hua stared at Qing Mukui coldly and did not speak, because she wanted to see what Murong Xian would do.

When Murong Xian saw Qing Mukui coming, he became a little nervous, because Murong Xian knew that Qing Mukui was very unreasonable and powerful, and knew that today's affairs would be difficult, so he could only hope that his brother would hurry up. point to come.

(End of this chapter)

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