Chapter 524 Weakness
At this time, several people felt that Lin Hua really fell in love with this Murong Xian!No one can change Lin Hua's decision. At first, several people tried to persuade Lin Hua, because they all knew Xue Wu's feelings for Lin Hua, but now seeing Lin Hua's firmness, they all gave up their idea .

At this time, Murong Longyun in the hall was sitting on the chair on the left, and in the center of the hall stood a middle-aged man in his 40s. This middle-aged man looked very similar to Murong Long, except that he was more Except that Murong Long is a little older, he is the patriarch of the Murong family, and the strength of Murong Wuhui's epic second level.

"Father, although I can't see through the strength of Lin Hua and the others, whether they have supernatural powers, I can feel the sense of danger in them, especially Lin Hua, who makes me palpitate." Murong Long Said.

"Okay, I got it, tell your sister to avoid contact with them, after all, he is a girl, why does that Lin Hua give your sister such a valuable item as the flying artifact at the expense of offending the Aoki family?" Murong Wuhui said , because he couldn't figure it out, he suspected that Lin Hua and the others might be the Li family among the four major families, or the Huang family's conspiracy to make their Murong family and Aoki family fight.

"I'm not sure about this, but I can tell that Lin Hua doesn't have any bad intentions for his sister. If he had bad intentions, he wouldn't have done what he did today," Murong Long said.

"What are you talking about me?" At this time Murong Xian walked to the door of the hall and said.

"Why are you so capable of causing trouble? You offended the Qingmu family just by going to the auction today." Murong Wuhui said directly after hearing Murong Xian's words.

And Murong Xian went directly to pull Murong Wuhui's sleeve and said, "Father, Lin Hua and the others are my friends, they offended the Qingmu family because of me, you must protect Lin Hua and the others."

"Don't worry, I will protect Lin Hua's safety unless it is absolutely necessary." Murong Wuhui said, and after finishing speaking, he fondled Murong Xian's hair.

"Father, what do you want from me?" Murong Xian asked Murong Wuhui.

"There's nothing else, just to see if you're injured, your brother and I still have some things to discuss, you go down first" Murong Wuhui said to Murongxian.

When Murong Xian heard Murong Wuhui's words, he ran out directly to find Lin Hua.

At this time, all the forces in Titan City were studying Lin Hua and the others, especially the Murong family among the four major families, and the city lord Huo Guang.

They all sent people to collect some information about Lin Hua, but they didn't make any progress. No one knew Lin Hua and them.

In the City Lord's Mansion of Titan City, the City Lord Huo Guang and the two City Lords, Liu Jie and Zuo Xi, discussed about Lin Hua.

"The city lord, Lin Hua, and the others seem to have appeared out of nowhere, and there is no news about them at all," said Zuo Xi, the deputy city lord, the first level of Epic.

"Except for Murong's family, the four major families are also checking Linhua's information," another deputy city lord Liu Jie said.
"Yes, I see. Send people to keep an eye on the dynamics of the four major families, and report back in time if there is any information," Huo Guang, the city lord, said to the two deputy city lords.

And in the hall of the Aoki family among the four major families, Qing Mushan, the head of the Aoki family, was full of murderous intent at this time, because Aoki Kui came back just now and told her what happened today. The family lost all face.

So at this time, Cyanwood Mountain especially wanted to kill Lin Hua and the others, but now that Lin Hua and the others lived in the Murong Mansion, he couldn't do it at all, so he was waiting for the opportunity.

"Father, today's revenge must be avenged." Cyanwood Wolf said to Cyanwood Mountain.

"Well, none of Lin Hua and the others can escape," Cyanwood Mountain said viciously.

But Lin Hua and the others stayed in Murong Mansion like this for four or five days without going out, and Murong Xian pestered Lin Hua to talk to her every day!

At noon that day, Murong Xian felt that staying at home was very boring. When he went to find Lin Hua and found that he was not in her room, he thought that Lin Hua had gone out, so he went out to find Lin Hua with two extraordinary second-level maids. .

But not long after Murong Xian went out, he was met by Qingmu Lang who was strolling outside. After seeing Murong Xian, Qingmu Lang thought of a way. When he came out, he couldn't move his hands at all.

"Murongxian, don't blame me. After I kill Lin Hua, I will definitely propose marriage to your family." Qingmu Lang finished speaking to Murongxian, and immediately asked her subordinates to kidnap Murongxian!
Murong Xian is only at the third level of extraordinary strength, and his two maids are at the second level of extraordinary strength, so they are not opponents of Qingmulang and her leading these people.

"Go back and tell Lin Hua to let her come to my Murong Mansion to save people. If anyone else finds out, then Murong Xian will die," Qing Mulong said to the two maids.

Then he released the two maids and invited Murong Xian to Qingmu Mansion.

Although Cyan Wood Wolf didn't want many people to know about it, he was spotted by the eyeliners of various families, and they all went back to report to their masters.

And those two maids were afraid that Qingmu Wolf would really hurt Murong Xian, so they went to find Lin Hua directly after returning to Murong Mansion.

At this moment, Lin Hua was chatting with Li Jie and the others. He was still a little strange today, why didn't Murong Xian come over to pester her, but when he saw the flustered appearance of the two personal maids of Murong Xian, he knew it must be What happened to Murong Xian.

"Miss was invited by Qingmu Long to the Qingmu Mansion, and said that you should go by yourself, otherwise they will kill Miss" a maid said tremblingly.

When Lin Hua heard the maid's words, she became angry and dared to touch Murongxian. Now Murongxian is Lin Hua's weakness, whoever dares to touch Murongxian Lin Hua will kill her directly.

"How is the Qingmu family going?" Lin Hua asked the two maids directly.

Then the two maids told Lin Hua the location of the Qingmu family, and Lin Hua immediately planned to save them.

"Boss, if the Qingmu family dares to touch Murong Xian, let's destroy her," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

Because Li Jie and the others liked this eccentric Murong Xian very much after a few days of getting along, and they knew that Murong Xian was Lin Hua's weakness, so Li Jie and the others knew that with Lin Hua's personality, they would definitely do this.

"I'll go first, you guys will go later, that's fine, don't tell others about this beforehand" Lin Hua said to Li Jie and the others and immediately released the skill Ice Bind, and instantly ice surface appeared within 50 meters around Lin Hua .

(End of this chapter)

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