Chapter 528 Framing
But when Murong Wuhui saw the intention of Cyanwood Mountain to attack, she immediately took out her big saber.

"The two patriarchs wait a moment, and speak slowly if you have something to say, why do you want to do it?" At this time, three people came in, and the one who spoke was Huo Guang, the lord of Titan City in the front.

Lin Hua stared at this person vigilantly, and then said to Murong Xian, "Who is he?"

After hearing Lin Hua's question, Murong Xian said directly, "He is Huo Guang, the city lord."

"What's wrong with the boss, do you know her?" Li Jie asked after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"It's nothing, I just feel that he is much stronger than the four patriarchs present, and should be stronger than Carl," Lin Hua said slowly.

Because Lin Hua felt that although the four patriarchs were all of the second-tier epic strength, Lin Hua didn't feel anything at all, but for the city lord Huo Guang, he felt a sense of danger.

"Then he is about to reach the third level of epic," Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua nodded! "Unexpectedly, this Titan City is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"Yes, this Titan City is really not as simple as imagined," Lin Hua continued.

"Lin Hua, can you beat that Huo Guang?" Murong Xian asked curiously, because he was particularly curious about Lin Hua's strength.

"Sixty percent sure," Lin Hua said directly in order to satisfy Murong Xian's curiosity.

"What, that Huo Guang is the number one expert in Titan City?" Murong Xian said in disbelief.

Lin Hua didn't explain either, because the six levels of assurance he just mentioned were just the lowest level. Lin Hua believed that if she really fought Huo Guang, he would definitely win.

The patriarchs of the four major families all looked at Huo Guang when they saw the city lord Huo Guang coming.

"City Lord, my daughter was kidnapped by Cyanwood Mountain's son, Cyanwood Wolf, I'm just here to ask for an explanation." Murong Wuhui said first.

"Murong Wuhui, you said that my son kidnapped your daughter, it was my son who kidnapped your daughter, who can testify, I believe no one can testify, but my son was killed by Lin Hua's monkey. Everyone has seen it, so you shouldn't give me an explanation." Cyanwood Mountain said directly.

"I can testify" Murong Xian, who was at the back of the Murong family's superhumans, shouted loudly at this time.

What Cyanwood Mountain said just now was too irritating, so she couldn't help but say it.

After everyone heard Murong Xian's words, they all looked at Murong Xian's position and some supernatural beings from the Murong family made way for Murong Xian.

Then Murong Xian walked over, and Lin Hua slowly followed behind Murong Xian.

Maybe because Cyanwood Mountain said that his son Cyanwood Wolf was killed by Lin Hua's monkey, so they all looked at Beibei on Lin Hua's shoulder.

Seeing so many people looking at him, Beibei closed his eyes without knowing what he was thinking.

"Why are you here? Didn't they tell you and Lin Hua to go back?" Murong Wuhui said directly when he saw Murong Xian.

"I was afraid that you guys would fight, so I didn't go back, and I can help you when the time comes," Murong Xian said aggrievedly.

Murong Wuhui couldn't say anything when he saw Murongxian like this, so he said directly to Cyanwood Mountain, "My daughter said that your son kidnapped him, what else do you want to say?"

Qingmu Mountain glanced at Lin Hua, looked at Beibei on Lin Hua's shoulder, and said to Murong Wuhui, "He can say whatever he wants on Murong Xian with a long mouth, and my son is dead, there is no proof , but my son was killed by Lin Hua's monkey, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"Also, Lin Hua killed me. Many people can testify." Qingmu Shan continued.

Murong Xian was very wronged at this time, almost cried out of anger at what Cyanwood Mountain said.

"Cyanwood Mountain didn't expect you to be so shameless." Murong Wuhui cursed at Cyanwood Mountain.

"Both calm down first. Since the matter has been resolved and Miss Murongxian is fine, let's forget about it," said Huo Guang, the city lord.

Because recently he got news that zombies would attack Titan City in the near future, so she didn't want to have internal fighting at this time.

"Since the city lord has said so, and Xian'er is fine, I won't pursue this matter," Murong Wuhui said.

Because not only the city lord knew that the army of zombies was going to attack Titan City, but also some big forces knew about it. If Murong Wuhui hadn't been too anxious to rescue Murong Xian today, he wouldn't have come here with such a big force.

"If you say it's okay, it's okay. Then the matter of Lin Hua letting his monkey kill my son is over. The army of zombies is going to attack Titan City. Could Lin Hua and the others be sent by the zombies? , who of you can guarantee it?" Cyanwood Mountain said,

Because Cyanwood Mountain knew that Lin Hua was powerful, he knew he was no match, but now there were so many people, no matter how powerful she was Lin Hua, it was impossible for her to deal with so many people at once, so Cyanwood Mountain decided to insist that Lin Hua was sent by the zombies At that time, the Murong family wanted to help and watched.

After hearing Cyanwood Mountain's words, all the forces were silent, because they didn't find any information about Lin Hua and them at all, which made them feel particularly strange. Suspect.

"I don't believe it, Lin Hua was sent by the zombies, Cyanwood Mountain, you are bloody!" Murong Xian shouted loudly, because she knew that Lin Hua was definitely not sent by the zombies after several days of contact with Lin Hua.

Li Jie and the others were very angry at this time, but they were all stopped by Lin Hua's gesture.

Because Lin Hua wanted to see how things would turn out in the end.

"Miss Murong, why is it you again? How many people do you think believe what you said?" Qingmu Shan sarcastically said.

At this moment, Murong Wuhui was also a little suspicious, because this Lin Hua was really too mysterious, and he dared to offend the Qingmu family when he first arrived, so he also had some doubts about Lin Hua's identity.

"My patriarch Qingmu is right. Now that the zombie army is about to attack the city, we should be united at this time, lest when the zombie army attacks the city, we will be cooperating with the inside and outside." Li Rui, the head of the Li family of the four major families, said.

"I also agree with what Patriarch Qingmu said, Lin Hua and the others' identities are really worthy of doubt, and it's in this special period," Huang Batian said.

The three major families have already expressed their views, and now it is up to the Murong family and the City Lord's Mansion. If the City Lord's Mansion expresses its position, it will be impossible for the Murong Family to object.

"Father, quickly tell Lin Hua and the others that they are not undercover agents sent by the zombies." Murong Xian pulled Murong Wuhui's clothes and said.

Because Murongxian knew that no matter how powerful Lin Hua and the others were, they would not be able to deal with so many people, and there was Huo Guang, the strongest man in Titan City.

(End of this chapter)

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