Chapter 541 The Base
But before he finished laughing, Lin Hua disappeared in front of him, and when Lin Hua appeared for the second time, the Baqi Hanjian directly penetrated Huang Batian's head, and Huang Batian's laughter also directly It came to an abrupt end.

Li Rui saw the two supernatural bodies Lin Hua appearing in front of him, and his heart suddenly became cold. She once fought with a supernatural body teacher of Lin Hua, and he could at most draw with one supernatural body. , Two words are a complete failure.

Especially when he heard Huang Batian's laughter stop abruptly, Li Rui knew that Huang Batian was dead, and now he was going to face three Lin Huas, so it could be said that he would definitely die.

With a "snap", Li Rui knelt down directly to Lin Hua who had passed by, and kowtowed non-stop, without the appearance of a patriarch of a big family at all!
Then he kept begging Lin Hua to spare his life, so he would be like a horse to Lin Hua in the future.

Who is Lin Hua, how could he let Li Rui go because of this.Then he said coldly, "Take out an epic second-order dignity, I told you I won't let you go"

After hearing Lin Hua's mocking words, Li Rui stood up slowly, stared at Lin Hua resentfully and said, "Lin Hua never thought that your heart would be so cruel."

Li Rui knew he was going to die, and Lin Hua had already said that he would not let him go, so he simply wasn't afraid of Lin Hua.

"It's not that I'm ruthless. People like you are by my side. I'm always on guard against you every day. It's better to have one thing less than one thing." Lin Hua said directly.

"Why, I knelt down to beg you, but you have no plan to let me go?" Li Rui continued to ask.
Lin Hua couldn't help laughing after hearing Li Rui's words, then looked at Li Rui with contempt and said slowly, "Let you go, let you harm more people. At first, I thought you and Huang Batian is a little different, you may have been pulled into his boat by him, and he intended to let you go, but he ran away when he thought of you, so I gave you a chance, but you didn't seize it."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Rui directly cursed at Lin Hua, "Lin Hua, you fart." After speaking, he swung his spear and stabbed Lin Hua.

In fact, Lin Hua really wanted to let Li Rui go at first, because Murong Xian said that Murong Long was seriously injured by Huang Batian, and now that the zombies are attacking the city, it is time to employ people, and the strength of the epic is still at the second level. , but when Lin Hua saw that he put Huang Batian aside, Lin Hua immediately changed his mind. He and Huang Batian should be grasshoppers on the same rope, and he can run away by himself, so this kind of person stays. It's no use either!

Lin Hua watched Li Rui's long spear stabbing at her, without any intention of avoiding it, she directly controlled the two supernatural beings behind Li Rui to attack Li Rui at the same time.

Li Rui felt Lin Hua stabbing him with a sword from behind, but he still didn't want to dodge it, because she knew she would die today, so he thought that since Lin Hua's body was so arrogant, if she didn't dodge, Then he would fight to the death with Lin Hua.

However, Li Rui's wishful thinking was wrong, because Lin Hua deliberately gave Li Rui hope at the beginning, so he controlled the attack speed of the two supernatural bodies, but when Li Rui's spear head was about to stab Lin Hua's when.

Lin Hua directly increased the speed of the two supernatural bodies to the limit. One supernatural body's Baqi Hanjian pierced Li Rui's head, and the other supernatural body's Baqihan Sword pierced Li Rui's back. .

Because it was only a moment before Lin Hua controlled the acceleration of the two supernatural bodies, Li Rui had no time to react and was killed directly, without even making a sound.

The supernatural beings from the two families were still kneeling at the position just now, watching Lin Hua and the others. This Lin Hua was too powerful, basically killing the two of them didn't take much time.

Lin Hua slowly walked towards those two superpowers, Lin Hua could see their fear of him in their eyes, Lin Hua coughed and said to them, "Titan City needs people now, if you want to go back, go back , don’t go back if you don’t want to go back, I won’t force you”

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she stood there quietly waiting for the replies from these supernatural beings!

"I'll go back to defend Titan City," said a supernatural person from the Li family.

Immediately afterwards, most of the supernatural beings expressed their opinions one after another, probably because they were afraid of Lin Hua, and all of them followed Lin Hua back to Titan City through the secret passage.

When Lin Hua and the others returned to Titan City, Murong Xian and the others on the city wall saw that Lin Hua had brought back all the supernatural beings from the two families, but they didn't see Huang Batian and Li Rui. Lin Hua killed it.

After seeing Lin Hua's return, Huo Guang murmured, "Unexpectedly, three of the four major families in Titan City were wiped out by Lin Hua himself."

Murong Wuhui who was at the side also felt special emotion after hearing Huo Guang's words, because his daughter, Murong Xian really did not choose the wrong person.

"City Master, what are your plans for the next zombie attack?" Lin Hua said looking at the endless zombies below the city
"Lin Hua, I can say that I don't have the ability to fight for a short time now. I plan to hand over the position of the city lord to you, and you will be in charge of the defense this time. What do you think?" the city lord Huo Guang said slowly.

Because although Huo Guang doesn't want to give up the position of the city lord, he is a person who puts the overall situation first. If Lin Hua can really defeat this army of zombies and save the names of tens of thousands of people in Titan City, then she will give the city lord What's the matter with giving up the position.

Lin Hua was a little surprised by Huo Guang's words, because he didn't expect this Huo Guang to be so decisive and generous.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "I don't plan to be the lord of this city, because I also have my own power, and it's not smaller than Titan City."

"What, you also have your power" Murong Wuhui said in surprise, because Murong Wuhui always thought that Lin Hua and the others were just a small team and Li Jie and the others could not become a power at all, especially after Lin Hua wiped out Aoki. When they were in the family, they directly gave the power of the Qingmu family to the Murong family, which made Murong Wuhui think that Lin Hua was someone who didn't want to build up his own power, so Murong Wuhui was very surprised when he heard Lin Hua's words.

Lin Hua nodded after hearing Murong Wuhui's words!
But it wasn't just Murong Wuhui who was surprised, but also the city lord Huo Guang.

When Huo Guang saw Lin Hua's strength, he knew that Lin Hua was not an ordinary person. It was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. It was just Li Jie and the others. Yes, his power is no less than that of Titan City, not less than any power in Titan City. Although there are two words missing, the meanings are quite different, so Huo Guang was particularly shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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