Chapter 570 Trading
Although Beibei is no longer attacking the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior as madly as before, but the second-in-chief Cyclops ancient zombie warrior is not like Beibei, and is still attacking Beibei crazily.

And Beibei kept dodging the attack of this ancient one-eyed zombie warrior. When Lin Hua saw that the second-handed one-eyed ancient zombie warrior slashed at Beibei, he directly used the skill to move the ice phantom. position disappeared.

The second-hand Cyclops ancient zombie warrior saw Lin Hua's sudden disappearance, and knew that Lin Hua must be trying to attack him, so he wanted to withdraw the big knife that had been cut just now, so as to defend against Lin Hua's attack.

After Lin Hua disappeared, he reappeared behind the second leader Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, and then directly swung the Baqi cold sword and slashed at the neck of the second leader Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

The second-in-command, Cyclops, an ancient zombie warrior, knew it was wrong, and wanted to take back his sword, but it was too late, because Lin Hua's Ba Qi Han Sword was almost on his neck.

When everyone saw Lin Hua's sudden attack, they were all confused. They didn't understand what Lin Hua was going to do, so that Beibei could not kill the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, but kill him himself.

At this time, Li Jie and the others were all guessing Lin Hua's thoughts, and when Bei Bei saw that Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian was about to chop the neck of the second-handed Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, he stopped his hands and was not there. attacked.

But just when everyone thought that the second leader Cyclops ancient zombie warrior was about to die with the Baqi cold sword in Lin Hua's hand, the Baqi cold sword suddenly stopped when it touched the neck of the second leader Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

And the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior closed his eyes when he knew he was going to die, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't feel Lin Hua's eight strange cold sword falling, so he opened his eyes involuntarily.

When the second-handed one-eyed ancient zombie warrior opened his eyes, he found that Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian stopped when it touched his neck, and he couldn't help being surprised, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"I just want to get some news from you," Lin Hua said flatly.

At this time, after hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie understood why Lin Hua didn't kill this, the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, because Lin Hua wanted to save his life and came to ask for some news.

"Why should I tell you?" The second head of the Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said coldly. When he opened his eyes just now and saw that Lin Hua didn't kill him, he already guessed that Lin Hua didn't kill him. I want to know something about the key that I wear around my neck.

"Unless you are not afraid of death, otherwise you will definitely tell me." Lin Hua said coldly after hearing what the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said, because when he saw Beibei fighting him just now, the second-in-command The one-eyed ancient zombie warrior who is the head of the family is particularly afraid of death, so Lin Hua said that the second-handed one-eyed ancient zombie warrior will definitely tell him some news.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the second master cyclops ancient zombie warrior looked at Lin Hua, then lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "I can tell you everything I know, but if you promise me, let me go, otherwise If you don't want to know anything."

After the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior finished speaking, some fierce eyes appeared in his eyes, as if if Lin Hua didn't agree to him, he would die immediately.

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with us now?" Li Jie couldn't help saying angrily after hearing the words of the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

"Hehe, do I have the qualifications to negotiate terms? It's up to you. If not, you can kill me now, then I have nothing to say," said the second-in-charge Cyclops ancient zombie warrior. He appeared to be determined by Lin Hua and the others.

When Li Jie and Beibei saw the expression of the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, they couldn't help but want to kill the second-in-chief Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, but they were pulled by the more rational Huo Guang. Living.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "I can agree to your conditions, but you must keep your key, otherwise you will have a dead end. You offended the two of them just now, and they are very cruel. It won't make people die easily," Lin Hua said, pointing at Li Jie and Bei Bei who were still angry.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior looked at Beibei and Li Jie who were being held back, and then at Lin Hua who was not talking. After thinking about it, this key is not as important as his own life. After he fled back, he would find his elder brother, who is the leader of these bandit zombie fighters, and it would be good if the master snatched the key back.

The second master cyclops ancient zombie warrior thought it over and said directly, "Okay, I promise you, but you promise me, after I answer your question, you must let me go." After the second master cyclops ancient zombie warrior finished speaking, He directly pulled off the string of the key worn on her chest, and handed the key to Lin Hua!
After Lin Hua took the key handed over by the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, he looked at it in his hand and threw it directly to Li Jie. He also took out the key from his interspatial ring and threw it to Li Jie.

After Li Jie looked at the two keys, he gave them to others. Finally, after Xuewu finished reading, he said, "Boss, the two keys are exactly the same, even the card slots on them are the same."

Lin Hua nodded after hearing what they said, and then looked at the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior. When the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior saw Lin Hua looking at him for the first time, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, because he was afraid of Lin Hua. Hua would lie to him and never let herself go.

Lin Hua saw it in the eyes of the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior. He doubted himself, and then said, "Don't worry, I, Lin Hua, will do what I promised. Answer on time, and I will let you go this time."

After hearing what Lin Hua said last time that he would let him go, the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior seemed to believe that Lin Hua would let him go, and then said directly to Lin Hua, "If you have any questions, just ask, I know will tell you"

"Okay," Lin Hua replied briskly.

Then Lin Hua directly asked the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, "Are you sure that your elder brother has an identical key?"

(End of this chapter)

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