Chapter 572

After Lin Hua heard Jiang Tian's words, she knew Jiang Tian's character, and knew that Jiang Tian would go with her no matter what she said, and then said to Jiang Tian, ​​"Then thank you City Lord Jiang."

Then Lin Hua said, "The zombies in that cottage are not weak. Let's eat all the alien cores we got first, and see if we can improve our strength."

After listening to Lin Hua's words, everyone took out the different cores they had obtained with them just now, and then sat cross-legged!They were going to eat the alien cores they got just now, but Lin Hua, Bei Bei, Murong Xian, and Jiang Tian didn't have any alien cores, so they helped to protect the dharma.

It is now at noon, although the sun is very strong, but because the trees in this forest are too dense to block the sun, Lin Hua looked at the people sitting cross-legged, and then he just thought about the second head of the family with one eye. After what he said, Lin Hua still can't figure out what secrets are hidden behind this key!
Murongxian saw that Lin Hua was silent for a long time, thinking about something, raised his head and asked Lin Hua, "What are you thinking about, so absorbed?"

After hearing Murongxian's question, Lin Hua shook her head and said, "I was thinking about this mysterious key, but it was useless after thinking about it for a long time. I just don't know what secrets are hidden behind the key."

"Oooh, then don't think about it, it's a waste of your brain and it's useless to think about it for a long time, it's better to think about going to the cottage later," Murong Xian said with a pout.

After hearing Murong Xian's words, Jiang Tian also said directly, "City Lord Lin, what are your plans for going to the cottage later, whether to attack directly or break down one by one"

Because two days ago, I just heard what the second-handed Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said about the strength of the cottage, so it was inevitable that I was a little worried.

Lin Hua frowned after hearing what Jiang Tian said, thinking for a while and said, "This second-in-charge Cyclops ancient zombie warrior will definitely tell his elder brother about our affairs and strength. They have two choices. One is to come to us. , the second is to strengthen our defenses and wait for us to find them in the past.”

After Jiang Tian and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they all felt very reasonable, and then said to the north side, "Boss, what are your plans now?"

"Let's study it when all of them have leveled up." Lin Hua pointed to Li Jie and the others and said.

Not long after, Li Jie and the others all woke up one after another. Li Jie, Heisha, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, successfully reached the second level of the epic, but none of Gu Tian, ​​Gui Wu, Xue Wu, and Huo Guang The impact was successful.

After Lin Hua saw that they were all done, he said directly, "Now we have two options. One is to wait for the boss of the cottage to come and find us, and the other is to go to the cottage to find them."

Several people thought about it after hearing what Lin Hua said. Li Jie said directly, "Boss, if we go to the cottage at this time, they will definitely strengthen their defenses. I think it's better to wait for them to come to us. Let's wait here." them"

"I feel that we should go to the cottage, because there may not be any zombies from that cottage in this forest, and there may be other powerful zombies," Gu Tian continued.

"Yes, although they have stepped up their guard, didn't the second head of the Cyclops also say that their strength is that although those zombies are quite powerful, we should be able to deal with them, so I decided to go to the cottage." Beibei followed said
Then several people began to discuss for a long time, and finally decided to go directly to the cottage.

At this time, the second-handed cyclops ancient zombie warrior has returned to the cottage, and is reporting in the hall of the cottage with a zombie who looks basically the same as the second-handed cyclops ancient zombie warrior, but this zombie does not have one eye like the one-eyed dragon. Both eyes are present, and a key hangs around his neck.

"Second brother, the person you mentioned was tired and snatched your key, and even injured you." The ancient zombie warrior of the master said angrily, slapping the table.

"Yeah brother, that human stole my key, but it was not that human who hurt me, but a monkey, but I can feel that the human is not weak, it should be the strongest among them "The second master Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said.

"Then how does his strength compare to mine?" said the cottage owner.

"Although I feel that he is quite strong, but I think he should not be your opponent, brother, but he should also want to snatch your key, said the second-in-charge Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

"By the way, second brother, that person is so powerful, you were injured like this, how did you get it back?" said the ancient zombie warrior, the owner of the cottage, touching the key hanging on his chest.

The second-handed one-eyed ancient zombie warrior heard his elder brother asking him this and sighed, "After that human snatched my key, he promised me to answer some of his questions. If I tell him the truth, he will let me go."

Then the second master Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior told his elder brother everything, and the owner of the village, the Ancient Zombie Warrior, couldn't help but said after hearing this, "Second brother, you are confused, how can you tell them the strength of the village? How could they have come, I think they have run away now"

The second leader, Cyclops, an ancient zombie warrior, heard his elder brother say this and couldn't help but say, "Brother, if I didn't tell the truth at that time, that human would definitely kill me."

After hearing the words of the second leader Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, the ancient zombie warrior of the cottage said, "Forget it, let's gather people now, hoping to catch up with these humans and snatch those two keys back." The ancient zombie warrior said When you're done, go outside.

And the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior and those zombie warriors in the hall followed suit.After the master ancient zombie warrior came out of the hall, he pulled out his weapon directly from the weapon rack outside. It was a long drawn halberd, somewhat similar to a long spear, but instead of a spear head at the front, there were three sharp spears. head.

Then the owner of the cottage quickly walked down the mountain with more than 200 powerful zombies, because he thought that Lin Hua and the others must have escaped, so he wanted to recover which two keys Lin Hua snatched back. .

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were walking towards the cottage in the direction that the second-hand Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said. At this time, Lin Hua and the others did not know that the ancient zombie warrior, the owner of the cottage, had come down the mountain to find them.

Lin Hua and the others walked forward while keeping an eye on the surrounding environment to prevent other zombies from coming to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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