Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 577 Can You Run Away?

Chapter 577 Can You Run Away?
All of this happened in an instant. When the owner of the cottage saw that he was surrounded by Lin Hua, he obviously showed some shocked expressions on his face and said, "I decided to leave the key now and stay with my brother. What do you think?" "

The cottage owner knew when he saw Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies appearing. He should not be Lin Hua's opponent now. He blocked the retreat in time, so he planned to agree to Lin Hua's initial condition, to keep her brother and the key, in exchange for his own life.

After hearing the words of the cottage owner, Lin Hua couldn't help snorting coldly, "I gave you a chance just now, and I said I had a chance just once. You didn't agree just now. Don't you feel like it's too late to promise you now?"

After hearing what Lin Hua said, the ancient zombie warrior, the owner of the cottage, immediately felt that the idea of ​​wanting Lin Hua to let him go was gone, because Lin Hua's meaning was already obvious, and you can't escape today. .

Then he snorted coldly, "Do you really think I'm afraid of you? I just don't want to fight to the death with you."

Lin Hua simply ignored the words of the cottage owner, and directly controlled the two supernatural bodies, and at the same time swung the eight strange cold swords to stab the ancient zombie warrior of the cottage owner.

The ancient zombie warrior, the owner of the cottage, saw that Lin Hua ignored him and attacked him directly. He knew it was wrong, so he hurriedly waved his painting halberd to resist the attack of Lin Hua's body.

"Bang" the halberd of the ancient zombie warrior of the village master was directly blocked by Lin Hua's body, and the eight strange cold swords of the two supernatural beings in the back were about to stab the ancient zombie warrior of the village master The body is up!

The owner of the village, the ancient zombie warrior, was in a hurry. He took back the halberd and swung it backwards. Once again, he blocked the attack of the Lin Hua supernatural body on the left behind Lin Hua. However, when he wanted to block the remaining one The attack of Lin Hua's supernatural body is already impossible.

Because Lin Hua's remaining supernatural body's Baqi Hanjian had already pierced the village owner's ancient zombie warrior at a distance of less than ten centimeters, and it was impossible for her to block it with a halberd at such a short distance. .

"Pfft..." Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword directly pierced the left abdomen of the ancient zombie warrior's body, and the cottage owner saw that he had been hit, and swung it directly. With her painting halberd, she stabbed Lin Hua's supernatural body fiercely. At the same time, Lin Hua's body and the remaining supernatural body directly stabbed the ancient zombie warrior's body with the Baqi cold sword.

"Puff puff puff" three times in a row, the halberd of the ancient zombie warrior of the village owner pierced one of Lin Hua's supernatural powers, and that supernatural body dissipated directly with Lin Hua's supernatural powers.

The eight strange cold sword of Lin Hua's body pierced the heart of the ancient zombie warrior of the village master, and the eight strange cold sword of the supernatural body Lin Hua pierced the right arm of the ancient zombie warrior of the village master.

"Bang" because the heart of the ancient zombie warrior, the owner of the cottage, was pierced by Lin Hua's body, and he died immediately, falling heavily to the ground.

And the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior let out a heart-piercing voice "Brother" after seeing his brother died in Lin Hua's hands.

But when the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior was distracted to look at his brother, Beibei's sharp claws directly scratched her head, and she also died on the spot, and then took out the second-in-chief Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior's body After heteronucleus, go and help others.

After Lin Hua killed the ancient zombie warrior who was the owner of the cottage, he took out her different core and put it in his pocket. The remaining supernatural body that controlled her also went to help.

Thanks to the help of Lin Hua and Beibei, the remaining less than ten ancient zombie warriors were quickly killed, and then Lin Hua and the others began to collect the heterogeneous cores left by these ancient zombie warriors.

"Boss, do you think we need to go to that cottage to have a look? I think there must be zombies in that cottage." After collecting the different cores, Li Jie said suddenly when Lin Hua and the others were resting.

"Yes, Boss, I think this cottage is not far from our place, let's go directly to clean up all the remaining ancient zombie fighters in that cottage, that's all," Gu Tian continued.

Lin Hua thought for a while that the owner of the cottage came here so quickly, so it means that the village is not too far away from their current location, and it is impossible for the owner of the ancient zombie warrior to kill all the ancient zombie warriors. If they were brought here, then there must still be some ancient zombie warriors left in the cottage. After thinking about this, Lin Hua said directly, "Okay, let's go now and clean up this cottage."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he immediately summoned the ice dragon, and then all of Lin Hua and the others climbed directly on top of the ice dragon. Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and went in the direction of the cottage mentioned by the second master Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

After Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to move forward for about 10 minutes, he saw a hill in front of him, and then he saw the cottage surrounded by some logs on the hill. From a distance, he could see a few rickety The ancient zombie warrior!

"Boss, this should be the cottage mentioned by the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior," Li Jie said, pointing to the cottage on the hill.

"That's needless to say, what is it if it's not a cottage? Haven't you seen on TV that all the bandits in the mountain live like this?" Gu Tian said angrily.

Lin Hua directly controlled the ice dragon to rush into the cottage, and when the ancient zombie warriors in the cottage saw Lin Hua and the others, they all took up their weapons and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others.

And Lin Hua directly controlled the ice dragon to attack these ancient zombie warriors, because none of them were very strong, they were all amethyst-level, so Lin Hua didn't plan to let everyone go down to fight these zombies!

Soon the remaining low-level ancient zombie fighters in the cottage were wiped out by Lin Hua's ice dragon, and then Lin Hua and the others went down to collect the heterogeneous cores left by these ancient zombies.

At this moment, Li Jie was very depressed. He thought that the remaining ancient zombie warriors in this cottage were at least of extraordinary level, but he didn't expect that they were all ancient zombie warriors of Amethyst level.

"I said, Li Jie, don't be depressed. It's better to have different cores than no different cores." Gu Tian said with a smile when he saw Li Jie who was somewhat depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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