Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 587 The Extremely Corrosive River

Chapter 587 The Extremely Corrosive River
"Let's take a look." After Li Jie finished speaking, he walked to the small river to see if there were any fish in it, but in this small river, there were not even aquatic plants, let alone fish.

Gu Tian and the others were also very curious, how could there be no fish in such a small river, so they all came to watch the small river one after another.

"There must be something wrong with this small river. There is nothing alive in it. Maybe the river water is poisonous." Huo Guang said after watching the small river.

"Yeah, there must be something wrong with Xiaohe, I don't think we should wash our faces here anymore." Murongxian said after listening to Lin Hua and the others, looking at Xiaohe.

"By the way, isn't it possible to check whether silver is poisonous? Whoever has silver and checks it knows it?" Xue Wu said to several people.

"I have acupuncture silver needles here" Gutian said to several people, then took out a silver needle from her bag and handed a silver needle to Xuewu, because Gutian is a doctor, so he carries acupuncture silver needles with him It's a very normal thing.

After Xuewu took the silver needles, she directly touched the water of the small river with the needles of the silver needles, but the shiny silver needles just now, when they touched the water of the small river, a puff of black smoke slowly rose, and then the needles of the acupuncture moxibustion The silver needles slowly corroded away.

"Ah..." Murong Xian immediately screamed after seeing the silver needles being corroded. Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared. The water in this small river can even corrode the silver needles, so their skin is nothing!If they hadn't been stopped by Lin Hua just in time, they might have been disfigured after washing their faces with the river water.

"It's no wonder there aren't any living things in this small river. It's so corrosive, how could there be any living things living in it?" Gu Tian said, looking at the corroded silver needle.

"That's right, the corrosiveness of this river water is really strong, even sulfuric acid can't keep up with this," Li Jie on the side continued.

"Okay, okay, everyone is fine now, it's best, let's go, let's continue walking forward, Lin Hua walked forward after speaking to a few people.

"Boss, thank you so much just now, if it wasn't for you, the three of us might have been disfigured already." Xuewu said gratefully to Lin Hua.

"Yes, thank you, Boss," Gui Wu continued.

And Li Jie and the others all know what a woman's face will become if her face is destroyed, because the ghost dance used to mean that her face was destroyed. Killing him is still [-] times more painful.

"Why are you being polite to me, just be more careful in the future," Lin Hua said lightly.

"Lin Hua, I said what if, if I washed my face just now and my appearance was ruined, would you still want me?" Murong Xian suddenly asked Lin Hua.

Lin Hua touched Murong Xian's head and said, "Even if your face is ruined, little fool, you are still my Murong Xian, how could you not want me?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian said to Lin Hua, "After my face is ruined, I may become very ugly."

"It's okay, no matter how ugly you become, I want you, because the most beautiful you are already in my heart." Lin Hua said softly, what Lin Hua said was the truth, even if Murong Xian's appearance was destroyed, Then he will not want Murong Xian, he will do his best to find the Rejuvenating Water to restore Murong Xian's appearance, just like a ghost dance.

After hearing Lin Hua's words just now, Murong Xian was secretly delighted, and then said to Lin Hua, "If I am disfigured, I will commit suicide. I don't want you to see me turn ugly."

After hearing Murong Xian's words, Lin Hua couldn't help but smiled and said, don't worry, you won't have such a day with me here.

"Yes, sister-in-law, don't think about those problems. Even if your appearance is destroyed, the boss will find you all over the world to restore your original appearance." Li Jie said to Murongxian.

Because Murong Xian had never heard of the Rejuvenating Potion, he asked Lin Hua directly what the Rejuvenating Potion was, and then Gui Wu, who had the most right to speak, began to tell Murong Xian her stories, not all of them, just Pick some important ones and talk to Murong Xian.

"Ah, I didn't expect that there is such a miraculous thing in this world that can restore a ruined appearance." Murong Xian couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"There are still many surprising things in the future." Gui Wu said with a smirk after hearing Murong Xian's words.

"By the way, President Lin, I was also very curious just now, why did you know that there was a problem with that small river?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua in front of him.

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing after hearing Huo Guang's words, "Generally, places with water are full of life, but the area around the small river is lifeless, there is no life at all, so it's normal to be vigilant."

"Oh, so that's how it is." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang said to himself. Now he can say that he admires Lin Hua from the bottom of his heart, because he was also by the river just now, but he didn't After discovering this, Lin Hua found out, so he reminded Murongxian and the others in time. Lin Hua is not only powerful, but also very smart and careful.

Regarding Lin Hua's theses, Huo Guang felt ashamed to be inferior to Lin Hua.

However, when Lin Hua and the others walked not too far ahead, they heard a particularly urgent sound coming from the front. Lin Hua was very familiar with this sound, because he had heard this sound when he first entered the death canyon. footsteps.

After hearing the hurried footsteps ahead, Li Jie and the others held their weapons tightly, ready to fight at any time.Then Lin Hua said to several people, "Everyone, be careful, the ones coming should be ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor and holding daggers. It sounds like the minimum number is more than 30."

Lin Hua's guess was correct, there were really more than 30 ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor, but two of the more than 30 ancient zombie warriors were wearing gold armor, and these ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor were all It is the strength of the first level of epic, and the ancient zombie warriors wearing golden armor are all of the second level of epic strength. Six ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor form a small team, and three small teams form a large team. One captain is in charge. Captain It is the ancient zombie warriors wearing golden armor of the second level of the epic. Although their armors are different, they use the same weapons, all of which are short swords.

The ancient zombie warriors of these two teams were patrolling nearby. After discovering Lin Hua's aura, they rushed over and planned to kill Lin Hua and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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